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Clearwater Books Books

JEFFREY EUGENIDES: Middlesex. A novel JAVIER MARÍAS: The Infatuations. A novel. Translated from the Spanish of 'Los Enamoramientos' by Margaret Jull Costa CHRISTOPHER REID: Nonsense. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
ALAN BENNETT: The Habit of Art. A play. (SIGNED) JOHN MASTERS: Loss of Eden Trilogy. Complete in three volumes comprising 'Now, God be Thanked' [and] 'Heart of War' [and] 'By the Green of the Spring' HENRY WILLIAMSON: A fourpage extract from 'Tarka the Otter' appears in an issue of the monthly periodical 'Men Only'. Vol. 5, no. 17, April 1937
IAN RANKIN: Standing in Another Mans Grave. A Rebus novel. (INSCRIBED) DAVID GARNETT: The Sailor's Return. With a frontispiece by Ray Garnett (the author's first wife). (INSCRIBED) SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER: Mr. Fortune's Maggot. A novel
R.S.HAWKER: Footprints of Former Men in Far Cornwall. Edited with an introduction by C.E.Byles. With illustrations by J.Ley Pethybridge LLEWELYN POWYS: Dorset Essays. With forty photographs by Wyndham Goodden. (INSCRIBED) T.F.POWYS: Mr. Weston's Good Wine. A novel
JOHN FOWLES: The Aristos. A Self-Portrait in Ideas. Essays. (INSCRIBED) JOHN COWPER POWYS: Maiden Castle. A novel. With a prefatory note by Malcolm Elwin LLEWELYN POWYS: Thirteen Worthies. Essays. With a preface by Van Wyck Brooks
JOHN COWPER POWYS: Rodmoor. A Romance. With a new two-page preface by G.Wilson Knight BILL NAUGHTON: On the Pig's Back. An Autobiographical Excursion [and] Saintly Bill. A Catholic Boyhood PENELOPE FITZGERALD: Charlotte Mew and Her Friends
DYLAN THOMAS: Welsh Dylan. An Exhibition to Mark the Twentieth Anniversary of the Poet's Death. With a foreword by Meic Stephens EDWARD SEAGO: Tideline. The Ebb and Flow of Memory and Experience EILUNED LEWIS: Dew on the Grass. A novel. With a prefatory letter from Charles Morgan and colour pictorial endpapers and a dust wrapper design by Eve Garnett
EILUNED LEWIS: The Leaves of the Tree. A novel. (INSCRIBED) JOHN MINTON. Alan Ross: Time Was Away. A Notebook in Corsica. Written by Alan Ross and with illustrations by John Minton GEORGE LAMMING: Of Age and Innocence. A novel
GEORGE LAMMING: Season of Adventure. A novel. With a preface by C.L.R.James. (INSCRIBED) OSBERT LANCASTER: The Alarms and Excursions of Lady Littlehampton. With drawings by the author OSBERT LANCASTER: Progress at Pelvis Bay. With forty-four illustrations by the author
OSBERT LANCASTER: Homes Sweet Homes. With thirty-four predominantly full-page drawings by the author OSBERT LANCASTER: London Night and Day. Edited by Sam Lambert and with illustrations by Osbert Lancaster OSBERT LANCASTER: Façades and Faces. With illustrations by the author
OSBERT LANCASTER: Sailing to Byzantium. An Architectural Companion. With illustrations by the author WOODY ALLEN: Without Feathers WENDY COPE: Love, Life and The Archers. Recollections, Reviews and Other Prose. (SIGNED)
MAHATMA GANDHI. R.K.Prabhu and U.R.Rao: The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi. Compiled by R.K.Prabhu and U.R.Rao, and with a foreword by Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan PETER HALL: A Celebration of the Life and Work of Peter Hall PETER MAY: The Lewis Trilogy. Complete in three volumes comprising 'The Blackhouse' [and] 'The Lewis Man' [and] 'The Chessman'
PETER MAY: A Silent Death. A novel. (SIGNED) JANET FRAME: An Angel at My Table EDWARD BAWDEN: contributes a two-colour cover illustration to an issue of the weekly magazine 'The Listener and B.B.C. Television Review'. Vol. LXIV, no. 1645. Thursday, October 6, 1960
EMYR HUMPHREYS: Hear and Forgive. A novel EMYR HUMPHREYS: The Italian Wife. A novel EMYR HUMPHREYS: Outside the House of Baal. A novel. (SIGNED)
G.S.FRASER: The Traveller Has Regrets and Other Poems. (INSCRIBED) CRICKET. H.S.Altham, John Arlott, E.D.B.Eagar and Roy Webber: Hampshire County Cricket. The Official History of the Hampshire County Cricket Club. (EXTENSIVELY SIGNED) ANDREW YOUNG. John Betjeman: Andrew Young. Prospect of a Poet. Essays and Tributes by Fourteen Writers (including John Betjeman). Edited and introduced by Leonard Clark, and with a preface by John Masefield
PATRICK O'BRIAN: The Fortune of War. A Jack Aubrey novel JOANNE HARRIS: The Evil Seed. A novel. (INSCRIBED) C.S.FORESTER: Hornblower and the Hotspur. A novel
MARY WESLEY: Speaking Terms. A novel. With illustrations by Sarah Garland ROBIN ODELL: Exhumation of a Murder. The Life and Trial of Major Armstrong. With research by J.H.H.Gaute and H.B.Trumper, and a foreword by Edgar Lustgarten. (INSCRIBED) ORSON WELLES: Mr. Arkadin. A novel
MORDECAI RICHLER: Cocksure. A novel WILBUR SMITH: Cry Wolf. A novel DOROTHY L.SAYERS: contributes her twenty-seven verse poem 'The Priest's Second Tale: The Master-Thief' to the anthology The New Decameron. Volume the Second, Containing the Second Day
GEORGE H.LEONARD: Someone Else is on Our Moon RUTH RENDELL: One Across, Two Down. A novel ERIC AMBLER: The Dark Frontier. A novel
JAMES M.CAIN: Three of a Kind. Three novellas NORMAN LEWIS: A Dragon Apparent. Travels in Indo-China EDWARD MOGG: Mogg's Great Western Railway and Windsor, Bath and Bristol Guide. Accompanied by A Large Official Map of the Line, an Account of the Bristol and Exeter Railway, and Notice of the Cheltenham and Great Western Union Railway; to which is added an Accurate List of Hackney Coach and Car Fares, from the Paddington Station to All Parts of London
ROBERT CONQUEST: Poems DAVID RAIKES: The Poems of David Raikes. With a lengthy introduction by Charles Wrinch KURT VONNEGUT: Hocus Pocus. A novel. (SIGNED)
JACK HIGGINS: Exocet. A novel. (SIGNED) DAVE STEWART: Sweet Dreams Are Made of This. A Memoir. With a foreword by Mick Jagger. (INSCRIBED) WILLIAM YOUNG DARLING (published anonymously): Hades! The Ladies! Being Extracts from the Diary of a Draper Charles Cavers, Esquire, late of Bond Street London, West. With a foreword by 'Sacheverell Smith' [i.e. the author]. (SIGNED)
EDWARD ABBEY: Fire on the Mountain. A novel FRANCIS ADAMS. Aubrey Beardsley: A Child of the Age. A novel EVELYN SHARP. Aubrey Beardsley: At the Relton Arms. A novel
GERTRUDE DIX. Aubrey Beardsley: The Girl from the Farm. A novel WILLIAM SHARP (writing as 'Fiona Macleod'). Aubrey Beardsley: The Mountain Lovers. A novel ANNIE SOPHIE CORY (writing as 'Victoria Crosse'). Aubrey Beardsley: A Woman Who Did Not. A novel
JOHN SMITH. Aubrey Beardsley: Platonic Affections. A novel THOMAS HARDY AND FLORENCE HENNIKER: In Scarlet and Grey. Stories of Soldiers and Others [and] The Spectre of the Real ERNEST BRAMAH: Max Carrados Mysteries. Stories
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