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Clearwater Books Books

RUDOLF BINDING: A Fatalist at War. Translated from the German of 'Aus dem Kriege' by Ian F.D.Morrow JOHN LE CARRÉ: The Naïve and Sentimental Lover. A novel. (SIGNED) HAROLD PINTER: Mac. (INSCRIBED)
SAMUEL BECKETT: Three Occasional Pieces ALAN BENNETT: Untold Stories. (INSCRIBED) DAVID STOREY: The Changing Room. A play
LAWRENCE DURRELL: Cities Plains and People. Poems ERIC GILL: Christianity and the Machine Age ALAN AYCKBOURN: Joking Apart, Just Between Ourselves and Ten Times Table. Three Plays
ROGER LONGRIGG: Daughters of Mulberry. A novel AUSTIN CLARKE: The Impuritans. A play AUSTIN CLARKE: Liberty Lane. A Ballad Play of Dublin in Two Acts. With a brief note and a prologue by the author, and a wood-engraved frontispiece by Tate Adams
STANLEY MORISON: German Incunabula in the British Museum. One Hundred & Fifty-Two Facsimile Plates of Fine Book-Pages from Presses of Germany, Germany-Switzerland and Austria-Hungary Printed in the Fifteenth Century in Gothic Letter and Derived Fonts. With an introduction by Stanley Morison JULIAN SYMONS: Julian Symons at 80. A Tribute. Edited, with an introduction by Patricia Craig. (GAVIN EWART'S COPY) RUDYARD KIPLING: Captains Courageous. The Story of the Grand Banks. A novel. With illustrations by I.W.Taber
GERALD SCARFE: Scarfeface. (SIGNED) ROSEMARY SUTCLIFF: The Flowers of Adonis. A novel T.E.LAWRENCE. Eric Lönnroth: Lawrence of Arabia. An Historical Appreciation. Translated from the Swedish by Ruth Lewis
MATTHIEU AIKINS: The Naked Don't Fear the Water. An Underground Journey with Afghan Refugees. (SIGNED) MICHAEL CHABON: Wonder Boys. A novel. (SIGNED) SEAMUS HEANEY: Aeneid Book VI. A New Verse Translation
JAMES LEES-MILNE: Through Wood and Dale. Diaries 1975-1978 ARCHIBALD MACLEISH: America Was Promises. A poem W.H.DAVIES: contributes his three verse poem 'The Flirt' to an issue of the periodical 'To-Day'. Vol. 6, no. 31, September 1919. Edited by Holbrook Jackson
ROBERT GRAVES: contributes his hitherto unprinted poem 'The Troll's Nosegay' to an issue of the periodical 'To-Day'. Vol. 7, no. 37, March 1920. Edited by Holbrook Jackson W.H.DAVIES: contributes his three verse poem 'To Bacchus' to an issue of the periodical 'To-Day'. Vol. 8, no. 44, December 1920. Edited by Holbrook Jackson W.H.DAVIES: contributes his twelve-line poem 'When Love is Young' to an issue of the periodical 'To-Day'. Vol. 9, no. 52, December 1922. Edited by Holbrook Jackson
ANNIE LEIBOVITZ: American Music TONY HARRISON: From The School of Eloquence and Other Poems TONY HARRISON: Dramatic Verse 1973-1985. (SIGNED)
TONY HARRISON: V. A poem. (INSCRIBED) TONY HARRISON: The Mother of the Muses. A poem TONY HARRISON: Losing Touch. In memoriam George Cukor, died 24,1.83. (DELUXE ISSUE; INSCRIBED)
TONY HARRISON: Tony Harrison. Edited by Neil Astley. (SIGNED AND INSCRIBED) TONY HARRISON: The Gaze of the Gorgon. Poems. (INSCRIBED) TONY HARRISON: Faber Playwrights at the National Theatre. With an introduction by Alan Bennett. (SIGNED AND INSCRIBED)
D.J.ENRIGHT: In the Basilica of the Annunciation JOHN PIPER. Anne Ridler: The Jesse Tree. With drawings by John Piper PHILIP ROTH: The Prague Orgy. A novella. (SIGNED)
RICHARD POWERS: The Time of Our Singing. A novel WILLIAM GOLDING: The Scorpion God. Three Short Novels MICHÈLE ROBERTS: In the Red Kitchen. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
IAIN SINCLAIR: London. City of Disappearances. Edited by Iain Sinclair. (SIGNED) EDWARD GOREY (writing as 'Ogdred Weary'): The Curious Sofa. (SIGNED) RODDY DOYLE: The Van. A novel. (SIGNED)
WILLIAM HOLMAN HUNT: Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Complete in two volumes ERIC RAVILIOUS. John van Druten, G.B.Stern, A.E.Coppard, Sean OFaolain, Norah Hoult, Hamish Maclaren, Elizabeth Bowen, Ronald Fraser and Malachi Whitaker: Consequences. A Complete Story in the Manner of The Old Parlour Game in Nine Chapters, Each by a Different Author. [Edited and with an epilogue by A.E.Coppard] CLIFFORD WEBB. Patrick Miller: Ana the Runner. A Treatise for Princes & Generals Attributed to Prince Mahmoud Abdul. With engravings by Clifford Webb
CECIL ALDIN AND J.B.MORTON: Who's Who in the Zoo. With verses by J.B.Morton and drawings by Cecil Aldin GIOVANNI PISANO. Michael Ayrton: Giovanni Pisano. Sculptor. With an introduction by Henry Moore LÉON BAKST. Raymond Lister: The Muscovite Peacock. A Study of the Art of Léon Bakst. With a memoir by Simon Lissim. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ROBERT GIBBINGS AND A.E.COPPARD: Rummy. That Noble Game. Expounded in Prose, Poetry, Diagram and Engraving by A.E.Coppard and Robert Gibbings. With an Account of Certain Diversions into the Mountain Fastnesses of Cork and Kerry ERIC RAVILIOUS. Christopher Marlowe: The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta. As it was played before the King and Queen, in His Majesties Theatre at White-Hall, by her Majesties Servants at the Cock-pit. With four magnificent wood engravings by Eric Ravilious ARTHUR BOYD: Pushkin's Fairy Tales. Translated from the Russian by Janet Dalley, with an introduction by John Bailey, and with lithographs by Arthur Boyd
PHILIP RICKMAN. H.B.C.Pollard and Phyllis Barclay-Smith: British and American Game Birds. With a chapter on 'Shooting in America' by Eugene V.Connett, and with illustrations by Philip Rickman ERIC RAVILIOUS. Aaron Smith: The Atrocities of the Pirates; being a Faithful Narrative of the Unparalleled Sufferings Endured by the Author during his Captivity among the Pirates of the Island of Cuba; with an Account of the Excesses and Barbarities of those Inhuman Freebooters. Together with a Copious and Explicit Report of his Subsequent trial at the Old Bailey. With engravings by Eric Ravilious JOHN NASH: Friends. Being a Few Appreciations with Examples of Type and a Miscellany of Illustrations
KATE GREENAWAY: Almanack for 1883 ERIC GILL. Hilary Pepler: Concerning Dragons. A Rhyme by H[ilary] D[ouglas] C[lark] P[epler] with engravings by A[rthur] E[ric] R[owton] G[ill] ERIC GILL: The Story of how Amnon Ravished his Sister Thamar for which Absalom Killed him, as it is Written in the Second Book of Kings
HENRY CAREY AND ROBERT GIBBINGS: Songs & Poems. With decorations by Robert Gibbings. (SIGNED) CHRISTOPHER WHITFOLD AND JOHN O'CONNOR: Together and Alone. Two short novels by Christopher Whitfield, with engravings by John O'Connor. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) CHARLES WHYMPER: Egyptian Birds. For the Most Part Seen in the Nile Valley. With illustrations by the author
MARCUS B.HUISH: British Water-Colour Art in the First Year of the Reign of King Edward the Seventh, and During the Century Covered by the Life of The Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. Illustrated by the Collection of Drawings Dedicated by that Society to Their Majesties the King and Queen at Their Coronation JESSIE M.KING: Kirkcudbright: A Royal-Burgh. A Book of Drawings VERVE: Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. Calendar. With text provided by Henri Malo
VERVE: Les Fouquet de la Bibliothèque Nationale. With text by E.A.van Moé and a preface by Paul Valéry JOHN FARLEIGH. Monica Poole: The Wood Engravings of John Farleigh ERIC GILL. Edward Johnston: Manuscript & Inscription Letters for Schools and Classes & for the use of Craftsman. With five plates by Eric Gill
GERALD SCARFE: Line of Attack. (SIGNED) WILLIAM SIEGEL. Clarence Forestier-Walker: Romance of a Harem. Translated from the French of 'Dans l'ombre du Harem' by Clarence Forestier-Walker, and with illustrations by William Siegel YOSHIO MARKINO: The Colour of Paris. Historical, Personal & Local. Edited by Lucien Descaves. With an introduction by Léonce Bénédite and illustrations and a twelve-page essay by Yoshio Markino
HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Golden Virgin. Volume six of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight' MARIANNE MOORE. [Andrew Crozier]: Collected Poems DON DELILLO: Underworld. A novel
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