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Clearwater Books Books

MAX BILL: Max Bill. Five Decades. The catalogue of a 2011 exhibition at Annely Jude Fine Arts HAMISH FULTON. Ben Tufnell and Andrew Wilson: Hamish Fulton. Walking Journey. With contributions by Bill McKibben and Doug Scott JOHN PIPER. David Fraser Jenkins: John Piper. The Forties
CAMILLE SILVY. Mark Haworth-Booth: Camille Silvy. Photographer of Modern Life BEN NICHOLSON: Ben Nicholson. A catalogue of an exhibition ROBYN DENNY. David Alan Mellor: The Art of Robyn Denny
R.BUCKMINSTER FULLER: Your Private Sky. R.Buckminster Fuller. The Art of Design Science. Edited by Joachim Krausse and Claude Lichtenstein ANNIE LEIBOVITZ: At Work RICHARD LONG: Mountains and Waters
HENRY MOORE. W.J.Strachan: Henry Moore: Animals SEAN SCULLY. Brian Kennedy: Sean Scully. The Art of the Stripe SAM WAGSTAFF. Philip Gefter: Wagstaff: Before and After Mapplethorpe. A Biography
WILLIAM ARCHIBALD: The Innocents. A New Play Based on The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. With drawings by the author ROBERT BRIDGES. Catherine Phillips: Robert Bridges. A Biography. (PLUS ALS) DAVID MAMET: Glengarry Glen Ross. A play
WENDY TAYLOR. Edward Lucie-Smith: Wendy Taylor. A monograph. (INSCRIBED) DAME JULIANA BERNERS: The Boke of Saint Albans. Containing Treatises on Hawking, Hunting, and Corte Armour. With an introduction by William Blades S.C.DEAN AND R.M.GARD: The Stockton and Darlington Railway 1825
A.S.BYATT: Wordsworth and Coleridge in their Time JAVIER CERCAS: Outlaws. A novel. Translated from the Spanish of 'Las Leyes de la Frontera' by Anne McLean. (INSCRIBED) BARBARA MOORE-PATALEEWA: I am a Women from Soviet Russia
N.K.NAPIER: Seaview; or The Secret Formula. A Thrilling Story of Adventure and Mystery. (INSCRIBED) TIM SEBASTIAN: Exit Berlin. A novel. (SIGNED) CHARLOTTE MENDELSON: The Exhibitionist. A novel. (SIGNED)
GEORGE MPANGA (writing at 'George The Poet'): Search Party. Poems. (WITH SIGNED SLIP) ALAN SILLITOE: The Second Chance and Other Stories. (INSCRIBED) TOM WOLFE: The Bonfire of the Vanities. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
NORMAN ACKROYD: The Secret Painter. The catalogue of a 2005 exhibition at The Fine Art Society. With an essay, 'The Waters and the Wind', by Christopher Frayling. (INSCRIBED) EDWARD S.CURTIS. Barbara A.Davies: Edward S.Curtis. The Life and Times of a Shadow Catcher. With an appreciation by Beaumont Newhall and a foreword by Bill Holm BRIAN SELZNICK: Wonderstruck
RALPH STEADMAN: Gonzo. The Art. With a two-page foreword by Hunter S.Thompson L.P.HARTLEY: The Betrayal. A novel ZOË HELLER: Everything You Know. A novel. (SIGNED)
PATRICK O'BRIAN: The Reverse of the Medal. An Aubrey / Maturin novel CLAIRE TOMALIN: Mrs Jordan's Profession. The Story of a Great Actress and a Future King. (INSCRIBED) PATRICIA CORNWELL: Quantum. A novel. (SIGNED)
MARISHA PESSL: Special Topics in Calamity Physics. A novel NEIL GAIMAN: American Gods. A novel ROGER MCGOUGH: As Far As I Know. Poems. (SIGNED)
VIRGINIA MCKENNA: The Life in My Years. (SIGNED) JOHN MORTIMER: Rumpole à la Carte. (INSCRIBED) JOHN AJVIDE LINDQVISY: Let the Right One In. Translated from the Swedish of 'Låt Rätte Komma In' by Ebba Segerberg
TIMOTHY WEST: A Moment Towards the End of the Play. An autobiography. (INSCRIBED) RICHARD FLANAGAN: First Person. A novel. (INSCRIBED) S.S.VAN DINE: The Casino Murder Case. A Philo Vance Story
S.S.VAN DINE: The "Canary" Murder Case. A Philo Vance Story HILARY MANTEL: An Experiment in Love. A novel WALLACE STEVENS: contributes his eleven-verse poem 'St. Armorer's Church from the Outside' to the second issue of the short-lived periodical 'Platform'. Edited by Frederick Woods
PHILIP LARKIN: contributes his seven-verse poem 'Revenant' to the fourth and final issue of the short-lived periodical 'Platform'. Edited by Frederick Woods E.L.MAYO: Poems ROBERT GARIOCH: contributes his hitherto unprinted three-verse poem 'Thochts During a Music Festival' to the third issue of the short-lived periodical 'Platform'. Edited by Frederick Woods
ANDRÉ ACIMAN: Call Me By Your Name. A novel. (SIGNED) ANDRÉ ACIMAN: Eight White Nights. A novel. (SIGNED) GEORGE MACDONALD FRASER: The Reavers. A novel. (SIGNED)
GEORGE MACDONALD FRASER: Quartered Safe Out Here. A Recollection of the War in Burma. (SIGNED) GEORGE MACDONALD FRASER: The Candlemass Road. A novel. (SIGNED) GEORGE MACDONALD FRASER: Mr. American. A novel. (SIGNED)
GEORGE MACDONALD FRASER: The Pyrates. A novel. (SIGNED) GEORGE MACDONALD FRASER: The Light's on at Signpost. (SIGNED) TONY HARRISON: A large promotional black and white photograph of the poet and playwright posing next to a Gatlin gun, specially designed for the National Theatre production of his play 'Square Rounds'. (SIGNED)
GEORGE MACDONALD FRASER: The complete Flashman novels, comprising Flashman, Royal Flash, Flash for Freedom, Flashman at the Charge, Flashman in the Great Game, Flashman's Lady, Flashman and the Redskins, Flashman and the Dragon, Flashman and the Mountain of Light, Flashman and the Angel of the Lord, Flashman and the Tiger [and] Flashman on the March. (SIGNED) JOHN LE CARRÉ: The Tailor of Panama. A novel. (SIGNED) JOHN LE CARRÉ: Single & Single. A novel. (SIGNED)
JOHN LE CARRÉ: Absolute Friends. A novel. (SIGNED) JOHN LE CARRÉ: The Little Drummer Girl. A novel. (SIGNED) JOHN LE CARRÉ: The Russia House. A novel. (SIGNED)
JOHN LE CARRÉ: The Secret Pilgrim. A novel. (SIGNED) JOHN LE CARRÉ: Our Game. (SIGNED) JOHN LE CARRÉ: Our Game
JOHN LE CARRÉ: The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. A novel. (SIGNED) JOHN LE CARRÉ: The Looking-Glass War. A novel. (SIGNED) JOHN COLLIER: His Monkey Wife; or Married to a Chimp
ANNE FADIMAN: At Large and at Small. Confessions of a Literary Hedonist. (SIGNED) MARGA MINCO: The Fall. A novella. Translated from the Dutch of 'De Val' and with an introduction by Jeanette Kalker Ringold HAVELOCK ELLIS: Sonnets with Folk Songs from the Spanish
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