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Clearwater Books Books

EDWARD THOMAS. Dannie Abse: Modern Poets in Focus: 1. Edited by Dannie Abse EDWARD THOMAS: In Pursuit of Spring. With illustrations by Ernest Hazelhurst [i.e. Ernest Haslehust] PATRICK O'BRIAN: The Mauritius Command. Volume 4 of the Jack Aubrey / Stephen Maturin sequence. (UNCORRECTED PROOF)
FLORA THOMPSON. Lynton Lamb: Lark Rise. With drawings by Lynton Lamb JULIAN SYMONS. Wyndham Lewis: Confusions About X. Poems. With a portrait frontispiece drawing of the author by Wyndham Lewis B.TRAVEN: Der Karren. A novel
RICHARD WRIGHT: Pagan Spain THOMAS D.DISCH: The Genocides. A novel WILLIAM KENNEDY: The Ink Truck. A novel
HARRY MATHEWS: Tlooth. A novel. (PUBLISHER'S FILE COPY) ARTHUR WALEY: A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems. Translated and introduced by Arthur Waley JACK WOMACK: Terraplane
C.DAY LEWIS: The Friendly Tree. A novel DENNIS WHEATLEY: The Man Who Missed the War. A novel WILLIAM COOPER: From Early Life. A memoir. (INSCRIBED)
WILLIAM COOPER: Immortality at Any Price. A novel. (SIGNED) NOËL COWARD: Spangled Unicorn. An Anthology. "Edited, with an introduction" by Noël Coward CITIZENSHIP CERTIFICATE: Certificate of Citizenship of the United States of America
HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Village Book GRANT ALLEN: The African Millionaire. Episodes in the Life of the Illustrious Colonel Clay PAUL MULDOON: Plan B. Poems. With photographs by Norman McBeath. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ALDOUS HUXLEY: Those Barren Leaves. A novel ALICE WALKER: Her Blue Body Everything We Know. Earthling Poems 1965-1990 Complete. (SIGNED) ANTHONY POWELL: Afternoon Men. A novel
RODDY DOYLE: Rory & Ita. (SIGNED) ALVAH C.BESSIE: Dwell in the Wilderness. A novel MICHAEL FABER: The Crimson Petal and the White. A novel. (SIGNED)
RUTH FAINLIGHT: The Region's Violence. Poems. (INSCRIBED) RUTH FAINLIGHT: Climates. Poems. (INSCRIBED) ELIE WIESEL: The Judges. A novel
RONALD FIRBANK: La Princesse aux Soleils and Harmonie. With English Versions by Edgell Rickword, an introductory note by Miriam J.Benkovitz and illustrations by Philippe Jullian ALISTAIR CAMPBELL: Wild Honey. Poems CERI RICHARDS. Mel Gooding: Ceri Richards. A monograph
VACHEL LINDSAY. [J.W.Haines]: General William Booth Enters into Heaven and Other Poems. With an introduction by Robert Nichols WILLIAM FAULKNER: The Town. A novel WILLIAM FAULKNER: Mosquitoes. A novel. With an introduction by Richard Hughes
ORHAN PAMUK: The New Life. A novel. Translated from the Turkish of 'Yeni Hayat' by Güneli Gün MARIANNE MOORE: A special Marianne Moore issue of the periodical 'Sagetrieb. A Journal Devoted to Poets in the Imagist / Objectivist Tradition'. Vol. 6, No. 3, winter 1987. Edited by Carroll F.Terrell and guest-edited by Celeste Goodridge A.L.BARKER: The Gooseboy. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
WILLIAM EASTLAKE: Castle Keep. A novel F.R.HIGGINS: Island Blood. Poems. With a foreword by A.E GEORGE MACKAY BROWN: The Sun's Net. Stories
JOHN GAWSWORTH. [J.W.Haines]: Lyrics to Kingcup. With a Note on the Love Lyric by Wilfrid Gibson. (INSCRIBED) KEN SMITH: Work, Distances. Poems. (INSCRIBED) BERNARD MALAMUD: The Tenants. A novel
WILLIAM FAULKNER: The Reivers. A Reminiscence HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Linhay on the Downs and Other Adventures in the Old and the New World V.S.NAIPAUL: A Turn in the South. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
WALTER PATER: Marius the Epicurean. His Sensations and Ideas. A novel. Complete in two volumes ERIC PARTRIDGE: Pirates, Highwaymen and Adventurers. An anthology, edited with an introduction by Eric Partridge WALTER DE LA MARE: Henry Brocken. His Travels and Adventures in the Rich, Strange, Scarce-Imaginable Regions of Romance
THOMAS HARDY. Dora Sigerson: A Dull Day in London and Other Sketches. With an introductory note by Thomas Hardy JAMES LAVER: His Last Sebastian and Other Poems. (INSCRIBED) PAUL GÉRALDY (published anonymously): La Guerre, Madame. (INSCRIBED)
MARTIN ARMSTRONG. Eric Ravilious: Desert. A Legend. With woodcuts by Eric Ravilious (his first bookform illustrations) RIGBY GRAHAM: J.H.Mason R.D.I. A Selection from the Notebooks of a Scholar-Printer, made by his son John Mason. With illustrations by Rigby Graham. (SIGNED) CHRISTOPHER LOGUE: Wand and Quadrant. Poems
IAIN SINCLAIR: Significant Wreckage. Poems. (SIGNED) TIM O'BRIEN: If I Die in a Combat Zone JULIO CORTÁZAR: End of the Game and Other Stories. Translated from the Spanish by Paul Blackburn
JOHN BETJEMAN. John Piper: Old Lights for New Chancels. Verses Topographical and Amatory. (SIGNED) JOHN ASHBURY: Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror. Poems HUGH WALPOLE: All Souls' Night. A Book of Stories
JAMES LAUGHLIN: In Another Country. Poems 1935-1975. Selected by Robert Fitzgerald. (INSCRIBED) ROBERT NYE: Faust. A novel. (DEDICATION COPY) JOHN BUCHAN: Les Trente-Neuf Marches [et] La Centrale d'Énergie. Translated from the English of 'The Thirty-Nine Steps' and 'The Power Plant' by Thęo Varlet
CRAIG RAINE: A Free Translation. Poems. (SIGNED) WILLIAM ALLINGHAM: By the Way. Verses, Fragments and Notes by William Allingham. Arranged by Helen Allingham. (INSCRIBED) PAUL MORAND. Hester Sainsbury: Earth Girdled. Translated from the French of 'Rien que la Terre' by Charles-Emile Roche and with woodcuts by Hester Sainsbury
DOUGLAS BADER. Laddie Lucas: Flying Colours. The Epic Story of Douglas Bader. (SIGNED) EDITH OLIVIER. Rex Whistler: Country Moods and Tenses. A Non-Grammarian's Chapbook HENRY WILLIAMSON. C.F.Tunnicliffe: The Lone Swallows and Other Essays of Boyhood and Youth. With illustrations by C.F.Tunnicliffe
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