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Clearwater Books Books

P.D.JAMES: Shroud for a Nightingale. An Adam Dalgliesh mystery. (SIGNED) JOYCE GRENFELL: In Pleasant Places. Memoirs. (INSCRIBED) ELLIS PETERS: The Devil's Novice. The Eighth Chronicle of Brother Cadfael. (SIGNED)
ADRIAN HENRI: Tonight at Noon. Poems VERA BRITTAIN: Testament of Experience. An Autobiographical Story of the Years 1925-1950 ROGER MCGOUGH: Watchwords. Poems. (SIGNED, PLUS PROOF)
PETER SHERIDAN: 44. A Dublin Memoir. (SIGNED) ALLAN MALLINSON: 1914: Fight the Good Fight. Britain, the Army and the Coming of the First World War. (SIGNED) PATRICK O'BRIAN: contributes his story 'A Passage of the Frontier' to an issue of the periodical 'The Cornhill'. No. 1079, spring 1974
FREDERICK TAYLOR: The Berlin Wall. 13 August 1961-9 November 1989 DYLAN THOMAS. Constantine Fitzgibbon: Selected Letters of Dylan Thomas. (PLUS UNCORRECTED PROOF) PAT BARKER: The Regeneration Trilogy. Comprising her novels 'Regeneration', 'The Eye in the Door' and 'The Ghost Road'. (SIGNED)
ERICH MARIA REMARQUE: All Quiet on the Western Front. Translated from the German by A.W.Wheen ALLAN MALLINSON: The Sabre's Edge. A Matthew Hervey novel. (SIGNED) TONY HARRISON: The Misanthrope. (SIGNED)
HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Children of Shallowford ALAN PATON: Debbie Go Home and Other Stories. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) T.F.POWYS: Fables. Stories. With four drawings by Gilbert Spencer. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
T.E.LAWRENCE: The Mint. A Day-book of the R.A.F. Depot between August and December 1922. With later notes by 352087 A/c Ross (i.e. T.E.Lawrence) JOHN FOWLES: Mantissa. A novel. (SIGNED) SIMON ARMITAGE: Killing Time. A poem. (SIGNED)
HOWARD JACOBSON: Peeping Tom. A novel M.E.KÄHNERT: Jagdstaffel 356. Translated from the German by Claud W.Sykes GERTRUDE STEIN: Geography and Plays. With an introduction, 'The Work of Gertrude Stein', by Sherwood Anderson
J.MACLAREN ROSS: Of Love and Hunger. A novel ANTHOLOGY. H.B.Elliott (editor): Lest We Forget. A War Anthology. Edited by H.B.Elliott and with a foreword by Baroness Orczy GREAT WAR: With the First Canadian Contingent. Published on Behalf of the Canadian Field Comforts Commission
HILAIRE BELLOC: The Modern Traveller. Verses by H[ilaire] B[elloc] and pictures by B.T.B. [i.e. Lord Basil Temple Blackwood] HILAIRE BELLOC: The Highway and Its Vehicles. Edited by Geoffrey Holme HILAIRE BELLOC. Nicholas Bentley: New Cautionary Tales. Verses by Hilaire Belloc with drawings by Nicholas Bentley
GEORGETTE HEYER: Royal Escape. a novel IRIS MURDOCH: A Severed Head. A novel GRAHAM SUTHERLAND. William Boyd: Graham Sutherland. A monograph
SEAMUS HEANEY: Among Schoolchildren RICHARD ELLMANN: Four Dubliners. Wilde, Yeats, Joyce and Beckett DAI SIJIE: Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress. Translated from the French of 'Balzac et la Petite Tailleuse Chinoise' by Ina Rilke
A.ALVEREZ: Night. An Exploration of Night Life, Night Language, Sleep and Dreams. (INSCRIBED) FREDERICK FORSYTH: The Negotiator. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) ROALD DAHL: Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life. Stories. With illustrations by John Lawrence
PHILIP LARKIN. Andrew Motion: Philip Larkin. A Writer's Life IRIS MURDOCH: The Red and the Green. A novel LLEWELYN POWYS: The Verdict of Bridlegoose
T.S.ELIOT. Hugh Ross Williamson: The Poetry of T.S.Eliot V.S.NAIPAUL: Half a Life. A novel. (SIGNED) CAROL ANN DUFFY: Selling Manhattan. Poems. (SIGNED)
TED HUGHES. John Redmond: Ted Hughes. Poet Laureate 1984-1998. A Memorial Tribute WILFRED THESIGER: My Kenya Days. (SIGNED) TERRY SOUTHERN: Flash and Filigree. A novel
XAN FIELDING. Patrick Leigh Fermor: A Hideous Disguise. With a foreword by Patrick Leigh Fermor and a tipped-in portrait of the author by Amy Nimr G.K.CHESTERTON: The Wild Knight and Other Poems DASHIELL HAMMETT: The Maltese Falcon. A novel
LLEWELYN POWYS AND ROBERT GIBBINGS: The Twelve Months. Designed, and with wood engravings by Robert Gibbings. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) JOHN CROWE RANSOM: Chills and Fever. Poems. (INSCRIBED, WITH ALS) R.W.MOSS: Wartime Memories 1914-18. Poems
G.S.FRASER: The Fatal Landscape and Other Poems DAVID TURNER: Semi-Detached. A Comedy ROBERT GRAVES: Whipperginny. Poems
ROBIN BENN, ROBERT SMITH, DENNIS BIRCH AND ALAN WHITE: Poets in Battledress. A Book of War-Time Verse WILLIAM PLOMER: A Choice of Ballads. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) SIR JOHN FRENCH: The Despatches of Sir John French. Mons, The Marne, The Aisne, Flanders
SYDNEY TREMAYNE: Tatlings. Epigrams. With drawings by Fish. With a one-page introduction by E.Huskinson, editor of 'The Tatler', where both author and artist first appeared in print C.F.TUNNICLIFFE. Harcourt Williams: Tales from Ebony. With thirty-two wonderfully vibrant colour plates by C.F.Tunnicliffe. (SIGNED) ARLAND USSHER: The Mines of Siberiay. A New Ballad of Rooshian Rodie and Pawnbroker Liz. With an illustration by Nelson Paine
MARGARET ATWOOD: Cat's Eye BARBARA TRAPIDO: The Travelling Hornplayer. (SIGNED) PETER EVERETT: The Voyages of Alfred Wallis. A novel
JEROEN OLYSLAEGERS: Will. A novel. Translated from the Dutch of 'Wil' by David Colmer LOUIS MACNEICE: The Last Ditch. Poems IAN URBINA: The Outlaw Ocean. Crime and Survival in the Last Untamed Frontier
HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Labouring Life. (DOUGLAS JORDAN'S COPY) CHARLES WILLIAMS: Divorce. Poems DAVID BURNETT. Simon Brett: Nine Poets. With wood engravings by Simon Brett, printed from the original blocks. (INSCRIBED)
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