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Lukonin, Mikhail: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes] Smirnov, Sergey: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes] Bezimenskiy, Aleksandr: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes]
Kazin, Vasiliy: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes] Kasatkin, A. S: Elektricheskie izmereniya = [Electrical Measurements] Stender-Petersen, Ad (ed.): Anthology of Old Russian Literature
Jess (Jess Collins), by or in the style of: Original Collage of a Homosexual Paradise Feininger, Lyonel: Church Tower with Waning Moon (Fantasy). Gebäude mit Mondsichel. (Set of 5) Jottrand, Lucien: Art russe. Souvenir de l'exposition d'Art Russe Palais des Beaux-arts de Bruxelles Inauguration des Locaux. Mai-Juin 1928
Levertov, Denise, Adrienne Rich, Archibald MacLeish: Ten Broadside Poems and Old Wooden Ampersands from The Art of the Book course at Saybrook College, Yale, 1986 DePol, John: John Marshall (1755-1835) DePol, John: Old Oil Wells, Pennsylvania
DePol, John: Old Pipelines Pennsylvania DePol, John: The L.A. Beeghly Library, Juniata College, Huntington, Pennsylvania John DePol: Nebraska Shakespeare Festival, 1987
Hoover, Herbert; Will Irwin (foreword); John Depol (illustrations): A Boyhood In Iowa. Prospectus only DePol, John: The Art & Technique of Wood engraving. Poster DePol, John: Announcement for Fifth Annual Book Arts Seminar
Steward, Samuel M: Love Poems: Homage to Housman. (Signed) United States Army: Something Money Can't Buy. War Department Civilian Service Awards. Your Campaign Ribbons Crumbo, Woody: Star Light. (2 blue deer)
Crumbo, Woody: Running Deer Crumbo, Woody: Desert (2 blue deer) Malanga. Gerard: From The Piper of a Sleeping Nation: from Charles [Olson], a Proposal for Sheri.(Signed & numbered)
Galloway, Lyle: Sailboat in Calm Seas Galloway, Lyle: Sailboat in Rough Seas Moulin, Irvbgng: San Francisco Surgical Society. May 20, 1959
Adams, Ansel: Photograph of Yosemite on Christmas Dinner Menu for Dept. of Speech and Drama of Stanford University at The Ahwahnee Bickel, Alexander Mordecai: The Caseload of the Supreme Court and What, if Anything, to Do About it and Alexander Mordecai Bickel, 1924-1974 Yale Law Journal: Yale Law Journal. Volume 82, Number 7
Yale Law Journal: Yale Law Journal. Volume 83 Number 5.In Honor of James William Moore Kurland, Philip: Curia Regis: Some comments on the Divine Right of Kings and Courts.. Harvard Law School: Harvard Law School. 1983
Vermeij, J: Platte Grond van Amsterdam. nieuwe verbeterde uitgavbe van V.V.V. 'T Koggeschpip Linden, Soifer, Brawer, Hill, Bogarty: Twenty-fifth Reunion Class Book: Yale University, Class of 1969 Shakespeare, William and John Fletcher: Facsimile of the Epilogue to the Two Noble Kinsmen
Jordan-Smith, Paul: To buy Books because they are cheap or because they are dear is to proclaim oneself a fool Reichner, Herbert: Signed letter regarding the William Morris Centenary Number of Philobiblon Smoktunovsky, Innokenti: Collection of photographs of the Russian-Jewish Actor Innokenti Smoktunovsky (birth name Smoktunovich)
Korn , Erik [Eric Korn and Francis Bacon]: Wreden maketh a full man [Reading Maketh a Full Man]. [4 bookmarks] Ruyle, John: Peter B. Howard. A Portrait by John Ruyle Graham, Rigby and Peter Hoy: Fishpaste Fifteen
Graham, Rigby and Lyman Andrews: Fishpaste Nineteen McCord Margaret and Adrian Wright: Fishpaste Seventeen. (Rocks near Ardtole Point.) Grabhorn Press: Hallcrest Santa Cruz Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon, 1947, Estate Bottled by Hallcrest Vineyard, Felton, Santa Cruz County, California, Alcohol by Volume 12 1/2 Per Cent
Stephen's Green Club, Dublin: Stephen's Green Club, Dublin - Guest Privileges Notice Berkson, Bill and Philip Guston: Negative Frost, Robert: Away and the Prophets Really Prophesy as Mystic
Johnston, Alastair: Unser Englische Reise Barlow, Jr.,William P. and Wade C. Hughan: Celebrating the seventy-fifth birthday of William P. Barlow, Jr Cohen, Scott: Marge
Kling, Joseph: THE PAGANThe PaganA Magazine for Eduaemonists. Vol. V, no. 2 Nin, Anais: Prospectus for A Spy In the House of Love by Anais Nin Shelley, Percy Bysshe: To the Moon
Southern California institute of Architecture: Offramp. Volume 1, No. 1 Jonas, Stephen: Transmutations Sätty (Wilfried Podriech): All Night Long. [Poster for the Magic Theatre production of play by John O'Keefe.]
Sanchez, Stephanie: Stephanie Sanchez. Small oil paintings Warhol, Andy: Interview, Volume IX, Number 4 Raine, Kathleen: Raine/Watkins Letters: Correspondence between Kathleen Raine, Vernon Watkins, Gwen Watkins, and others
Weber, Al: [Portrait] Haberman, Mark L: [Black and white photograph of clasped hands] Tanner, Wesley: Garlic Week
Conner, Bruce: Poets of the Cities: New York and San Francisco 1950-1965 Coach House Press: Eight postcards from Coach House Press Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, Francesco Fanciulli: [Sheet Music] The Stricken City
Wilder, Thornton: ALS postcard from Thornton Wilder to Gladys Campbell Ray, Violet (Paul Semonin): Fliers from Advertising the Contradictions Anonymous: Angel Poems
McClure, Michael: Interpenetration Black Elk: Offering the Pipe Charters, Samuel: [Paste-up] of Those Who Died: A Poem of the Spring of 1945
Hoyem, Andrew: Vengeance Piercy, Marge: When the Drouth Broke Whalen, Philip: Three Mornings
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