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Hippogryph Press: Announcement of a Rare Specimen Book of the Printing Types Available at the Hippogryph Press in Williamstown, Massachusetts
Nash, John Henry: Summer-Time
Wiley, Hugh: Home for Christmas: California in the '60s
Dillon, Richard H: Al Shumate, Bookman, 1904-1998
Edmunds, John and Leonard Ralston: Fifth Annual ART Festival presents...Three Concerts under the Direction of the Campion Scoiety, Palace of FIne Arts, San Franicsco, October 17, 19 and 21, [1951]
Ramey, Earl: Coast and Valley Towns of Early California: Marysville, July 1938
Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital, School for Paramedics (San Francisco, Calif.) and H. .Eiland: Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital, School for Paramedics. Commencement Exercises, March 29, 1984
Sandy (Wayne State University Press): ALS from Sandy (of Wayne State University Press) to Toby Regarding The Third Coast: Contemporary Michigan Poetry
Gray, Don and Esther Cubinar: A Party in Celebration of the Marriage of Don Gray & Esther Cubinar
Intersection (San Francisco, Calif.): Intersection Tuesday Nights Poetry Series flyer, featuring poets David Plumb, Andrei Codrescu, Jack Hirschman, Mark Linenthal and Jan Zaleski
Monday, James: Prospectus for Architecture & Poetry Series
Friends of the Bancroft Library (Berkeley, Calif.): The Bancroft Library and Its Friends. With List of Annual Keepsakes
Howell, John: The Schedule of A Series of Twelve Historical Talks on the Bible
Howard, Esmé Joy: Salutatory Oration Delivered on Class Day, June 2nd 1984, at Northfield Mount Hermon School, Massachusetts
Lawson, John Howard: Cover design for John Howard Lawson's The Hidden Heritage: A Rediscovery of the Ideas and Forces That Link the Thought of Our Time with the Culture of the Past
Hamper, Ben: Excerpts from Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line
Salt-Works Press (Dennis, Mass.): Books in Print
Curio, Ventinus: Valentinus Curio
Prakticheskaya grammatika; kratkie svedeniya iz etimologii i sintaksa = [Practical grammar; short notes from etimology and syntax]
Henry, O: Izbrannie rasskazi; dlya nachalnogo cheteniya na angliiskom yazike = [Selected stories; for beginner readers of English]. Volume 1
Baratinskiy, I.A: Esteticheskie i literaturno-kriticheskie vzglyadi = [Esthetic and literary-critical views]
Fridman, M. (ed.): Russkiy yazik; teksti, kommentarii, uprazhneniya = [Russian language; reading, commentary, exercises]
Afanasiev, A. N: Russkie detskie skazki = [Russian children's stories]
Vlasova, Z.N: Anglo-russkiy slovar' = [Anglo-Russian Dictionary]
Milne, A. A: Vinni Puh = [Winnie-the-Pooh]
Tolstoy, Alksey: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of essays]
Radishev, A.R: Putishestvie iz Petreburga v Moskvu = [Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow]
Sokolov, A.I: Ob iskustvennom sputnike zemli; sbornik nekotorih teoreticheskih rabot zarubezhnih uchenih = [On the faux sputnik of the earth]
Byleeva, L., Taborko, M., Shitik, S: Igri i razvlecheniya = [Games and attractions]
Medvedev, Pavel: V laboratorii pisatelya = [In the writer's lab]
Stanuta, A.A: Postizhenie cheloveka; tvorchestvo Dostoevskogo 1840-1860 = [Comprehension of man; the art of Dostoevskiy 1840-1860]
Shtokmar, M.P: Issledovania v oblasti russkogo narodnogo stihoslozheniya = [Research in Russian poetry writing]
Mochulskiy, K: Dostoevskiy; zhizn' i tvorchestvo = [Dostoevskiy; Life and works]
Vagner, U.N., Knyaz'kova, S.A. (eds.): Detskaya inceklopedia = [Children's Encyclopedia]. Volume 4
Vagner, U.N., Knyaz'kova, S.A. (eds.): Detskaya inceklopedia = [Children's Encyclopedia]. Volumes II, III, IV, V
Cizevskij, Dmitrij: On Romanticism in Slavic Literatures
Remizov, Aleksey: Bezpriyutnaya = [Homeless: A Monastic Take]
Goncharov: Oblomov; Roman = [Oblomov; a novel]. Part 1 of 4
Woods, Henry: To VIrgil on His Twentieth Centenary A.D. MCMXXX
Weber, Francis J: The Books of the California Missions
Baglivi, Giorgio: The Preposterous Reading of Books Excerpted from The Practice of Physick, Giorgio Baglivi, London 1704
Sinclair, MacD: Official Program, 29th Annual Convention, the International Association of Printing House Craftsmen, Inc., Hotel Cleveland, August 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 1948, Cleveland, Ohio
California Historical Society (San Francisco, Calif.): California Historical Society
Charles Campbell Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.) and Peter Allegaert: Peter Allegaert: Recent Paintings
Acker, Susan and Jennifer Larson: Highspotter and Sweetie-Pie
Held, Walter J: A Man and His Company: An Appreciation
Charles Campbell Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.) and Peter Allegaert: Ellen Frank: After the Silence. New Paintings
Shumate, Albert: New Year's Song, 1876
Gulliver, Lemuel: Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, Part II: A Voyage to Brobdingnag [and the Coast of California] as Shown on the Map Inside
Burgess, Gelett: Ballad of the Hyde Street Grip: A San Francisco Rhapsody
Huckleberry Press (Incline Village, Nev.) and Richard C. Schulze: Prospectus for Leatherneck Square: Poems by Richard C. Schulze, Major General, USMC
Jacaranda Press (El Cerrito, Calif.): [Books by] Jacaranda Press
Keep, Rosalind A: Coast and Valley Towns of Early California, No. 10: Benecia and Surroundings
Janes, John F: The Different Nations Represented in the Cosmopolitan City of San Francisco
Surkov, A. A. (ed.): Kratkaya literaturnaya inceklopedia = [Abridged literary encyclopedia]
Bonch-Bruevich, V. D. (ed.): Ezhegodnik muzeya istorii religii i ateizma = [Annual journal on the history of religion and atheism]
Ivanov, V.V: Kratkiy ocherk istoricheskoi fonetiki russkogo yazika = [Abridged notes on the history of phonetics of the russian language]
Frank, Joseph: Dostoevsky: The Years of Ordeal, 1860-1859
Frank, Joseph: Dostoevsky: The Seeds of Revolt, 1821-1849
Frank, Joseph: Dostoevsky: The Years of Revolt, 1850-1859
Wasiolek, Edward: Fyodor Dostoevsky; the notebooks for Crime and Punishment
Wasiolek, Edward: Fyodor Dostoevsky; the notebooks for Brothers Karamazov
Mihailov, A.V. Ed: Kontekst; literaturno-teoreticheskie issledovaniya 1989 = [Context; literary-theoretical research 1989]
Gudziy, N.K: Istoriya drevenei russkoi literaturi = [The history of ancient Russian literature]
Gibson, A. Boyce: The Religion of Dostoevsky
Dolmatovskiy, Evgeniy: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes ]
Shipachev, Stepan: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes]
Zharkov, Aleksandr: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes]
Gribachev, Nikolay: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes]
Utkin, Iosif: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes]
Svetlov, Mikhail: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes]
Sel'vinskiy, Ilya: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes]
Dudin, Mikhail: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes]
Oshanin, Lev: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes]
Martynov, Leonid: Rossiya rodina moya; biblioteka russkoi sovetskoi poezii v 50 knigah = [Russia, my homeland; library of Russian-Soviet poetry in 50 volumes]
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