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NEVILLE DUKE AND EDWARD LANCHBERY: Sound Barrier. The Story of High-Speed Flight PHILIP LARKIN: Philip Larkin 1922-1985. A Tribute. Edited by George Hartley DORIS LESSING: The Grass is Singing. A novel
JOHN UPDIKE: Endpoint and Other Poems T.E.CARHART: The Piano Shop on the Left Bank. The Hidden World of the Paris Atelier. (SIGNED) TED HUGHES: Selected Translations. Edited with an introduction by Daniel Weissbort
C.F.TUNNICLIFFE: Tropical Birds [and] Asian Wild Life. Illustrated and described by C.F.Tunnicliffe DEAN R.KOONTZ: A Darkness in My Soul. A novel WILLIAM GOLDING: Pincher Martin. A novel. (SIGNED)
JAMES FARRAR. Henry Williamson: The Unreturning Spring. Being the Poems, Sketches, Stories and Letters of James Farrar. Edited and with an introduction by Henry Williamson P.D.JAMES: Death of an Expert Witness. An Adam Dalgliesh mystery MINETTE WALTERS: The Ice House. A novel. (SIGNED)
ELLIS PETERS: The Hermit of Eyton Forest. The Fourteenth Chronicle of Brother Cadfael. (SIGNED) EDWARD THOMAS: [Selected Essays] ROBERT BUCHANAN: David Gray, and Other Essays, Chiefly on Poetry
PETER QUENNELL. Albert Rutherston: Inscription on a Fountain-Head. With drawings by Albert Rutherston. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) KATHARINE CAMERON: Na Daoine Sidhe / Gaelic Fairy Tales. Edited by Winifred M.Parker and with illustrations by Katharine Cameron and Rachel Ainslie Grant Duff STEPHEN CRANE: The Little Regiment and Other Episodes of the American Civil War
MAY SARTON: Inner Landscape. Poems RAY BRADBURY: The Silver Locusts JOHN MCGAHERN: The Leavetaking. A novel
ROBERT GIBBINGS. Herbert Palmer: The Roving Angler. With wood engravings by Robert Gibbings J.B.PRIESTLEY: Papers from Lilliput. Essays R.K.NARAYAN. Graham Greene: The Financial Expert. A novel. With a two-page introduction by Graham Greene
SACHEVERELL SITWELL: The Cyder Feast and Other Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) REMY DE GOURMONT. Arthur Ransome: A Night in the Luxembourg. Translated from the French of 'Une Nuit au Luxembourg' by Arthur Ransome, who also provides a preface and a biographical appendix EUGENE O'NEILL: Thirst. And Other One Act Plays
DANNIE ABSE: edits and introduces the first (and only) issue of the periodical 'Verse'. No. 1. Winter 1947 PHILIP LARKIN: The North Ship. Poems D.H.LAWRENCE: The Prussian Officer and Other Stories
R.A.KNOX: Juxta Salices PETER BLAKE: Paris Escapades. With an interview by Marco Livingstone and commentaries by the artist. (SIGNED) ROY CAMPBELL. (Wyndham Lewis, Richard Aldington, Lawrence Durrell &c.): Hommage a Roy Campbell. Choix de poemes, traduits par Armand Guibert. (Text in French). With illustrations
MARTIN AMIS: Other People: A Mystery Story HENRY WILLIAMSON. Lois Lamplugh: A Shadowed Man: Henry Williamson 1895 1977. With a foreword by Richard Williamson HELEN SPALDING: What Images Return. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
LUCIAN FREUD: On Paper HENRY WILLIAMSON: Tarka the Otter. His Joyful Water-Life and Death in the County of the Two Rivers. With an introduction by the Hon. Sir John Fortescue BERYL BAINBRIDGE: Injury Time. A novel
W.S.MERWIN: The Moving Target. Poems ALICE THOMAS ELLIS: The Sin Eater YANN MARTEL: The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios. Stories. (SIGNED)
PAUL THEROUX: Fresh-Air Fiend. Travel Writings 1985-2000 A.E.VAN VOGT: The Mind Cage. A Science-Fiction Novel MARCEL PAGNOL: The Time of Love. Translated from the French by Eileen Ellenbogen
FLORENCE TURNER: At the Chelsea DEREK WALCOTT: Tiepolo's Hound. A poem. With twenty-six colour-plates reproducing the author's paintings ARTHUR DOUGLAS: The Noah's Ark Murders
SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER: Twelve Poems. With a preface by Peter Pears ROBERT MCLACHLAN WILSON (writing as 'R.McL Wilson'): The Gnostic Problem. A Study of the Relations between Hellenistic Judaism and the Gnostic Heresy JOHN COWPER POWYS: Wolf Solent. A novel
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT: Salammbô. Translated from the French ("Englished") by M.French Sheldon, and with an introduction by Edward King ALAN CAMPBELL: Colditz Cameo. Being a Collection of Verse Written by a Prisoner of War in Germany 1940-1945 NEVIL HENSHAW: Tiger Bayou. A novel
JOHN SWANNELL: Twenty Years On. With a foreword by Bob Geldof. (INSCRIBED) BURGESS DRAKE. Mervyn Peake: The Book of Lyonne. With line drawings and eight colour plates by Mervyn Peake WILLIAM TREVOR: Angels at the Ritz and Other Stories
FRANK TUOHY: Live Bait and Other Stories. (SIGNED) F.M.ORTAS: Fifty Centimos. A novel. Translated from the Spanish by Christopher Martin FRANCIS WARNER: Nightingales. Poems: 1985-1996. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
FREDERIC LORD LEIGHTON. Ernest Rhys: Frederic Lord Leighton. Late President of the Royal Academy of Arts. An Illustrated Record of His Life and Work GREGYNOG PRESS. Michael Hutchins: Printed at Gregynog / Argraffu yng Ngregynog. Aspects of a Great Private Press. With illustrations DESMOND O'GRADY. (Louis MacNeice interest): The Dark Edge of Europe. Poems
JAMES FENTON AND JOHN FULLER: Partingtime Hall. Poems STIRLING MOSS: A Turn at the Wheel. Illustrated with photographs JAMES A.MICHENER: Sayonara. A novel
BERTHOLD WOLPE: Berthold Wolpe. A Retrospective Survey ROBERTO SANESI: Information Report. Translated from the Italian with an introduction and notes by William Alexander HEATH ROBINSON AND K.R.G.BROWNE: How to Make a Garden Grow
T.P.O'CONNOR: Epic War Stories of the Mercantile Navy WILFRED TREMELLEN: The Three Squadrons UNDERGROUND PRESS. I.T: I.T. (International Times). Issue 56, May 9-22 1969
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