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UNDERGROUND PRESS. I.T: I.T. (International Times). Issue 64, September 12-25 1969
JOHN BETJEMAN: contributes his poem 'The Song of a Cold World' to Public School Verse. An Anthology. Volume V 1924-1925
JULIA MARGARET CAMERON. Helmut Gernsheim: Julia Margaret Cameron. Her Life and Photographic Work. With an introduction by Clive Bell
JACKDAW. Michael Rand, Howard Loxton and Len Deighton: The Assassination of President Kennedy. Compiled and designed by Michael Rand, Howard Loxton and Len Deighton
JOHN O'CONNOR: Canals, Barges and People. With superb colour engravings by the author
RUPERT BROOKE: Lithuania. A Play in One Act. With a preface by John Drinkwater
MIGNON G.EBERHART: Escape the Night
EZRA POUND: contributes the first printing of his prose piece 'The Curse' to the first issue of the uncommon periodical 'The Apple (of Beauty and Discord)'. First Quarter - Vol. 1, No. 1 1920
JOHN BETJEMAN: St. Mary-Le-Strand. A broadsheet poem
BRUCE GRAEME: La Belle Laurine
BRET HARTE. Pierre Falké: The Wild West. With pictures by Pierre Falké
L.S.LOWRY. H.W.Timperley: A Cotswold Book. With drawings by L.S.Lowry
T.H.JONES. (Dylan Thomas interest): The Enemy in the Heart. Poems 1946-1956
RAYMOND GARLICK: The Welsh-Speaking Sea. [Selected Poems 1949-1954]. (INSCRIBED)
HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Henry Williamson Society Journal. No. 1
HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Phasian Bird. With illustrations by Israel Doskow
WALTER PATER. Alastair: Sebastian Van Storck. With eight illustrations by Alastair and an introduction, 'The Artistry of Alastair', by P.G.Konody
YVOR WINTERS: The Proof. Poems
GEORGE HERBERT PERRIS: The Battle of the Marne
EDGELL RICKWORD: Behind the Eyes. Poems
JOAN LINDSAY (writing as 'Serena Livingstone-Stanley'): Through Darkest Pondelayo. An Account of the Adventures of Two English Ladies on a Cannibal Island. Edited by Rev. Barnaby Whitecorn D.D
THOMAS HARDY: How I Built Myself a House. An essay
H.E.BATES: Day's End and Other Stories
WILLIAM TREVOR: Mrs Eckdorf in O'Neill's Hotel. (SIGNED, PLUS PROOF)
JOYCE CARY: Marching Soldier. A poem
T.S.ELIOT (published anonymously): Ezra Pound. His Metric and Poetry
ROBERT GRAVES: Over the Brazier. Poems
LAURENCE STERNE. Eric Gill: A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy. Designed by Eric Gill (and printed in a type he composed specially for this book) with etchings by Denis Tegetmeier. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
JOHN NASH. Edmund Spenser: The Shepheardes Calender. Conteyning Twelve Ćglogues Proportionable to the Twelve Monethes
DYLAN THOMAS: From 'In Memory of Anne Jones'
STEPHEN SPENDER: I Sit at the Window. A broadsheet poem. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
PHILIP LARKIN: Hohe Fenster / High Windows. Translated from the English by Richard Glabotki
EUGENE O'NEILL: Beyond the Horizon and Gold. Two Plays
FORD MADOX FORD (writing as 'Ford Madox Hueffer'): The Soul of London. A Survey of a Modern City
FORD MADOX FORD (writing as 'Ford Madox Hueffer'): The Heart of the Country. A Survey of a Modern Land
ARTHUR SYMONS: Cities and Sea-Coasts and Islands
T.S.ELIOT: An Exhibition of Manuscripts and First Editions of T.S.Eliot
THOMAS WOLFE. George R.Preston Jr: Thomas Wolfe. A Bibliography
MALCOLM COWLEY: The Long Voyage. Selected Letters of Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1987. Edited by Hans Bak, with a foreword by Robert Cowley
JEFF ALLRED: American Modernism and Depression Documentary
DICKRAN TASHJIAN: A Boatload of Madmen. Surrealism and the American Avant-Garde, 1920-1950
DICKRAN TASHJIAN: Skyscraper Primitives. Dada and the American Avant-Garde 1910-1925
MAX WEBER: Max Weber. The Cubist Decade 1910-1920. The catalogue of a touring 1991-93 exhibition. With an essay by Percy North and an introduction by Susan Krane
HAROLD PINTER: contributes his poems 'New Year in the Midlands' and 'Chandeliers and Shadows' to an issue of the periodical Poetry (London), no. 19 (i.e. vol. 5, no. 19)
FRANCIS M.NAUMAN with BETH VENN: Making Mischief: Dada Invades New York
MALCOLM COWLEY: The Dry Season. Poems
ROBERT PENN WARREN: Eleven Poems on the Same Theme
ALBERT STIEGLITZ. Sarah Greenough: Modern Art and America. Alfred Stieglitz and His New York Galleries
SUE ANN PRINCE: The Old Guard and the Avant-Garde. Modernism in Chicago, 1910-1940. Edited by Sue Ann Prince
WALKER EVANS: Havana 1933
STEPHEN BURY: Breaking the Rules. The Printed Face of European Avant Garde 1900-1937. Edited by Stephen Bury
ALFRED A.KNOPF: Alfred A.Knopf. Quarter Century
ALFRED STIEGLITZ: Stieglitz and the Photo-Secession 1902. Edited by Catherine Johnson and with text by William Innes Homer
FRANCIS M.NAUMANN: New York Dada 1915-23
FORD MADOX FORD (writing as 'Ford Madox Hueffer'): The Critical Attitude
FORD MADOX FORD: Joseph Conrad. A Personal Remembrance
FORD MADOX FORD. Bernard J.Poli: Ford Madox Ford and the Transatlantic Review
ISAAC ROSENFELD: Passage from Home. A novel
ISAAC ROSENFELD: Alpha and Omega. Stories
MALCOLM COWLEY: The View From 80
WYNDHAM LEWIS: Mrs. Dukes' Million. A novel
CONRAD AIKEN: A special Conrad Aiken issue of the quarterly periodical 'Wake' (formally 'The Harvard Wake'). No. 11. [April] 1952
ALLAN TATE: A special Homage to Allan Tate issue of the quarterly periodical 'The Sewanee Review'. Vol. lxvii, no. 4. Autumn 1959
DYLAN THOMAS: F.W.Dupee contributes a thirty-one line review of Thomas' book 'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog' to an issue of the American liberal periodical 'The New Republic'. Vol. 103, no. 27. December 30, 1940
SHERWOOD ANDERSON: Horses and Men. Tales, Long and Short, from Our American Life
WYNDHAM LEWIS. Paul O'Keeffe: Some Sort of Genius. A Life of Wyndham Lewis
SIEGFRIED SASSOON. Paul Moeyes: Siegfried Sassoon. Scorched Glory. A Critical Study
RICHARD HOLMES: Sidetracks. Explorations of a Romantic Biographer. (SIGNED)
PHILIP LARKIN: Further Requirements. Interviews, Broadcasts, Statements and Book Reviews. Edited with an introduction by Anthony Thwaite
JOHN LANCHESTER: The Debt to Pleasure. A novel
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