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Chekhov, A.P: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [full collection of essays]. Volumes 10-12
Chekhov, A.P: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of essays]. Volumes 17 & 18
Chekhov, A.P: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of essays]. Volumes 1-13
Chekhov, A.P: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of essays]. Volumes 21-22
Korotky, V: Fables, Tales, Stories; after Lev Tolstoy
Pushkin, A.S: Cigani = [The Gipsies]
Lermontov, M.I: Taman
Victorova, M. Transl: Sharl Munch; ya derizher = [Charles Munsch; I am a conductor]
Petrash, V.V: Moryaki baltiiskogo flota v bor'be za pobedu oktyabrya = [Sea men of the Baltic fleet for the October victory]
Kalinskiy, I.P: Cerkovno-narodniy mesyaceslov na rusi = [Monology Guide]
Lermontiv, M. Yu: Demon
Yashtolad- Govorko, V.A: Fotosemka i obrabotka = [Photography and post-processing]
National Poetry Association: National poetry anthology 1953-54
Goethe, I.V: Faust
Kazakevich, E: Dom na ploshadi, sinyaya tetrad', rasskazi i ocherki = [The house on the square, blue notebook. stories and notes]
Tutchev, F.I: Stihotvoreniya, pisma = [Poems, letters]
Zinder, L.R: Obshaya fonetika = [General phonetics]
Bibishka, A: Pskovskiy oblastnoi slovar = [General dictionary of Pskov]
Slovar Yazika Pushkina: Slovar yazkia Pushkina = [Dictionary of Pushkin Word Usage]. Preliminary volume
Brodskiy, N.L. Ed: Gogol v vospominaniyah sovremennnikov = [Gogol in the memories of his contemporaries]
Il'in, Ivan: Put k ochevidnosti = [The pathway to evidence]
Savitzkaya, Lydia and Ivan Turgenev: Asya: A novella by Ivan Turgenev
Arbuzov, Aleksey: An Irkutsk Story; a new play by Aleksey (Alexis) Arbuzov
Institut Istorii Akademii Nauk SSSR: Istoricheskiy zhurnal = [Historic journal]
Losev, A.F: Kul'tura xx veka = [Culture of the 20th Century]
Yershov, Peter: Comedy in the Soviet Theater
Rashevskiy, P.K. Ed: Vysshaya algebra = [Algebra]
Permyakov, G.L: Osnovy strukturnoi paremiologii = [The basis of structural paremiology]
Konrad, N.I. Ed: Literatura drevnego Kitaya = [Literature of Ancient China; a collection of articles]
Frankfurt, U. I: Ocherki po istoirii specialnoi teorii otnositelnosti = [Notes on the history of specialized theory of relativity]
Tamma, I. E: Albert Inshtein; sobranie nauchnih trudov = [Albert Einstein; a collection of scientific works]. Volume 2
Soloviev, V.S: Chteniya o bogochelovechestve; filosovskaya publikaciya = [Reading on the subject of god and humankind; a philosophical publication]. Volume 2
Gumilev, Nikolay: Pis'ma o russkoi poezii; sochineniya = [Letters on Russian poesy. Volume 3
Dolinniy, A.S. Ed: F.M. Dostoevskiy v vospominaniyah sovremennikov = [F.M. Dostoevskiy in memories of his contemporaries]. Volume 2
Korolenko, Vladimir: Slepoi muzikant; etud = [The blind musician; etude]
Wilde, Oscar: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Oskara Wilda = [Full collection of essays by Oscar Wilde]. Volume 4
Wilde, Oscar: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Oskara Wailda = [Full collection of essays by Oscar Wilde]. Volume 2
Korolenko, Vladimir: Ocherki i rasskazi = [Notes and stories]. Volume 2
Shaw, Bernard: The Devil's Disciple: A Melodrama in Three Acts
Paryski, Marie and Roman Malach: A Practical Polish Grammar and Reading Exercises
Rogers, Francis M: The Quest for Eastern Christians: Travels and Rumor in the Age of Discovery
Turgenev, Ivan: First Love (Russian Reader IV)
Gorky, Maxim: Chelkash (Russian Reader III)
Bayne, Stephen F: The Faith, the Church and the University: A Report of a Conversation among Christians
Turgenev, Ivan: A Sportsman's Notebook
Hughes, Philip Edgcumbe: Creative Minds in Contemporary Theology: A Guidebook to the Principal Teachings of Karl Barth, G. C. Berkouwer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, et al
Lord Campbell, John: The Lives of the Chief Justices of England from the Norman Conquest till the Death of Lord Tenterden
Sleeth, Matthew and Alasdair Foster: Survey
Freud, Sigmund ; James Strachey and Anna Freud (eds. ): Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious
Grigorovich, D.V: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 10 = [Essays]. Vol. 10
Grigorovich, D.V: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 3 = [Essays]. Vol. 3
Korolenko, Vladimir: Istoriya moego sovremennika = [History of my contemporary]
Wilde, Oscar: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of essays]. Volume 1
Wilde, Oscar: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of essays]. Volume 3
Grigorovich, V.I: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 5 = [Essays]. Vol. 5
Grigorovich, V.I: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 11 = [Essays]. Vol. 11
Grigorovich, V.I: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 7 = [Essays]. Vol. 7
Grigorovich, V.I: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 4 = [Essays]. Vol. 4
Grigorovich, V.I: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 6 = [Essays]. Vol. 6
Gogol, N.V: Vechera na hutore bliz dikanki = [Evenings in the village near dikan'ka]
Grigorovich, D.V: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 1 = [Essays]. Vol. 1
Grigorovich, D.V: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 2 = [Essays]. Vol. 2
Grigorovich, D.V: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 9 = [Essays]. Vol. 9
Grigorovich, D.V: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 8 = [Essays]. Vol. 8
Korolenko, Vladimir: Bytovoe yavlenie = [A household occurence]
Thomas, W. (ed.): Le Poete Edward Young (1683-1765): Etude sur sa vie et ses oeuvres
Surtees, Virginia (ed.): The Diary of Ford Madox Brown
Hudson, Gertrude Reese (ed.): Robert Browning's Literary Life: From First Work to Masterpiece
Browning, Robert: Letters of Robert Browning to LIsa Blagden 1855-1872
Browning, Robert: Balaustion's Adventure: Including a Transcript from Euripedes
Robert F. Warner, Inc: The 1961/62 Digest of Convention Locations
Hergott, Fabrice and Bowles/Sorokko Galleries (San Francisco, Calif.): New Paintings by Pierre-Marie Brisson, Featuring a Selection of Paintings from the 1997 Exhibition at Musée Faure, Aix-les-Bains, France
Antonia Jannone, Disegni di Architettura (Milano): XLI Biennale di Venezia, Settore Arti Visive: Arte, Ambiente, Scena. Massimo Scolari
Antonia Jannone, Disegni di Architettura (Milano): Disegni del XVIII e XIX Secolo: Architetture, Gazebi, Giardini. Salvatore Bonomo, Vincenzo Riolo, Alessandro Pasqui, Guido Barducci, Giuseppe Jarmorini, Giuseppe Ronchi, Giovanni Antonio Antolini
Pelletier, S. William: The Gargoyle Images of John Taylor Arms
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