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Grigorovich, D.V: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 9 = [Essays]. Vol. 9 Grigorovich, D.V: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy Grigorovicha, Tom. 8 = [Essays]. Vol. 8 Korolenko, Vladimir: Bytovoe yavlenie = [A household occurence]
Thomas, W. (ed.): Le Poete Edward Young (1683-1765): Etude sur sa vie et ses oeuvres Surtees, Virginia (ed.): The Diary of Ford Madox Brown Hudson, Gertrude Reese (ed.): Robert Browning's Literary Life: From First Work to Masterpiece
Browning, Robert: Letters of Robert Browning to LIsa Blagden 1855-1872 Browning, Robert: Balaustion's Adventure: Including a Transcript from Euripedes Robert F. Warner, Inc: The 1961/62 Digest of Convention Locations
Hergott, Fabrice and Bowles/Sorokko Galleries (San Francisco, Calif.): New Paintings by Pierre-Marie Brisson, Featuring a Selection of Paintings from the 1997 Exhibition at Musée Faure, Aix-les-Bains, France Antonia Jannone, Disegni di Architettura (Milano): XLI Biennale di Venezia, Settore Arti Visive: Arte, Ambiente, Scena. Massimo Scolari Antonia Jannone, Disegni di Architettura (Milano): Disegni del XVIII e XIX Secolo: Architetture, Gazebi, Giardini. Salvatore Bonomo, Vincenzo Riolo, Alessandro Pasqui, Guido Barducci, Giuseppe Jarmorini, Giuseppe Ronchi, Giovanni Antonio Antolini
Pelletier, S. William: The Gargoyle Images of John Taylor Arms John Pence Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.) and Frank Mason: Frank Mason: Oil Paintings John Pence Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.) and Pierre Prins: Pierre Prins: Pastels
Bentley, Walter: On a Pedagogical Discovery Tyler, Ron and Mary Austin Holley: Prospectus for Texas: Observations: Historical, Geographical and Descriptive, in a Series of Letters by Mary Austin Holley K. S. and B. T: Neugasimaja Lampada, No. 5, Mai 1929. Ko-Masonski Shurnal'
Habenicht (San Francisco, Calif.): [Sarah Truax, Stage Actress?] British Post Office, Philatelic Bureau and Richard Gay: James Moran: William Caxton Vechten, Carl Van and Banyan Press (New York): A First List of Books Printed and Published by the Banyan Press
Auden, W. H., T. S. Eliot, et al: Ezra Pound at Seventy Speck, R. S: Death Certificate of M. M. S. Bell at California: An Historical Footnote Hitch, Charles J: Research and the Library: Remarks at the Dedication of the Enlarged and Remodeled Bancroft Library, May 6, 1973
Dakin, Susanna B: Freda Ann Kennedy (1904-1965): Meditation from Bradford Smith's Dear Gift of Life by Sasanna B. Dakin Figaro Theatre: The Figaro Official Programme, Yosemite Theatre. Sinbad, or, the Maid of Balsora, March 20, 1896 Moes, Robert J: Manuel Quijano and Waning Spain
Cafe Trocadero (Los Angeles, Calif.): Cafe Trocadero menu for Sunday, October 3, 1937 Leake, Chauncey D: A Chronology of James Blake, M.D., Pioneer Molecular Pharmacologist, and California's First Great Scientist Sperisen, Albert: Harold Norman Seeger (1899-1965)
Baxter, Alfred W: Luncheon in honor of Richard Atkinson, President of the University of California, July 26, 1996, Bohemian Grove Halderman-Julius, E. (ed.): Collection of titles from the Little Blue Book Series, Nos. 58, 95, 186, 537, 621, 757, 1414 and 1579 General Drafting Co: Map of Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia
Teton Mystery (Jackson Hole, Wyoming): Don't Miss the Sensational Teton Mystery in Jackson Hole National Park Service: Yellowstone National Park. Wyoming, Montana, Idaho State of California. Dept. of Parks and Recreation. Division of Beaches and Parks: Sutter's Fort State Historical Monument
Death Valley Hotels' Office: Death Valley. Winter Vacation-Land, Sunshine, Fun, Scenery National Park Service: Lincoln Museum and the House Where Lincoln Died Washburn Gallery (New York, N.Y.): Jerome Kamrowski: The 1940s
Hoyt, Shelley, Susan King, Joan Lyons and Sue Ann Robinson: Fragments for a Body of Knowledge Charles Campbell Gallery (San Francisco, Calif.): Morris Graves. February 3-27, 1982 Varda, Jean and Virginia Barclay: Announcement of wedding of Vagadu Varda to Robin Aurelius in Chautauqua, N.Y., on August 29, 1965
Caxton, William: The Fables of Esope from Jane Grabhorn's Typographic Laboratory in San Francisco, 1950 Granary Books (New York, N.Y.): Prospectus for Kin: Poems by Anne Waldman, Drawings by Susan Rothenberg Friends and Admirers of Robert Sproul: Address of Robert Gordon Sproul, President to the Class of 1933 at the Commencement Exercises of the University of California
Baughman, Roland and Robert O. Schad: Great Books in Great Editions Feibleman, James K: Concreteness in Painting: Abstract Expressionism and After Ruyle, John: Peter B. Howard: A Portrait
Friends of Morikami (Delray Beach, Fla.): Manga Miscellany: People, Practices & Pastimes Depicted by Japanese Comic Book Artists Willeby, Charles and Charles D. Roberts: A June Morning: Song with Accompaniment Williams, Milton: For Martin Carter [a poem]
Hill Tolerton (San Francisco, Calif.): Pre-prospectus for Old San Francisco by Michael Williams Larson, Roger Keith and the Book Club of California: Prospectus for Controversial James: An Essay on the Life and Work of George Wharton James by Roger Keith Larson Scammon, Lawrence Norris: Sierra Country
Rebis Press (San Francisco, Calif.): There Hatted Ladies, Your Basic Midwestern Ladies, Taking a Walk Shakespear, William and John Fletcher: Facsimile of Epilogue to the Two Noble Kinsmen by William Shakespeare & John Fletcher Heimel, Cynthia: "Your family sees you as a lazy lump lying on the couch..."
Jungle Garden Press and Raymond Carver: Advertisement for Elephant: A Story by Raymond Carver with Drawings by Carl Dern California Theatre (San Francisco, Calif.): Edwin Booth and John McCullough in Shakespeare's Julius Ceasar Reedy, Carlyle: Two Poems
Clover Hill Editions and William Morris: Prospectus for William Morris's The Story of Cupid and Psyche MJS Books & Graphics (New York, N.Y.): Claire Van Vliet, The Janus Press, April 12-May 27, 1989 National Park Service: Death Valley National Monument. California, Nevada
Smithsonian Institution: Two Books from the Exhibition "The Grabhorn Press" Unknown Artist: Bella Union. Zeze Tonite Arif Press (Berkeley, Calif.): Advertisement for The Ideal Book or Book Beautiful: A Tract on Calligraphy and on the Book Beautiful as a Whole by Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson
Wieners, John: Au rive [a poem] Grabhorn, Irma and Edwin: Gothic Wood Sculptures at St. Remy, Reims Philter Press (Murphys, Calif.): Dear Moxon Companion..
Philter Press (Murphys, Calif.): "All hail, ye brothers Moxon!" Dawson, George: "A great library contains the diary of the human race." Moxon Chappel: MZ, May 27, 1972, 4 P.M
Quyle, Paul and Joyce: October Moxon Philter Press (Murphys, Calif.): Humorous printed card on the occasion of a get-together among printers Berger, Sandy and Sanford L. Berger: Apse Chapel, Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris, etc
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