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B. Bursov: Nacional'noe svoeobrazie russkoj literatury = National Identity in Russian Literature Ju. Averbah: Shahmatnye okonchanija ferzevye; 2-e izdanie = Queen's Chess Endgame; 2nd edition B. V. Tihonov: Pereselenija v Rossii vo vtoroj polovine XIX v. po materialam perepiski 1897 g. i pasportnoj statistiki = Resettlement in Russia in the secind half of 19th Century
M. E. Saltykov (N. Shchedrin): Polnoe sobranie sochinenij M. E. Saltykova (N. Shchedrina) v 12 tomah = Complete Works of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in 12 volumes Biblejskie Obshchestva: Biblija; knigi svjashchennago pisanija vethago i novago zaveta kanonicheskie v russkom perevode s parallel'nymi mestami = Bible in Russian Translation A. B. Anikina, et al: Sbornik uprazhnenij po morfologii dlja inostrancev, izuchajushchih russkij jazyk; vypusk I = Morphology Exercises; 1st edition
N. V. Shelgunov, L. P. Shelgunova, M. L. Mihajlov, et al: Vospominanija v dvuh tomah = Memoirs of N. V. Shelgunov in Two Volumes I. M. Tronskij: Drevnegrecheskoe udarenie = Classical Greek Stress N. V. Kljagin, et al: Civilizacija i obshchestvennoe razvitie cheloveka = Human Civilization and Social Development
Galsworthy, John; M. Lorie: Saga o Forsajtah v chetyreh tomah = The Forsyte Saga Complete in 4 Volumes London, Jack; I. A. Maevskij: Sobranie sochinenij, tom VII: prikljuchenie; roman = Collected Works by Jack London, vol. 7 M. V. Svetlaev i S. E. Krjuchkov: Sbornik uprazhnenij po sintaksisu i punktuacii = Syntax and Punctuation Textbook
Ju. A. Izračl': Issledovanie čkosistemy Beringova morja = Bering Sea Ecosystem Research N. V. Gogol'; S. Chulkov: Mertvye dushi v shesti tomah: počma. Tom I i II = Dead Souls in Six Volumes; vols. 1 and 2 Ja. Čl'sberg: Nasledie Gogolja i Shchedrina i sovetskaja satira = The Legacy of Gogol and Shchedrin and the Soviet Satire
V. V. Vinogradov: IV mezhdunarodnyj s'ezd slavistov: materialy diskusii. Tom vtoroj: problemy slavjanskogo jazykoznanija = 5th International Congress of Slavists. Materials. v. II: Slavic Linguistics A. A. Leping i N. P. Strahova: Nemecko-Russkij slovar', izdanie vtoroe = German-Russian Dictionary; 2nd edition M. V. Nechkina, et al: Revoljucionnaja situacija v Rossii v 1859-1861 gg. = The Revolutionary Situation in Russia, 1859-1861
F. M. Dostoevskij; G. M. Fridlender: Dostoevskij: materialy i issledovanija, vypusk 7 = Dostoevsky: Materials and Studies. 7th edition Troyat, Henry: Firebrand: The Life of Dostoevsky B. Mejlah, et al: Russkie pisateli o literaturnom trude (XVIII-XX vv.). Sbornik v chetyreh tomah: tom 3 = Russian Writers on Literary Work: vol. 3
B. A. Rozenfel'd: Geometrija Lobachevskogo = Geometry According to N. I. Lobachevsky O. I. Bronshtejn; E. A. Kost: Laboratornaja praktika: sbornik = Laboratory Practice Handbook N. G. Chernyshevskij: Chto delat'? Iz rasskazov o novyh ljudjah = Stories by N. G. Chernyshevsky
Ju. F. Drygin, et al: Anglo-russkij slovar' po biotehnologii (s tolkovanijami) = English-Russian Dictionary of Biotechnology (with explanations) V. G. Belinskij (Belinsky): Sochinenija V. Belinskij v 12 tomah = Collected Works by V. G. Belinsky in 12 volumes Dostoevsky, Fyodor; Thomas M. Cipolla: The Brothers Karamazov
Hertz, John A. Hertz; Lippman, Bertram: The Idiot: Analytical Notes and Review. Editorial supervision, critical appraisal and analysis of characterization V. F. Nechiporenko: Lingvofilosofskie osnovy čkolingvistiki = Linguistics Handbook Ja. I. Perel'man; V. G. Boltjanskij: Zanimatel'naja algebra; izdanie shestoe = Algebra Textbook; 6th edition
F. I. Tjutchev; K. V. Pigarev: Lirika, tom I = Lyrics. Vol. 1 E. A. Boratynskij; M. L. Gofman: Akademicheskaja Biblioteka Russkih Pisatelej. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij E. A. Boratynskago; tom pervyj = Complete Works by E. A. Boratynsky. Vol. 1 Schaff, Adam; A. A. Jakusheva, et al: Vvedenie v semantiku = Introduction to Semantics
A. F. Koni; B. D. Letov: Vospominanija o pisateljah = Memoirs by A. F. Koni P. S. Kuznecov; R. I. Avanesov: Istoricheskaja grammatika russkogo jazyka: morfologija = The History of the Russian Grammar: Morphology A. M. Selishchev: Staroslavjanskij jazyk, chast' pervaja. Vvedenie. Fonetika = Old Church Slavic: Introduction. Phonetics; part 1
I. A. Vasilenko: Istoricheskaja grammatika russkogo jazyka = Russian Historical Grammar A. S. Pushkin; I Shirjaev: Massovaja serija: Boris Godunov = Boris Godunov L. Tolstoy; O. Safonov: Massovaja serija: Smert' Ivana Il'icha. Za chto? = Two Novels by Leo Tolstoy
Sulejmmenov, Olzhas: Transformacija ognja: stihi = Transformation of Fire: Poems Jeromonah Justin; A. Jevtic: Dogmatika pravoslavne crkve. Knjiga druga: bogochovek i njegovo delo (hristologija i soteriologija) F. M. Dostoyevsky; I. I. Anisimov, et al: Literaturnoe nasledstvo, tom vosemdesjat tretij. Neizdannyj Dostoevskij: zapisnye knizhki i tetradi (1860-1881 gg.) = Literary Heritage, No. 83. Unpublished Dostoevsky: Diaries and Notebooks (1860-1881)
Boshnjakovic, Ljubomir: Narodne igre za klavir: II sveska Jorge Luis Borges; B. Dubin: Horhe Luis Borhes: sochinenija v treh tomah; izdanie vtoroe = Collected Works by Jorge Luis Borges Complete in 3 Volumes Lord Byron; S. Vengerov, et al: Biblioteka velikih pisatelej: Bajron v treh tomah pod redakciej S. A. Vengerova = Complete Works of Lord Byron in 3 Volumes. Edited by S. A. Vengerov, et al
Allan, D. G. C. and John L. Abbott: The Virtuoso Tribe of Arts & Sciences: Studies in the Eighteenth-Century Work and Membership of the London Society of Arts Melada, Ivan: The Captain of Industry in English Fiction 1821-1871 Stanford, Derek: Poets of the 'Nineties: A Biographical Anthology
Osgood, Charles Grosvenor: Poetry as a Means of Grace Dostoyevsky (Dostojevski), F. M: Muistelmia Kuolleesta Talosta = The House of the Dead Patrick, Robert: Untold Decades: Seven Comedies of Gay Romance
Jess (Jess Collins): Collage with Albrecht Dürer's Monogram and Bottle of Sekt. [Design without text for Poster for San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Poet's Theatre. David Bromige: Michael Palmer: Michael Davidson Jess (Jess Collins): A Lesbian Estate Duncan, Robert : Robert Duncan reading from his own Poetry. Berkeley
Allgem. Bauzeitung,: Gebäude der Herren Schulte und Schemmann in Hamburg Mi osz, Czes aw: Meaning Wilson, Edw. A: A Four Masted Sailing Ship
Herron, Warren: A Gay Musical Evening with Two Men in 1949 with Contemporary Living Room Furniture Basu, Hella: Poster Design for Signs and Symbols Gallery: Images from Words Chagall, Marc: Derričre le Miroir 235. With 2 lithographs by Marc CHAGALL
Bunting, Basil and Robert Perkins (artist): Perche no spero Merrill, James and Robert Perkins (artist): McKane's Falls. (Now you've seen through me, sang the cataract . . Ziemann, Richard Claude: Edge of the Forest
King, Ronald and Roy Fisher (poet): Anansi Company. Prospectus Sigfried, William: Mounted Police Officer and People Petting the Horse Parliamentary Recruiting Committee: Enlist today: Who made these little islands the center of the greatest and most powerful Empire the world has ever seen? Poster No. 68
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee: Soldiers' Separation Allowances. Increased Rates from March 1, 1915. Poster No. 72 Munkacsy, Mihaily (Mihály) (1844-1909): Portrait of Robert Louis Stevenson Sitting in a Landscape Amundsen, Roald , Umberto Nobile, Lincoln Ellsworth: Amundsen, Ellsworth, Nobiles,Svalbard - Alaska Flyvning 1926. Nordpolen passert kl.1 frm 12. Mai. [Norge Airship]
Baskin, Leonard: Agonized. Poster for the Art Auction of National Welfare Rights Organization, June 7, 1970 Shahn, Ben: McCarthy. Peace Zorach, William: Affection. Utica Has Poster
CCAC Artist: Trial Run. A Group show. California College of Arts & Crafts CCAC Artist: The Printmaking Department at California College of Arts & Crafts invites you to come to Oakland, and print what you like CCAC Artist: Pressure Points. CCAC. California College of Arts & Crafts
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