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E. M. Zhukov; et al: Vsemirnaja istorija: tom II = History of the World, vol. 2
E. M. Zhukov; et al: Vsemirnaja istorija: tom III = History of the World, vol. 3
I. A. Krylov; P. A. Pletnev: Basni I. A. Krylova s biografieju avtora, napisannoju P. A. Pletnevym. Dvadcat' vtoroe polnoe izdanie = Fables by I. A. Krylov. Complete 22nd edition
V. N. Nikiforov; N. M. Kaljuzhnaja: Pervye kitajskie revoljucionery = Early Chinese Revolutionaries
N. Berdjaev: Marksizm i religija = Marxism and Religion
B. Shirjaev: Religioznye motivy v russkoj poèzii = Religious Motifs in Russian Poetry
A. J. Chernoff: Narodnye russkie pesni i romansy. Tom pervyj, vtoroe izdanie = Russian Folk Songs. Vol. 1, 2nd edition
E. R. Romanov: Grani: zhurnal literatury, iskusstva, nauki i obshchestvennoj mysli. No. 156, 1990 = Grani: Russian Literature, Art and Science Periodical. No. 156, 1990
Alehin, A. A: Mezhdunarodnye shahtmatnye turniry v N'ju-Jorke 1924-1927; 2-e izdanie = International Chess Tournament in New York
Petr Petrovic Njegosh; M. Reshetar: Celokupna dela Petra Petrovica Njegosha: drzhavno izdanje. Gorski Vijenac; lucha mikrokosma; Shcepan Mali
K. Buhler; T. V. Bulygina: Teorija jazyka: reprezentativnaja funkcija jazyka = Theory of Language
Wittgenstein, Ludwig; I. Dobronravov, D. Lahuti: Logiko-filosofskij trakt = Tractus Logico-Philosophicus
S. K. Shaumjan: Problemy teoreticheskoj fonologii = Problems of Theoretical Phonology
B. F. Pluzhnikov; E. A. Iofis: Zanimatel'naja fotografija: razlichnye sposoby s'emki i pechjatanija. Izdanie vtoroe = Different Methods of Capturing an Image and Printing It
M. Tal', Ja. Damskij: Ataka = The Attack
V. K. Chichagov: Iz istorii russkih imen, otchestv i familij (voprosy russkoj istoricheskoj onomastiki XV-XVII vv.) = Form the History of Russian First Names, Surnames and Last Names
Popovic, Justin: Tumachenje svetog Evangelja po Jovanu
S. Esenin; K. Zelinskij, P. Chagin: Sergej Esenin: stihotvorenija, poèmy. Tom vtoroj = Sergei Yesenin: Collected Poems, vol. 2
Ju. A. Bel'chikov: Internacional'naja terminologija v russkom jazyke = International Terminology in Russian Language
Èrnst Kassirer: Poznanie i dejstvitel'nost': ponjatie o substancii i ponjatie o funkcii = Cognition and Reality: the Notion of Substance and the Notion of Function
Ju. L. Averbah; A. A. Kotov; M. M. Judovich: Shahmatnaja shkola (kurs lekcij dlja shahmatistov-razrjadnikov) = The School of Chess
S. K. Shaumjan: Issledovanija po fonologii = Studies on the Phonology
B. I. Purishev; R. O. Shor: Hrestomatija po zarubezhnoj literaturesrednih vekov = Foreign Literature of the Middle Ages
M. Botvinnik: Analiticheskie i kriticheskie raboty 1957-1970 = Collected Works (1957-1970)
P. Romanovskij: Mittel'shpil': plan = Middlegame Planning
A. Nimcovich: Moja sistema = My System
Lasker, Emanuel; I. L. Majzelis: Uchebnik shahmatnoj igry = Chess Textbook
N. S. Trubeckoj; A. A. Holodovich: Osnovy fonologii = Fundamentals of Phonology
V. N. Jarceva: Teorija i metodologija jazykpznanija: metody issledovanija jazyka = The Theory and Methodology of Linguistics
V. Nepomnjashchij: Poèzija i sud'ba: stat'i i zametki o Pushkine = Poetry and Fate: Notes on Pushkin
A. N. Ostrovskij; G. I. Vladykin, et al: Sobranie sochinenij v desjati tomah. Tom I: p'esy 1847-1855 = The Collected Works by A. N. Ostrovsky in 10 vol. Vol. 1: Plays (1847-1855)
S. Kabasanov, et al: B'lgarska dialektologija: prouchvanija i materiali; kniga II
Krech, Richard: The Hashish Scarab
M. V. Nechkina: Materialy po istorii vosstanija dekabristov. Vosstanie Dekabristov: documenty; tom XIII = Decembrists revolt: Documents; vol. 13
V. G. Bazanov, D. D. Blagoj, et al: Literaturnoe nasledstvo, tom vosem'desjat pervyj. Iz istorii mezhdunarodnogo ob'edinenija revoljucionnyh pisatelej (MORP) = Literary Heritage, No. 81: International Association of Revolutionary Writers
Capablanca, Jose R: Uchebnik shahmatnoj igry = A Primer of Chess
V. Kortchnoi: C18-19. French Defense: Encyclopedia of Chess Openings
Euwe, Max; A. A. Smirnov: Uroki shahmatnoj igry = Chess Lessons
S. S. Ol'denburg: Carstvovanie imperatora Nikolaja II = The Reign of Emperor Nicholas II
I. Konevskoi: Mechty i dumy 1896-1899 = Collected Works by Ivan Konevskoi (1896-1899)
Galsworthy, John; M. Lorie: Saga o Forsajtah, tom I = The Forsyte Saga, vol. 1
Galsworthy, John; M. Lorie: Saga o Forsajtah, tom II = The Forsyte Saga, vol. 2
Galsworthy, John; M. Lorie: Saga o Forsajtah, tom III = The Forsyte Saga, vol. 3
E. A. Kozlovskij, et al: Opolzni i seli v dvuh tomah = Landslides and Mudslides
F. V. Konstantinov, et al: Filosofskaja ènciklopedija (tri toma iz pjati) = Encyclopedia of Philosophy (3 of 5 vols.)
P. Miljukov: Ocherki po istorii russkoj kul'tury, tom vtoroj: jubilejnoe izdanie = Russian Cultural History: A Collection of Essays. Volume 2
Fisk, Earl E: Persuasions to Joy: An Anthology of Elizabethan Love Lyrics
Jack, Ian: English Literature 1815-1832
Villoldo, Alberto and Erik Jendresen: Journey to the Island of the Sun: The Return to the Lost City of Gold
Richmond, H. M: The School of Love: The Evolution of the Late Stuart Love Lyric
Croll, Morris W: The Rhythm of English Verse
Shirley, James and Mary J. Mekemson: A Critical, Modern-Spelling Edition of James Shirley's The Opportunity
Chadwick, Owen: Victorian Miniature
Anderson, Norman A. and Margene E. Weiss: Interspace and the Inward Sphere: Essays on Romantic and Victorian Self
Armstrong, Isobel: The Major Victorian Poets: Reconsiderations
Hughes, Leo: The Drama's Patrons: A Study of the Eighteenth-Century London Audience
Daiches, David: Some Late Victorian Attitudes: The Ewing Lectures, University of California at Los Angeles, 1967
Hadleigh, Boze: Conversations with My Elders: Encounters with Sal Mineo, Luchino Visconti, Cecil Beaton, George Cukor, Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Rock Hudson
Fletcher, John and Nanette Cleri Clinch: A Critical Edition of John Fletcher's Comedy Monsieur Thomas or Father's Own Son
Brathwait, Richard and Allen H. Lanner: A Critical Edition of Richard Brathwait's Whimzies
James, D. G: The Life of Reason: Hobbes, Locke, Bolingbroke
Kelly, Hugh and Jean S. Gottlieb: An Old-Spelling Edition of Hugh Kelly's Comedy The School for Wives
Wilson, Arthur: The Swisser
Cooke, J: Greene's Tu Quoque or, the Cittie Gallant. A Critical Edition
Cokayne, Aston: The Obstinate Lady
Knoepflmacher, U. C: Religious Humanism and the Victorian Novel: George Eliot, Walter Pater, and Samuel Butler
Baily, F. E: Six Great Victorian Novelists
Peckham, Morse: Beyond the Tragic Vision: The Quest for Identity in the Nineteenth Century
D. I. Pisarev; V. S. Stepin, et al: D. I. Pisarev. Istoricheskie èskizy : izbrannye stat'i = D. I. Pisarev: Historical Sketches
M. A. Bakunin; V. S. Stepin, et al: M. A. Bakunin: filosofija, sociologija, politika = M. A. Bakunin: Philosophy, Sociology, Politics
A. A. Potebnja; V. S. Stepin, et al: A. A. Potebnja: slovo i mif = A. A. Potebnya: Words and Myths
P. Ja. Chaadaev; V. S. Stepin, et al: P. Ja. Chaadaev: sochinenija = P. Y. Chaadaev: Collected Works
G. G. Shpet; V. S. Stepin, et al: G. G. Shpet: sochinenija = G. G. Shpet: Collected Works
K. D. Kavelin; V. S. Stepin, et al: Nash umstvennyj stroj: stat'i po filosofii russkoj istorii i kul'tury = A Collection of Essays by K. D. Kavelin
R. I. Avanesov: Russkoe literaturnoe proiznoshenie; izdanie vtoroe = Russian Literary Pronunciation
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