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A. Shternfel'd: Ot iskusstvenyh sputnikov k mezhplanetnym poletam = From Artificial Satellites to Interplanetary Missions
G. P. Fedotov: Novyj grad = New Hail
Hall, Marshall, Jr: Teorija grup = The Theory of Groups
P. V. Tavanec: Filosofskie voprosy sovremennoj formal'noj logiki = Philosophical Discussion of a Formal Modern Thinking
M. V. Papanov: Morfologija i sintaks sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo jazika = Morphology and Syntax of Modern Russian Literary Language
I. Ilf and E. Petrov: Dvenadcat' Stul'ev = The Twelve Chairs
L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshic: Mehanika = Mechanics (Teoreticheskaya fizika; 1)
L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshic: Teorija polja = Field Theory (Teoreticheskaya fizika; 2)
Benua, A: Zhizn' Hudozhnika = Life of a Painter
Poe, Edgar Allan: izbrannoe = The Best of Edgar Allan Poe
Hlebnikov, V: Tvorenija = Collected Works
Ivanov, V: Dikie Ljudi = Savages
Cornelius Tacitus: Socinenija v dvuh tomah = The Works of Tacitus
Mamardashvili, M: Lekcii po anticnoj filosofii = Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
Frazier, Edward Franklin: Negry v Soedinennyh Shtatah = The Negro in the United States
Kennan, George F: Problemy vneshnej politiki SSHA = Realities of American Foreign Policy
Homjakov, A: Izbrannye socinenija = The Best of A. Homjakov
Merezhkovskij, D. S: Aleksander i Dekabristy = Aleksander and the Desembrists
Verhovskij, S: Pravoslavie v zhizni = Greek Orthodox in Everyday Life
White, Theodore H: Ogon' v peple = Fire in the Ashes
Solov'ev, V: Tri razgovora = Three Conversations
Marguerite de Navarre: Geptameron = L'heptaméron
Kashkin, I. A: Dlja citatelja-sovremennika = For the Modern Reader
Mamardashvili, M: Kantianskie variacii = Kantian Variations
Gumilev, N: Otravlennaja tunika i drugie neizdannye proizvedenija = A Collection of Unpublished Works
Tolstaja, A: Otec = Father
Gamkrelidze, T. V. and G. I. Machavariani: Sistema sosnantov i ablaut v kartvel'skih jazikah = The System of Sonants and Ablaut in Kartvelian Languages
Pikul', V. S: Favorit = The Favorite
Chekhov, Anton P: Sochinenija v chetyreh tomah = Collected Works
Turgenev, Ivan S: Dym = Smoke
Levi, V. L: Cvet sud'by = The Color of Fate
Skvoznikov, V. D: Realizm liricheskoj poèzii = Poetic Realism
Zemcov, I: Real'nost' i grani perestrojki = Perestroika: Its Reality and Its Limits
Petrarka, Francesco: Kinga pesen = Songbook
Vaginov, K: Kozlinaja pesn' = Satyr Chorus
Gorky, Maxim: Poèty-Satiriki = Syllographs
Semchevskaja, E: Rasskazy i ocherki = Stories and Outlines
Perelman, V: Vremja i my: Mezhdunarodnyj demokraticheskij zhurnal literatury i obshchestvennyh problem, vol. 102, 1988 = Time and Us
Kopelev, L: Derzhava i narod = The Nation and People
Varshavskij, V. S: Nezamechennoe pokolenie = The Unnoticed Generation
Kuleshov, V. I: Otechestvennye zapiski i literatura 40-h godov veka = Native Writings and Literature of the 1940s
Anikst, A., et al: Evripid: p'esy = Euripides: Plays
Sokolov, A. N: Ot romantisizma k realizmu = Romanticism to Realism
Valaamskij, Monastyr: Chto takoe molitva Iisusova po predaniju pravoslavnoj cerkvi = What Is Prayer According to Pravoslav Church
Shukshin, V. M: Ohota zhit' = The Will to Live
Dobrovol'skij, V: Avgust, padajut zvezdy: Povest' = August, stars falling
Smirnov, A. D: Sovremennye matematicheskie mashiny = Modern mathematical models
Dolinin, A. S: Poslednie romany Dostoevskogo = The Last Novels by Dostoevski
Losskij, N: Dealekticheskij materializm v SSSR = Dialectical Materialism in the Soviet Union
Posadskij, I. V: Pamjati Pushkina = Memories of Pushkin's 100th Birthday
Zalygin, S. P., et al: Novyj Mir, vol. 9, 1991 = New World
Cetlin, M: Novyj zhurnal, vol. , 1948 = The New Review
Obolenskij, S. S. and Ja. N. Gorbov: Vozrozhdenie: La Renaissance, Ezhemesjachnyj literaturno-politicheskij zhurnal; vol. 167, 1965
Savich, V. P., et al: Priroda, vol. 6, 1939 = Nature
Bronshtejn, O. I: Laboratornaja praktika, vol. 1, 1937 = Laboratory Practices
Pomerantz, G: Otkrytost' bezdne: Ètjudy o Dostoevskom = Essays on Dostoevski
Murashkevich, A. M: Anglo-russkij slovar' po raketnoj tehnike = English-Russian Pocket Dictionary
Shvedova, N. J: Osnovy postroenija opisatel'noj grammatiki sovremennogo russkogo jazyka = The Foundations for the Construction of a Descriptive Grammar of Modern Russian Literature
Kalnyn', L. E: Serbo-luzhickij lingvisticheskij sbornik = Serbian-Lusatian Linguistics Collection
Piperov, A. and G. Kochemidov: Celebnyj Jad = Healing Poison
Vejs, Z. and N. Vejs: V pavlovskom parke = Within Pavlovsk Palace
Lermontov, M. J: Stihotvorenia i poemy = Verses and Poems
Berkov, P. N: Vvedenie v tehniku literaturovedcheskogo issledovanija = Introduction to literary techniques
Frank, S. L: Iz istorii russkoj filosofskoj mysli konca i nachala = History of Russian Philosophical Thought; End of 19th and beginning of 20th century
Lermontov, M. I: Bela
Shahovskij, I: Udivitel'naja zemlja = Wonderful Earth
Olesha, J: Ni dnja bez srtochki = Not a Day Without a Line
Cvetaeva, M: Sochinenija v dvuh tomah = A Collection of Essays (in two vols.)
Ivin, A. A: Osnovy teorii argumentacii = On the Foundations of Argumentation Theory
K'erkegor, C: Ili-Ili = Or-Or
Mackevich, Ju. A: Katyn'
Zinger, I. B: Shosha
Mamardashvili, M: Èstetika myshlenija = Aesthetics of Thinking
Wittgenstein, Ludwig: Chelovek i Myslitel'
Zinov'ev, A: Zhivi = Live
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