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Hjul, James H: Building Plans, Elevations, Interior Details, and Garden Plans for Thomas A. Driscoll Residence, Hillsborough.240 West Santa Ynez avenue, San Mateo Hjul, James H: Building Plans, Elevations, Details, and Sketches for Structures in San Francisco Hjul, James H: Building Plans for a Building for Mr. A. Aronson, 1529 Custer Avenue
Halsband, Robert: Pope, Lady Mary, and the Court Poems (1716) Böttger, Adolf: Byron's Ritter Harold Corovic, Vladimir: Serbokroatisches Lesebuch mit Glossar
Clodd, Edward: Religionernas Barndom Drtina, Frantisek: Stoika Epikteta: Rukovet Mravnich Nauceni = Stoic Epictetus on Morals Wijkmark, Kerstin: Drottning Astrids Barn = Queen Astrid's Children
Lermontov, M: Selected Poetry Krohn, Kaarle: Kalevalastudien V: Väinämöinen Breasted, James Henry: Ur Människosläktets Äldsta Historia = Ancient Times: A History of the Early World
Davis, Curtis Carroll: Anderson's Narrative: A Lost American Travel Book Battenhouse, Roy: Strange Interlude Restudied Bronson, Bertrand H: Danmarks gamle folkeviser XI: Melodier. Old Popular Ballads of Denmark
Bond, Margaret and Sarah Fitzpatrick: Inside Tasmania's Bookshops Allilueva, Svetlana: Dvadtsta pisem k drugu = Twenty Letters to a Friend Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 31
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 32 Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 36 Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 37
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 38 Guardini, Romano: Religiöse Gestalten in Dostojewskijs Werk Politiedat (Moscow): 1987 Calendar
Unzelman, Gail G: Prospectus for Wine & Gastronomy Ullom, Judith C: Louisa May Alcott: A Centennial for Little Women. An Annotated, Selected Bibliography Izdaneie Religeiozeio-Filosofsofi Adademii (Paris): Put': Organ russkoe religioznoi mysli = Voie: revue religieuse russe. No. 11 = Voix: Revue religieuse russe
Venn, George and Don Gray: Prospectus for Off the Main Road Fleming, Geranna and LaVerne Krause: Prospectus for Starting with Coquille Burnett, David: Prospectus for Longleat
Penmaen Press (Lincoln, Mass.): Books in Print Rabkin, Norman: Structure, Convention, and Meaning in Julius Caesar Barish, Jonas A: Ovid, Juvenal, and the Silent Woman
Leturia, Peter de: Geschichte und Inhalt der Quellensammlung Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu (MHSI) United States Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit: Harper & Bros. & Henry L. Wallace, petitioners-appellants, against Marc Klaw & Abraham Erlanger, respondents. Petition and Affidavits for Leave, &c., to File Bill of Review Caskey, J. Homer: Arthur Murphy and the War on Sentimental Comedy
Marsh, Philip: Philip Freneau's Fame Davison, Archibald T., et al: Notes Cross, Wilbur L: Proclamations
Marquand, John P: Federalist Newburyport or Can Historical Fiction Remove a Fly from Amber? Marshall, John S: The Christology of Chalcedon Osborn, James M: That on Winston by John Gay
Howard, Peter B: Serendipity Books Catalogue 41: Yvor Winters, Janet Lewis & Their Friends Sajkovic, Miriam Taylor: Visionaries of Our Times: An Introduction to Their Creative Legacy Holecek, Josef: Kalevala: Narodni Epos Finu
Pavolini, Paolo Emilio: Il Kalevala: Poema Nazionale Finnico Koukkunen, Heikki: Karjala IV: Karjalaisen osakunnan 60-vuotispäiväksi 28 2. 1965 Appelgren-Kivalo, Hjalmar, et al: Kalevalaseuran Vuosikirja. Vol. 15
Hämäläinen, Albert, et al: Kalevalaseuran Vuosikirja. Vol. 13 Belskii, L. P: Kalevala: Finskaia narodnaia epopeia Kannisto, Artturi: Kalevala. Toinen Stereotipoitu Tekstilaitos
Valvoja, Julkaisi: Kalevalavihko Sajkovic, Ivan: Kalevala: Finski Narodni Epos M.V. Papanov: Fonetika sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo jazika. Narodnye govory = Phonetics of Modern Russian Literary Language. Popular Dialect
O. G. Revzina: Struktura slovoobrazovatelnih polej v slavjanskih jazikah = The Structure of Word-Formatting Marks in Slavic Languages Russell, Bertrand: Chelovecheskoe Poznanie: Ego sfera i granici = Human Knowledge: Its Scope And Limits Herneck, Friedrich: Al'bert Einshtejn: Zhizn' vo imja istiny, gumanizma i mira = Albert Einstein: Ein Leben fur Wahrheit, Menschlichkeit und Frieden
L. V. Saharnyj: Vvedenie v Psiholingvistiku = Introduction to Psycholinguistics V. M. Glushkov: Vvedenie v kibernetiku = Introduction to Cybernetics H. A. Gleason, Jr: Vvedenie v deskriptivnuju lingvistiku = An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics
V. V. Raskin: K teorii jazikovyh podsistem = Theories of Linguistics Subsystems M. D. Mashkovskij: Lekarstvennye Sredstva = Medicinal Preparations V. A. Goncharov, et al: Teorija i praktika nauchno-tehnicheskoj leksikografii = Scientific and Technical Lexicography: Theory and Practice
Leman, A. A: Sbornik Zadach Moskovskih Matematicheskih Olimpiad = A Collection of Moscow Mathematical Olympiads Exercises Ore, Oystein: Teorija grafov = Theory of Graphs I. V. Kuznecov and M. E. Omel'janskij: Filosfskie voprosy sovremennoj fiziki = Philosophy of Modern Physics
A. I. Vejnik: Termodinamika = Thermodynamics A. I. Uemov: Logiceskie osnovy metoda modelirovanija = Logical Foundations of Modeling Method M. E. Omel'janovskij, et al: Logika i metodologija nauki = Logic and the Methodology of Science
Deleuze, Gilles: Logika Smysla = The Logic of Sense V. M. Chernov: Pered burej = Before the Storm A. I. Denikin: Put' russkogo oficera = The Road of a Russian Officer
Julija Sazonova: Istorija russkoj literatury = History of Russian Literature R. V. Ivanov-Razumnik: Tjur'my i ssylki = Prisons and Exiles S. M. Shvarc: Antisemitizm v sovetskom sojuze = Antisemitism in the Soviet Union
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