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Brooks, Bill B. (ed.): Arx. Vol. II, No. 11, August 1969
Gámez, Bayardo: Puertas Giratorias
Brooks, Bill B. (ed.): Arx. Vol. III, No. 12, April 1970
Bowen, Michael: A Journey to Nepal: He Who Is the Greater is the Servant of the Other
Erickson, John: Soviet Military Power
Ader, Etienne: Aquarelles, dessins, gouaches, pastels; Sculptures par Barye; Tableaux modernes
Ciolfi, Francesco and Mario Monteverdi: Francesco Ciolfi 12/20 Giugno 1974
Vallotton, Felix and Hirschl and Adler Galleries (New York, N.Y.): Felix Vallotton (1865-192): A Retrospective of Paintings, Drawings, Woodcuts and Engravings
Klimt, Gustave and Galerie Welz (Salzburg): Gustave Klimt: Handzeichnungen
Rodman, Selden: Renaissance in Haiti: Popular Painters in the Black Republic
Kelly, Edward, et al: Chicago and the World's Fair 1933
Brown, Nancy Ann: Columbus City Hall
McClure, Michael and John Lion: Program for Michael McClure's Gorf
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 39, August-September 1958
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 17
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 18
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 20
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 21
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 22
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 23
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 45. April-May 1960
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 46
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 53
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 54
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 60
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 61
Posev: Grani (Grany). No. 65
Telberg, V. G: American Supplement to Sofiano's Russian-English Geological Dictionary
Cavafy, Constantine Petrou: Poiemata (Poems). Wednesday Edition
Shestov, Lev: In Job's Balances
Platonov, Andrei: Chyetirye rasskazi = Four Stories
Sologub, Fyodor: Odna Liubov': Stikhi = One Love: Poems
Simonov, Konstantin: Izbrannye Stikhi = Selected Poems
Chlebnikov, Velimir: Stichotvorenija i po my = Poems and prose
Jelagin, Juri: Temnyj genij = Dark Genius: A Biography of Vsevolod Meyerhold
Raich, Evgenij Isakovich: Sovremennik
Ulianov, N: Severnyi Talma: K 150-Letiiu Vziatiia Russkimi Parizha v 1814 Godu = North Talma: The 150th Anniversary of the Capture of Russian Paris in 1814
Prutkov, Kozma and Vladimir Vagin: Plody razdum ia: mysli i aforizmy = Fruits of Wisdom: Thoughts and Aphorisms
Cullen, Gordon: Gordon Cullen: [Exhibition Catalogue]
Kennedy Galleries (New York, N.Y.): Joseph Hirsch: Recent Paintings and Drawings
Levine, David: David Levine's Choice: The Artist's Favorite Drawings from the New York Review of Books
Wolfe, Ruth (ed.): Masterpieces from Two Distinguished Private Collections: American Folk Art and Furniture
Diplomatic Information Office (Madrid): Spain and the United Nations' Accusations
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore: Organico Direzione Tecnica, Servizi e Reparti dello Stabilimento
Altman, Ralph C: Primitive Arts
Filardi, Dolores: The Folk Dance Catalog: A Teaching Aid
McAteer, J. Eugene: San Francisco Bay Conservation Study Commission: A Report to the California Legislature
Woodbridge, Elisabeth: Studies in Jonson's Comedy (Yale Studies in English; 5)
Zeitlin & Ver Brugge Booksellers (Los Angeles, Calif.): Old Master Drawings at Zeitlin & Ver Brugge Booksellers: Catalogue 215
McLane, James L., Jr: Driftwood
Serendipity Books (Berkeley, Calif.): Serendipity Books Catalogue 46: Vietnam War Literature, the Gary Lepper Collection
Cornell University, Pierpont Morgan Library: Wordsworth and His Circle: Books and Manuscripts from the Cornell Wordsworth Collection Exhibited at the Pierpont Morgan Library in Honor of the Centennial of Cornell University
Sotheby, WIlkinson & Hodge (London): The Rosenheim Collections: Catalogue of the Collection of Porcelain and Pottery Formed by the Late Max Rosenheim and Maurice Rosenheim
Routhier, A.-B: De Québec ŕ Victoria
Hast, Marcus: Avodat Ha-Kodesh: Rev. M. Hast's Works of Sacred Music, Vol. I: Sabbath Liturgy for the Whole Year
Hast, Marcus: Avodat Ha-Kodesh: Rev. M. Hast's Works of Sacred Music, Vol. IV: Special Services, Consecration of Synagogues, Weddings, Chanuka, Memorial, etc
Ray, Gordon N: Trollope at Full Length
Canfield, Dorothy: An Introduction by Dorothy Canfield for Seven Gothic Tales by Isak Dinesen
Commonwealth Club of California: Transactions of the Commonwealth Club of California, Vol. V, No. 8, January 1911: Progress Report for 1910
Gallerie di Leonardo Da Vinci nel Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnica (Milano): Le gallerie di Leonardo Da Vinci nel Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnica
Xesspe, Toribio Mejia: Pintura Chavinoide en los Lindes del Arte Rupestre
Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology (Berkeley, Calif.): The Incas and Their Predecessors: Art, Style and Civilization in Ancient Peru
Ledig-Rowohlt, H. M: Meeting Two American Giants (Thomas Wolfe and Ernest Hemingway)
Stenzel, Franz R: Art of the Oregon Territory: Paintings from the Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Franz Stenzel
Petersen, Harold: Late Spring: A Collection of Short Meditations
Nagy, Maria Von and N. Christophe de Nagy: Über den Tod von Albert Steffen Béla Bartók H. D
Christie, Manson & Woods (London): Modern Printed Books, Autograph Letters, Manuscripts and Drawings
Mendizabal, Isaac Lopez: El Idioma Vasco, Testigo Excepcional en la Historia
Everson, William: Here the Rock Sleeps
University of Southern California: Eighty-Second Annual Commencement, University of Southern California, Thursday, June 10, 1965
Weissich, William D., Irving Stone and E. Alden Dunham: Three Presentations Recognizing the Fifteenth Anniversary of the California State University and Colleges and the Dedication of the New Statewide Headquarters
University of California, Berkeley: University of California, The One Hundred Fifth Commencement, June 15, 1968
Stone, Irving: Irving Stone Testimonial Dinner on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday, July 14, 1978, California Museum of Science and Industry
Publishers' Weekly: Publishers' Weekly. Vol. 152, No. 6, August 9, 1947. Section One
Stone, Irving: How I Came to Write Love Is Eternal
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