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Ledig-Rowohlt, H. M: Meeting Two American Giants (Thomas Wolfe and Ernest Hemingway) Stenzel, Franz R: Art of the Oregon Territory: Paintings from the Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Franz Stenzel Petersen, Harold: Late Spring: A Collection of Short Meditations
Nagy, Maria Von and N. Christophe de Nagy: Über den Tod von Albert Steffen Béla Bartók H. D Christie, Manson & Woods (London): Modern Printed Books, Autograph Letters, Manuscripts and Drawings Mendizabal, Isaac Lopez: El Idioma Vasco, Testigo Excepcional en la Historia
Everson, William: Here the Rock Sleeps University of Southern California: Eighty-Second Annual Commencement, University of Southern California, Thursday, June 10, 1965 Weissich, William D., Irving Stone and E. Alden Dunham: Three Presentations Recognizing the Fifteenth Anniversary of the California State University and Colleges and the Dedication of the New Statewide Headquarters
University of California, Berkeley: University of California, The One Hundred Fifth Commencement, June 15, 1968 Stone, Irving: Irving Stone Testimonial Dinner on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday, July 14, 1978, California Museum of Science and Industry Publishers' Weekly: Publishers' Weekly. Vol. 152, No. 6, August 9, 1947. Section One
Stone, Irving: How I Came to Write Love Is Eternal Stone, Irving: Jack London: American Folk Hero Peters, H. F: American Culture and the State Department
Skard, Sigmund: The American Studies Movement: Problems and Prospects Coggeshall, R. C. P: The Development of the New Bedford Water Supplies. (Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches, No. 42) Christopher's Books (Santa Barbara, Calif.): The Famous Authors Calendar, 1976
Old Dartmouth Historical Society (New Bedford, Mass.): Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches, No. 24. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Old Dartmouth Historical Society, March 27, 1909 Cain, Julien: Les peintres graveurs actuels aux États-Unis Kerouac, Jack, et al: New Editions 2: An Anthology of Literary Discoveries
Lanzinger, Klaus: Primitivismus und Naturalsmus im Prosaschaffen Herman Melvilles Weeks, Donald: Folk Sculpture. (California Poetry Folios, Part Eleven, November 1947) Przibram, Hans: Form und Formel im Tierreiche. Beiträge zu einer quantitativen Biologie I-XX
Oppenheimer, Franz: Kapitalismus Kommunismus Wissenschaftlicher Sozialismus Volkswacht (Breslau): Grundsätzliches zum Tageskampf: Festgabe für Eduard Bernstein dargebracht von den Mitarbeitern der Breslauer ?Volkswacht' Fagundo, Ana Maria: Desde chanatel, el canto
Wall, Bernhardt: Bruno's Garret: Second Exhibit of Etchings, Drawings and Watercolors Shirley, Evelyn Philip: On Revision: A Letter to the Primate Bergesen, B. E. and William G. Hoerger: Judicial Misconceptions and the "Hidden Agenda" in Prisoners' Rights Litigation
Loewenberg, Peter: Anxiety in History Mellinkoff, Ruth: Cain's Monstrous Progeny in Beowulf: Part II, Post-Diluvian Survival Fisk, Elinor Williams: Twenty-Five Years of the National Society of Colonial Dames of America Resident in the State of California 1935-1960
Encyclopaedia Britannica: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. Volume XXIX. Index Alexander, William Hardy: The Tacitean "Non Liquet" on Seneca Caspary, Adolph: Die Maschinenutopie: Das Übereinstimmungsmoment der bürgerlichen und sozialistischen Ökonomie
Klein, M. J: The Development of Boltzmann's Statistical Ideas Paterson, John: "The Mayor of Casterbridge" As Tragedy Bly, Robert: Prospectus for Mirabai Versions by Robert Bly
Alain: Noël Connolly, Thomas E: Ezra Pound's "Near Perigord": The Background of a Poem Lingua Nostra (Firenze): Lingua Nostra, Anno I, No. 1, Febbraio, 1939-XVII
Foley, Jack: Foley: The Collected Works Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University: Mass Communications Audiences in Turkey Pais, A: The Princeton Period
Marcus, Adrienne: Lying, Cheating & Stealing Maugham, W. Somerset: Home and Beauty: A Farce in Three Acts by W. Somerset Maugham Glenn Horowitz, Bookseller (New York, N.Y.): Winston S. Churchill 1874-1965: Books, Letters, Manuscripts. Catalogue 26
The Wrecks Club: Wrecks: An Anthology of Ribald Verse Collected at Reno Mailer, Norman: Deaths for the Ladies (and Other Disasters) Li, Choh-Ming: The Effect of Depreciated Exchange upon Merchandise Movements
Feuer, Lewis S: The Conversion of Karl Marx's Father Angress, Werner T: Weimar Coalition and Ruhr Insurrection, March-April 1920: A Study of Government Policy Teuteberg, Hans Jürgen: Die Industrialisierung der britischen Seeschiffahrt in deutschen Augenzeugenberichten zwichen 1750 und 1850
Grossman, Gregory: Soviet Growth: Routine, Inertia, and Pressure Joint Committee on Arrangements: The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Second Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln: Commemoration Ceremony Bahr, Hermann: Briefe Von Josef Kainz
Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberamericana: Revista Iberoamericana. Vol. LV, Núms. 148-149, Julio-Diciembre 1989 Instituto Nacional de Cultura (Lima, Peru): Histria y Cultura 23 Maggs Brothers (London): The English Theatre: A Catalogue of Plays, Theatrical Literature and Dramatic Criticism, from the Restoration to 1800. Catalogue 1022
Rosen, Gerald: The Carmen Miranda Memorial Flagpole: A Novel Elkin, Stanley and Frank Galati: The Dick Gibson Show Morgan, Sherley W. and William Feay Shellman: Architectural Drawing: Perspective, Light and Shadow, Rendering
Herbert, Robert L: Neo-Impressionism Diehl, Gaston: Van Dongen Layton, Irving: Layton
Arenas, Braulio: Memorándum Chileno Lengyel, Cornel and Peter Jona Korn: Five Songs for Tenor & Piano, Op. 16 State of California. Department of Public Works: Effect of Earthquake on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
Sieber, Roy and Arnold Rubin: Sculpture of Black Africa: The Paul Tishman Collection Clare, John and John Lawrence: Prospectus for The Shepherd's Calendar Harding, George L: Prospectus for Letters of the Gold Discovery, Edward C. Kemble to John S. Hittell
d'Hunolstein, Antoine Vogt : Montmorency-Luxembourg (Du Nom de Montmorency-Luxembourg et du titre de Duc de Piney-Luxembourg) Thurman, Howard: On Viewing the Coast of Africa Gropper, William: 56 dessins URRS
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