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BAUILEY, E.B. & McCALLIEN, W.J: Perthshire Tectonics: Schiehallion to Glen Lyon CURRIE, E.D: Notes on Echinoida from Burma CURRIE, E.D: Growth Stages in the Ammonite Promicroceras Marstonenede Spath
CURRIE, E.D: Growth Stages in Some Jurassic Ammonites LAMONT, A: Contemporaneous Slumping and Other Problems at Bray Series, Ordovician and Lower Carboniferous Horizons in County Dublin LATHAM, M. H: Some Eocene Ostracoda from North West India
McCALLIEN, W. J: The Geology of the Ruthmullin District Co. Donegal McCALLIEN, W. J: Late Glacial and Early Post Glacial Scotland McCALLIEN, W. J: The Structure of Tuluch Hill Blair Atholl Perthshire
MACLENNAN, R.M. & TRUEMAN, A.E: Variation in Gryphaea Incurva (Sow.) From the Lower Line of Loch Aline Argyll TYRRELL, G.W: The Petrology of Heard Island // The Petrology of Possession Island TYRRELL, G.W: Report on Rocks from West Antarctica and the Scotia Arc
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GODLONTON, R. & IRVING, E: Narrative Of The Kaffir War 1850- 1851-1852 GILLMORE, Parker: The Hunters\ Arcadia GILLMORE, Parker: Through Gasa Land, and the Scene of the Portuguese Agression. The Journey of a Hunter in Search of Gold and Ivory
GILLMORE, Parker: A Ride Through Hostile Africa: With Adventures Among The Boers MAKIN, W. J: Across the Kalahari Desert EPSTEIN, Sallo: A Photographic Souvenir of the Transvaal
DICKSON, W. K.-L: The Biograph in Battle: Its Story in the South African War Related with Personal Experiences JONES, J.D. Rheinhalt & DOKE, C.M. ((Edited by): Bushmen of the Southern Kalahari Papers Reprinted from BANTU STUDIES, Vol. X, No. 4 and Vol. XI, No. 3, Together with Some Additional Material EDWARDS, Dennis: Picturesque South Africa - An Album of 250 Choice Photographic Engravings Consisting of Beautiful Views of Colonial Scenery, Interesting Phases of Colonial Life, & Characteristic Pictures of the Chief Cities & Towns in South Africa
LANHAM, W. Bain (Compiled by): On the Road of the Settlers, Highlands Nek MOFFAT, Robert (Edited By Percival R. KIRBY): Robert Moffat's Visit to Mzilikazi in 1835 OLLEMANS, P.H. & HOFFMAN, A. C: Hottentot Hunt
COHEN, Louis: Reminiscences Of Johannesburg & London CHURCHILL, Winston D: Ian Hamilton's March Together with Extracts from the Diary of Lieutenant H. Frankland A Prisoner of War at Pretoria READ, Everard: South African Art Collector NO.1: October 1946
READ, Everard: South African Art Collector NO.2 December 1946 READ, Everard: South African Art Collector NO.3 April 1947 READ, Everard: South African Art Collector NO.4 August 1947
BORY DE ST. VINCENT, J. B. G. M: Voyage to, and Travels through the four principal Islands of the African Seas, Performed by Order of the French Government, During the Years 1801 and 1802; with a Narrative of the Passage of Captain Baudin to Port Louis in the Mauritius JOHNSTON, A.K: Stanford's Library Map of Africa, constructed by A. Keith Johnston F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S. & CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney, etc): The Country Journal: or, the Craftsman.. No. 157. Saturday July 5 1729
CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journqal or the Craftsman. Saturday June 28 1729 CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. Saturday January 25 1728- 1729 CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.52. Saturday July 1 1727
CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.51. Saturday June 24 1727 CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.78. Saturday December 30 1727 CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.57 Saturday August 5, 1727
CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.54 Saturday July 15, 1727 CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.62 Saturday September 9 1727 CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.63 Saturday September 16 1727
CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.53 Saturday July 8 1727 CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.55 Saturday July 22, 1727 CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.79 Saturday January 6 1728
CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.90 Saturday March 23 1728 CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.181 Saturday December 20 1729 CALEB D'ANVERS (Caleb D'Anvers = Nicholas Amhurst, Henry St. John Viscount Bolingbroke, William Pulteney etc): The Country Journal or the Craftsman. No.170 Saturday October 4 1729
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