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NORTHERN RHODESIA: Barotseland. Some Notes Prepared for the Visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Yo Mongu May 1960
HOCKNEY, David & JOYCE, Paul: Hockney On Photography : Conversations With Paul Joyce
BEIRA AND MASHONALAND AND RHODESIA RAILWAYS: Rules and Regulations for the Guidance of Officers and Men in the Service of the Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways. VOLUME 1: GENERAL WORKING REGULATIONS
BUXTON, Thomas Fowell >(Edited By Charles BUXTON) ) (WITH Important Letter to Francis CUNNINGHAM): Memoirs of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Baronet, With Selections from His Correspondence
FOLEY, Andrew: The Imagination of Freedom. Critical Texts and Times in Liberal Literature
AYITTEY, George B. N: Africa Unchained The Blueprint for Africa's Future
SMITH, Stephen J: The Atlas of Africa's Principal Mammals
SCULLY, W.C: Reminiscences of a South African Pioneer (AND) Further Reminiscences of a South African Pioneer
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BERQUE, Augustin: Japan : Nature, Artifice and Japanese Culture
TURNER, John Frayn & JACKSON, Robert: Destination Berchtesgarden, The Story of the US Seventh Army in WWII
REGIMENTAL JOURNAL CAPE MOUNTED RIFLEMEN: The Qekamba. A Monthly Illustrated Paper for the Cape Mounted Riflemen. VOLUME 1 No 1 - VOLUME 2 No 7 May 1898 - November 1899
BURNHAM, Frederick Russell: Scouting On Two Continents
WEBSTER, F. A. M. (Edited by): British Olympic Association. The official report of the Xth Olympiad Los Angeles 1932
COATES, James: Photographing the Invisible: Practical Studies in Spirit Photography, Spirit Portraiture, and Other Rare by Allied Phenomena
ATKINS, James: The Coins and Tokens of the Possessions and Colonies of the British Empire
COCKERILL, G.K: Martial Law in the Cape Colony 1901-2
ZAITSEV, Alexander M: Optical Properties of Diamond: A Data Handbook
KRASZEWSKI, Joseph Ignatius: The Jew
CLAUDEL, Paul: Repond Les Psaumed
GILL, David: Results of Meridian Observations of Stars, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1898 And1899
GILL, David & HOUGH, S.S: Results of Meridian Observations of Stars, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1905 And19087
HOUGH, S.S: Results of Meridian Observations of Stars, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1912 And 1917
SANTA-RITA, Augusto De: O Mundo Dos Meus Bonitos. Poemas
HORTON, A: Geology of the Peterborough District: Memoir for 1: 50,000 Geological Sheet 158 (England and Wales) (Geological Memoirs & Sheet Explanations (England & Wales))
GALLOIS, R.W: Geology of the Country Around Ely: Memoir for 1:50,000 Geological Sheet 173 (England and Wales)
PEACOCK, J.D: Geology of the Glen Affric District (Geological Memoirs & Sheet Explanations (Scotland))
FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Dundee F.C. Versus Eastern Transvaal Willowmoore Park Benoni June 13 1953
FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Rangers Football Club ....present Billy Wright. Souvenir Programme 5th Sept 1959
FOOTBALL PROGRAMME: Castle Cup Final Cape Town City Versus Durban City Rand Stafium Johannesburg September 25 1971
WOODWARD, Horace B: The Jurassic Rocks of Britain: VOLUME IV - The Lower Oolitic Rocks of England (Yorkshire Excepted);
WOODWARD, Horace B: The Jurassic Rocks Of Britain VOLUME V: The Middle And Upper Oolitic Rocks Of England, Yorkshire Excepted
JUKES-BROWN, A. J: The Cretaceous Rocks of Britain. Vol. II The Lower and Middle Chalk of England
WOODWARD, Horace B: Geological Survey of England & Wales. Explanation of Horizontal Section Sheet 140
HILL, J.B. & MacALISTER, D.A: The Geology of Falmouth and Truto and of the Mining District of Cambourne and Redruth
EASTWOOD, T.; DIXON, E.E.L.; HOLLINGWORTH, S.E.; SMITH, Bernard;: The Geology of the Whitehaven and Workington District
WHITEHEAD, Talbot H. & EASTWOOD, T: The Geology of the Southern Part of the South Staffordshire Coalfield (Douth of the Bentley Faults )
WILSON, G.V: The Concealed Coalfield of Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire
LAMPLUGH, G.W: The Geology of the Isle of Man
BRESCIANI, Edda (Edited by): La Piramide e la Torre Due secoli di archeologia Egiziana
BARDY, Jean: Gabriel Loire
LOIRE, Annie: Gabriel Croquis Des Voyages
VON ALLMEN, Pierre Roduction by): Jullien
GIONO, Jean: Jullien
WADE, F.B. .// STOCKLEY, , G.M. // GRANTHAM, D.R: Water Supplies in the Region Between Tabora and the Speke Gulf (AND) Report on the geology of the Ruhuhu coalfields, Njombe-Songea districts;: Being a preliminary geological survey of the Karroo Rock (AND) Lupa Goldfield (Geological Bulletins 1-3)
OATES, Frank; GILLMAN, G.; TEA LE, E/O.; STOCKLEY, G.M.; TEALE, E.O. & OATES, F: Tanganyika Geological Survey Bulletins Nos. 4,5,6,7,8. Limestone Deposits / Hydrology Lake Tanganyike / Provisional Geological Map / Geology Musoma District / Eastern Lupa Goldfield
WADE, F.B. / STOCKLEY, G.M. & WILLIAMS, G.J. / EADES, N.W. & REEVE, W.H. / WILLIAMS, G.J. & EADES, N.W. /: Tanganyika Geological Division BULLETINS 8-13: Stratigraphical Classification Tanganyika // Karagwe Tinfields // Singida // Kimberlite and Associated Diamond Deposits // Shinyanga //
McKINLAY, A.C.M. / SUTTON, J,; WATSON, J.; JAMES, T.C.; / SAMPSON, D.MN. / SPURR, A.M.M. / DPENCE, J. / GRANTHAM, D.R: Tanganyika Geological Survey Bulletins NOS.21-26. Geology Ketewaka Mchuchuma Coalfield Njombe District // Metamorphic Rocks Karema and Kungwe Bay // Notes Mica Prospectors // Soils of Mbozi // Galula Coalfield Mbeya District // Nachingwea Region
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AIRY, George Biddell: Astronomical Observations Made at the Observatory of Cambridge. VOL.II for the Year 1829
AIRY, George Biddell: Astronomical Observations Made at the Observatory of Cambridge. VOL.III for the Year 1830
AIRY, George Biddell: Astronomical Observations Made at the Observatory of Cambridge. VOL.IV for the Year 1831
AIRY, George Biddell: Astronomical Observations Made at the Observatory of Cambridge. VOL.V for the Year 1832
AIRY, George Biddell: Astronomical Observations Made at the Observatory of Cambridge. VOL.VI for the Year 1832
AIRY, George Biddell: Astronomical Observations Made at the Observatory of Cambridge. VOL.VIII for the Year 1835
BANERJI, P.K. (Edited by): Lateritisation Processes : Final Report on IGCP Project--129
JONES, Harold Spencer: Results Of Measures Made At The Royal Observatory, Greenwich, Of Photographs Of The Sun Taken At Greenwich, The Cape, And Kodaikanal In The Year .1945
LINDBLOM, K.G: Die Schleuder in Afrika Und Anderwarts
STRAUBE, Helmut: Die Tierverkleidungen der afrikanischen Naturvölker
AUCTION CATALOGUE: The Important Jewelry Collection of Madame Ganna Walska
PICKARD, A. B. De V: Die Nasionale Portret Boek Van Wakers, Leiers, Streiers En Lyers
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JACQUIN, Nicolaus Joseph L.B.A. (Introduction R.A. DYER: Stapeliarum in Hortis Vindobonensibus Cultarum - Descriptiones Figuris Coloratis Illustratae
EL-KHAWAS, Mohamed & KORNEGAY, Francis A. (Edited by): American-Southern African Relations: Bibliographic Essays
COETZEE, P.C: Lees En Lesers: Lesings Oor Die Leserkunde Gelewer as Deeltydse Professor in Die Departement Biblioteekkunde Aan Die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit
CULME, John & RAYNER, Nicholas1987: Jewels of the Duchess of Windsor
DAVIS, Richard Harding: The Cuban & Porto Rican Campaigns
TRADE CATALOGUE: G.E.C. Catalogue of Electrical Installation Material, September, 1935
WEBSTER, Robert: Gems: Their Sources, Descriptions & Identification
WALCOTT, Robert: English Politics in the Early Eighteenth Century
BRUFORD, Rose: Teaching Mime
MMILENG, Masego T: Lehudu
HERON, Patrick: Ivon Hitchens
MADALA, A: Amavo Amafutshane
ROBINSON, William: The Garden - An Illustrated Weekly Journal of Gardening In All its Branches. Volume XXIII Jan. - June 1883
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