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Biddulph: [Composite of Southern Norway]
Kelly: General James Wolfe. Siege of Quebec 1759
Kelly: General Brock Fort George. Niagara. 1812
F.S. Church: [Female Graduate with Tigers] / "Knowledge is Power" / Dedicated to College Girls of America
J. F. Herring: The Village Blacksmith
Francois Pyrard de Laval: Voyage de Francois Pyrard, de Laval, Contenant sa navigation aux Indes Orientales, Maldives, Moluques, & au Bresil : & les divers accidens qui luy sont arrivez en ce Voyage pendant son sejour de dix ans dans ces Pais. Avec une description exacte des Moeurs, Loix, Facons de faire, Police & Gouvernement; du Trafic & Compagnie qui s y fait; des Animaux, Arbres, Fruits, & autres singularitez qui s y rencontrent. / Divise en trois parties. / Nouvelle edition, reveue, corrigee & augmentee de divers Traitez & Relations curieuses. / par le Sieur Du Val, Geographe ordinaire du Roy
R. Montgomery Martin: Tallis s / The Illustrated Atlas, and Modern History of the World, Geographical, Political, Commercial & Statistical. Maps drawn and engraved by J. Rapkin, H. Warren, J. Rogers, J. & F. Tallis
Rapkin, J: Germany
Chardin; Kempeer: Das Konigreich Persien / Isphahan
Joannis Janssonius: Terra Sancta quae in Sacris Terra Promissionis ol-Palestina / von Canaan
Joannis Janssonius: Corsica / Sardinia / von Corsica und Sardinia
Joannis Janssonius: Barbaria / Carthaginensis Sinus / Aegytpus / von Barbarey, Tunis und Aegypten
Joannis Janssonius: Turcici Imperii Imago / von Turckey
Joannis Janssonius: Marcha Anconitana cum Spoletano Ducatu / Voncer Aconitaner Marck und Spolet
Joannis Janssonius: Natolia, quae olim Asia Minor / von Natolia
John Gibson: A Map of the Cape of Good Hope & the Country adjacent
Tobias Conrad Lotter: Magni Turcarum Dominatoris Imperium per Europae, Asiam, et Africam, se extendens Regiones tam proprias, quam tributarias et clientelares ut et omnes Beglerbegatus sive Praefecturas Generales oculis sistens accuratissima cura delineatum
Alexander Thiele: Vue de la Forteresse Electorale du Sonnenstein et de la Ville de Pin en Saxe, et des Environs, vers le Couchant. / Prospect der Chur. Sachsischen Festung Sonnenstein, auch der dabey befindlichen Stadt Pirna und unliegenden gegend, von der Abend Seite
J. Koerner: Riga: Dessin de Koerner, d'apres une photographie
David Loggan: Scholae Publicae Universitatis Oxon
Kelly;Hider: Canadian Order of Foresters / Organized November 25 1879 / Incorporated December 1st 1879 / Liberty, Benevolence and Concord
William Shakespeare; George Steevens, ed.; John Boydell, pub: The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare revised by George Steevens
M.F. Dandre-Bardon: Costume des Anciens Peuples. Par M. Dandré Bardon, Professeur de l’Académie Royale de Peinture & de Sculpture, Directeur perpétuel de celle de Marseille, & Membre de l’Académie des Belles-Lettres, Sciences & Arts de la même Ville. / Tome Premier: Contenant le Costume des Grecs & des Romains, jusqu’à leurs usages militaires. / Tome Second: Contenant la suite du Costume des Grecs & des Romains, & celui des Israélites, où commence la Seconde Partie. / Tome Troisième: Contenant le Costume des Egyptiens, des Perses, des Amazones, des Scythes, & autres Peuples Barbares, tant du Nord que de l’Orient
Bellin, Arkstee & Merkus: Grundriss von der Stadt Boston und ihren Gegenden
Arrowsmith: Map of the Eastern Part of Persia, With Afghanistan, Bactrina, Trans-Oxiana &c
John Hinton: A New and Accurate Map of the Province of South Carolina in North America
Tobias Conrad Lotter: Mappa Geographica exhibens Postas omnes tam vehiculares quam verdarias Totius Germaniae cum earum accurata distantia Diligentissime propriis sumptibus excudit
Ortelius; Charles De L'Escluse: Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locuplessima Descriptio
Cadwalader Ringgold: Entree du Port de San Francisco
de Tessan: Plan de la Baie de Monterey
H. Kellett: Port Ballena
R.D. Cutts; G. Davidson: Entree de San Diego
James Alden: San Pedro
H. Kellett: Port St. Bartholome
Ed. Belcher: Port San Quentin
Fisquet: Guaymas
J. B. Homann: Regnum Borussiae Gloriosi auspicys Serenissimi e Potentissimi Princip. Friderici III. Primi Borussiae Regis March et Elect Brandenburg inauguratum die 18 Jan. !. 1701. Geographice cum vicinis Regionibus adumbratum
Vialard: Mediterranee / Cotes d'Espagne du Cap de Palos au Cap de Creux. / Iles Baleaires et partie de la cote d'Algerie. / Depot des Cartes et Plans de la Marine. / 1870
J. Ces. Savigny: H.N. Zoologie. Gasteropodes. / Doris
Sir Joseph Causton & Sons: The Cardiff Railway Company's Docks, Cardiff, 1904
Zeer Raban, illustrator; M. M. Kaplan, introduction: The Story of Ruth / Graphically Told by Z. Raban with an Introduction by Prof. M. M. Kaplan
James Cook; Furneaux: A Voyage Towards the South Pole, and Round the World Performed in His Majesty’s Ship the Resolution and Adventure in the Years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775. Written by James Cook, Commander of the Resolution. In which is included, Captain Furneaux’s Narrative of his Proceedings in the Adventure during the Separation of the Ships. In Two Volumes. / Illustrated with Maps and Charts, and a Variety of Portraits of Persons and Views of Places, drawn during the Voyage by Mr. Hodges, and engraved by the most eminent Masters
Isaak Commelin; René Augustin Constatin de Renneville: Recueil des Voyages qui ont servi a l etablissement et aux progres de la compagnie des Indes Orientales, Formees dans les Provinces Unies des Pais-bas
J. Linden; Lucien Linden; Emile Rodigas: Lindenia / Iconographie des Orchidées / Directeur: J. Linden / Rédacteurs en Chef: Lucien Linden & Emile Rodigas / avec la collaboration de Spécialistes éminents
William Bartlett: Gleanings, Pictorial and Antiquarian, on the Overland Route. / By the Author of “Forty Days in the Desert.”
Philip D. Burden: The Mapping of North America II: A list of printed maps 1671-1700
Michel Chevalier ; Thomas Alpass: Mexico Ancient and Modern / By M. Michel Chevalier Senator, and Member of the Institute, of France / Translated under the Author’s Superintendence by Thomas Alpass for Many Years Foreign Editor of “The Morning Chronicle” / In Two Volumes
A.H.L. Heeren: Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians. By A. H. L. Heeren. Translated from the German. / The Second Edition, Corrected Throughout, and to which is Now First Added an Index, a Life of the Author, New Appendixes, and Other Additions
Edward Granville Browne: A Year Amongst the Persians / Impressions as to the Life, Character, & Thought of the People of Persia / Received during Twelve Months’ Residence in that Country in the Years 1887-1888 by Edward Granville Browne / With a Memoir by Sir E. Denison Ross
Karl Marx; Frederick Engels, ed: Capital: A Critique Of Political Economy By Karl Marx / Translated from the Third German Edition, by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling and Edited by Frederick Engels / Revised and Amplified According to the Fourth German Edition by Ernest Untermann / Volume I The Process of Capitalist Production / Volume II The Process of Circulation of Capital / Volume III The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole
William S. Haas: Iran
Madeline Barnes, Constance Heward, et al: Blackie’s Children’s Annual / 25th Year / Authors / Madeline Barnes / Constance Heward / Natalie Joan / Jessie Pope / Eleanor B. Simeon / Evelyn Smith / and others / Artists / A. E. Bestall / René Bull / Caroline Hall / Frank Hart / H. R. Millar / Harry Roundtree / and others
James H. Stark: Stark’s Illustrated Bermuda Guide: Containing A Description of Everything on or About the Bermuda Islands Concerning which the Visitor or Resident May Desire Information, Including its History, Inhabitants, Climate, Agriculture, Geology, Government, Military and Naval Establishments. / Fully Illustrated with Maps, Engravings, and Sixteen Photo-Prints. / By James H. Stark
Charlotte Bronte; Emily Bronte; Anne Bronte: The Complete Works of Charlotte Bronte and her Sisters / With Illustrations from Photographs / [First Volume] Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (Ellis Bell) / Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte (Acton Bell) / [Second Volume] The Professor / Emma / Poems by Charlotte Bronte (Currer Bell) / Poems of Emily and Anne Bronte (Ellis and Acton Bell) / Life of Charlotte Bronte
Henry Lansdell: Russian Central Asia: Including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv by Henry Lansdell, D.D. M.R.A.S., F.R.G.S. Author of Through Siberia / With Frontispiece, Maps, and Illustrations / In Two Volumes
Covens & Mortier: Voyage des Enfans d'Israel Dans le Desert Depuis leur sortie D'Egypte Par la Mer Rouge jusques au Pays de Canaan Nombres XXXIII / Veertig Ianrige Reys togt Aegypten hoor de Roode-Zee ende Woestyne tot in 't Beloosde Landt Canaan Num XXXIII
Guiljelmi Blaeu: Terra Sancta quae in Sacris Terra Promissionis olim Palestina
Tobias Conrad Lotter: Le Royaume de France et les Conquetes de Louis le Grand
W.E. Logan; Thomas C. Keefer; Robert Barlow: Map of the Province of Canada from Lake Superior to the Gulf of St. Lawrence / Corrected from Information Obtained by the Geological Survey under the Direction of Sir. W. E. Logan and Prepared for the Canada Directory Thos. C. Keefer C. E
Philipp Cluver: Corsicae / Sardiniae / Antiquae Descriptio
Munster: Von Italia / Von der Inseln Corsica
N. Bellin: L'Empire de la Chine Pour Servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages Par N. Bellin Ingr de la Marine
Ptolemy; Waldseemuller; Melchior & Gaspar Trechsel: Tabu Nova Partis Aphri
Ptolemy; Melchior & Gaspar Trechsel: Tabula III Asiae
M. Seutter: Insula Corsica, olim Regni Titulo Insignis, nunc Genuensis Reipublicae potestati subjecta, juxta recentissimam designationem mappa Geographica aeri ineisa per Matthaeum Seutter, Sac Caes et Reg. Cathol. Majest. Geographum Aug. Vind
Giovanni Antonio Magini: Corsica Isola, olim Cyrnus
Johann Baptist Homann: Regnum Portugalliae Divisum In Quinque Provincias majores & Subdivisum in sua quaeque Terrortoria una cum Regno Algarbiae speciali mappa exhibitum Per Joh. Bapt. Homannum S. Caes. Maj. Geographum
Homann Heirs: Dominia Anglorum in praecipuis Insulis Americae ut Sunt Insula S. Christophori / Antegoa / Jamaica / Barbados / nec non Insulae Bermudes vel Sommers dictae... / Die Englische Colonie-Laender Auf den Insuln von America und zwar Insuln S. Christophori / Antegoa / Jamaica / Barbados / Smt den Ins. Bermudes sonst Sommers gennant..
Tobias Conrad Lotter: La Grande Bretagne ou les Royaumes d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse comme aussi le Royaume d'Irlande Divisee par Provinces et Publiee par Tobie Conrad Lotter, Geographe a Augsbourg
Fleming, Sandford: Map of the Canadian Pacific Railway between Manitoba and Lake Nipissing
Henry Sandham: Toronto Markets
Des Barres: Isle Haut and Cape Chegnecto
Des Barres: Cape Blonmedown / Cape Split
Des Barres: The Entrance of Alines Bason
Kelly: The Canadian Militia
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