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John Pinkerton: Modern Geography. A Description of the Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Colonies; with the Oceans, Seas, and Isles; in all Parts of the World: Including the Most Recent Discoveries, and Political Alterations. Digested on a new Plan. By John Pinkerton. The Astronomical Introduction by the Rev. S Vince, A.M. F.R.S. and Plumian Professor of Astronomy, and Experimental Philosophy, in the University of Cambridge. With Numerous Maps, Revised by the Author. To the whole are added, a Catalogue of the best Maps, and Books of Travels and Voyages, in all Languages: And an ample Index. A New Edition, Greatly Enlarged. In Three Volumes
P. Jose Algue, S.J: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey / Special Publication No. 3. / Atlas of the Philippine Islands. / Atlas de Filipinas / Coleccion de 30 Mapas. Trabajados por delineantes filipinos bajo la direccion del P. Jose Algue, S.J., Director del Observatorio de Manila
William Shakespeare: A Set of Shakespeare’s Plays in 37 Volumes
Sir Walter Scott: The Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Twenty three of Twenty five volumes
John Esquemeling: The Buccaneers of America: A True Account of the Most emarkable Assaults Committed of Late Years upon the Coasts of the West Indies by the Buccaneers of Jamaica and Tortuga (both English and French) Wherein are contained more especially the Unparalleled Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our English Jamaican Hero, who sacked Porto Bello, burnt Panama, etc
George N. Roerich: Trails to Inmost Asia: Five Years of Exploration with the Roerich Central Asian Expedition
R. Cole Harris: Historical Atlas of Canada: Volume I From the Beginning to 1800
W. F. Checkley: [Canadian legal document c. 1860]
F. Scott Fitzgerald: This Side of Paradise
F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Last Tycoon: An Unfinished Novel
William D. Otter: The Guide: A Manual for the Canadian Militia (Infantry) Embracing the Interior Economy, Duties, Discipline, Drills and Parades, Dress, Books and Correspondence of a Battalion with Regulations for Marches, Transport and Encampment, also Forms and Bugle Calls
F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby
D[avid] Murray Smith: Arctic Expeditions from British and Foreign Shores from the Earliest Times to the Expedition of 1875-76
Edward Baines: History of the Wars of the French Revolution, from the Breaking out of the War in 1792, to the Restoration of a General Peace in 1815; Comprehending the CIVIL History of Great Britain and France during that Period
Nicolas De Fer: La Perse, La Georgie, La Naolie, Les Arabies, L'Egipte et le Cours du Nil ou se trouve aussi le Pont Euxin La Mer Caspienne La Mer Rouge et Les Golfes de Perse et d'Ormus
J. Arrowsmith: The Dardanelles and the Troad / The Bosphorus and Constantinople
J. Arrowsmith: Burmah
J. Arrowsmith: The World In Hemispheres
J. Arrowsmith: The Sea of Marmara
Pierre Vander Aa: La Moscovie Septentrionale suivant les Nouvelles Observations..
Pierre Vander Aa: La Moscovie Meridionale suivant les Nouvelles Observations..
F.J. Von Reilly: Der Sudliche Theil des Koenigreichs Dalmatien mit der Republik Ragusa
T. Conrad Lotter: Atlas Novus Sive Tabulae Geographicae Totius Orbis Faciem Partes Imperia Regna et Provincias Exhibentes Exactissima Cura
N. Bellin: Carte du Golfe de Guinee et les Costes comprises entre le Cap Formosa et le Cap de Lopes Consalvo
Homann: Carte Du Grand Duche De Lituaniae.../ Magn Ducatus Lituaniae
Homann: Carte de L'Asie.../ Asia secundum legitimas..
Saxton; William Rogers: Hibernia Antiqua....
Tobias Conrad Lotter: XVII Provinciae Belgii sive Germaniae Inferioris...
Saxton; William Rogers: Britannia
Saxton; William Rogers: Britannia Provincia Romanorum
W.H. Holmes; A.D. Wilson; Henry Gannett: Preliminary Geological Map of the Yellowstone National Park
F.V. Hayden; F.M. Endlich; George B. Chittenden: Part of Central Wyoming
F.V. Hayden; A.C. Peale; Henry Gannett: Parts of Western Wyoming, Southeastern Idaho and Northeastern Utah
F.V. Hayden; O. St. John; G.R. Bechler; Fred A. Clark: Parts of Western Wyoming and Southeastern Idaho
J.G. Barnard: Map of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec embracing all the Surveys of the Engineering & Hydrographic Parties and Shewing the Proposed Route of the Tehuantepec Railroad
Theodor von Heuglin: Karte der Somali-Kuste und des Golf's von Aden. Zur Ubersicht der Ergebmisse von Th. von Heulin's Reise, September bis December 1857
Charles Wilkes: Chart of the World Shewing the Traces of the U.S. Exploring Expedition in 1838, 39, 40, 41 & 42. Charles Wilkes Esq. Commander
John Cary: Turkey in Asia and Persia
Arrowsmith Aaron; Pinkerton John: Persia
J. Dower: Persia
H. Moll: Persia
A. Findlay: Persia, Cabool, & Baloochistan
Sidney Hall: Persia
Arrowsmith: Persia
George Rollos: An Accurate Map of Persia
J. Wilson Lowry: Eastern Persia
J. Wilson Lowry: Western Persia
La Perouse; Buffon: [Atlantic Ocean map] Carte des Declinaisons et Inclinaisons de l'Aiguille Aimantee redigee d'apres la table des observations Magnetiques faites par les Voyageurs depuis l'Annee 1775
La Perouse; Buffon: [North Pacific map] Carte des Declinaisons et inclinaisons de l'Aiguille Aimantee redigee d'apres la table des observations Magnetiques faites par les Voyageurs depuis l'Annee 1775
De Wit, F: Tabula Comitatus Artesiae Emendata
De Wit, F: Circulus Bavaricus in quo sunt Ducatus Electoratus & Palatinat Bavariae
De Wit, F: Celssissimo Potentissimo Invictissimo Principi....Cliviae Ducatus et Marchiae Comitatus
De Wit, F: Nova et prae caeteris aliis Correcta Germaniae Tabula..
De Wit, F: Circuli Austriaci Pars Septentrionalis in qua Archiducatus Austriae
De Wit, F: Archiepiscopatus et Electoratus Moguntini...Darmstadiensis et Rhenofeldensis..
La Perouse; Buffon: [Oceania map] Carte des Declinaisons et inclinaisons de l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Aiguille Aimantee redigee d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'apres la table des observations Magnetiques faites par les Voyageurs depuis l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Annee 1775
Robert Baker; Le Rouge; Jefferys: Antigue, Levee par Robert Baker, Arpenteur General de l'Isle. Traduit de l'Anglais a Paris Chez le Rouge rue des Gds. Augustins 1779 avec Privilege du Roi
Jefferys, Thomas; Le Rouge: Tabago Dresse sur des Arpentages nouveaux Par Jefferys en 1775. Traduit de l'Anglois a Paris Par le Rouge Ingenieur Geographe du Roi, Rue des grands Augustin, avec Privilege du Roi 1779
Albizzi, Antonio: Comites Ac Duces Lucelburgici. Ex Quibus Imperatores Et Reges Bohemiae Orti Sunt.; Lucemburg
Albizzi, Antonio: Osmani Seu Othomanni Imperatorem Turcarum.; Cairus
Albizzi, Antonio: Paleologi Imperatores Constantinopolitanti Et Marchiones Montisferrati...; Constantinopolis; Pera
Albizzi, Antonio: Bavariae Duces Et Palatini Rhenenses...; Haidelberga; Monachium
Albizzi, Antonio: Reges Arragoniae Ex Barchinonensibus...; Barcellona
Albizzi, Antonio: Rege\'s Castel. Usq Ad Philippum III Reg. Catholicum ...; Toletanum
J. Arrowsmith: New Foundland
J. Arrowsmith: The World on Mercator's projection
J. Arrowsmith: Ontario
J. Arrowsmith: South Africa
J. Arrowsmith: Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island & New Foundland, with the adjacent parts of the United States
J. Arrowsmith: The Leeward Islands
J. Arrowsmith: Jamaica
J. Arrowsmith: British Columbia and the North West Territory
J. Arrowsmith: Turkey in Asia
J. Arrowsmith: The Windward Islands
J. Arrowsmith: The Bahamas / Island of New Providence / Nassau
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