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Alessandro Moschetti: Principali Monumenti di Roma / Raccolta delle Principali Vedute di Roma Antica e Moderna / Incise da Alessandro Moschetti
Joseph Francois Lafitau: Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde, Avec des Figures en taille-douce, Par le R.P. Joseph Francois Lafitau de la Compagnie de Jesus
Rudyard Kipling: The Writings in Prose and Verse of Rudyard Kipling. [First 28 Volumes, Including:] The Jungle Book, Kim, [and] From Sea to Sea
P. Van Lerberghi; James Godby; M. Buonaiuti: Italian Scenery; Representing the Manners, Customs, and Amusements of the Different States of Italy; Containing Thirty-Two Coloured Engravings, by James Godby, From Original Drawings by P. Van Lerberghi. / The Narrative by M. Buonaiuti
William Dugdale; Wenceslaus Hollar: The Antiquities of Warwickshire Illustrated; From Records, Leiger-Books, Manuscripts, Charters, Evidences, Tombes, and Armes: Beautified With Maps, Prospects and Portraictures
Henry Chamberlain, et al: A New and Compleat History and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, and Parts adjacent; From the Earliest Accounts, to the Year 1770. / Containing I. An Account of the original Foundation… II. Their Laws, Charters, Customs, …III. A Description of the several Wards, Parishes, … IV. An Account of the Curiosities of the Tower London… V. A general History of the memorable Actions of the Citizens… / By a Society of Gentlemen; Revised, Corrected, and Improved, by Henry Chamberlain of Hatton-Garden, Esq
Paul de Kruif: Microbe Hunters
Archduke Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria; Franz von Pausinger: Eine Orientreise Beschrieben vom Kronprinzen Rudolf von Osterreich Illustrirt nach Original-Zeichnungen von Franz von Pausinger / Mit 37 Radirungen von J. Klaus und 100 Holzschnitten von F.W. Bader
Robert Home: Select Views in Mysore, the Country of Tippoo Sultan; from Drawings Taken on the Spot by Mr. Home; with Historical Descriptions
R[ichard] Dagley; [Thomas Gaspey]: Takings; or, the Life of a Collegian. A Poem. Illustrated by Twenty-Six Etchings, from Designs by R. Dagley, Author of “Select Gems from the Antique,” “A Compendium of the Theory and Practice of Drawing and Painting,” &c. &c
David Carey; George Cruikshank: Life in Paris; Comprising the Rambles, Sprees, and Amours, of Dick Wildfire, of Corinthian Celebrity, And his Bang-up Companion, Squire Jenkins and Captain O’Shuffleton; with the Whimsical Adventures of the Halibut Family; Including Sketches of a Variety of other Eccentric Characters in the French Metropolis. / By David Carey. / Embellished with Twenty One [sic] Coloured Plates, representing Scenes from Real Life, designed and engraved by Mr. George Cruikshank. Enriched also with Twenty-Two Engravings on Wood, drawn by the same Artist, and executed by Mr. White
Sadi: Gulistan
Karim ibn Ibrahim, author ; Ali Muhammad …, transcriber: Haghayegh Alteb [Haqayeq al-Teb ; Haqaiq al-Tib ; The Fundamentals of Medicine]
Michel Etienne Turgot: Plan de Paris. Commence L Annee 1734, dessine et grave sous les ordres de Messire Michel Turgot / Leve et dessine par Louis Bretez / Grave par Claude Lucas / Et ecrit par Aubin
Carlo Barni: Interiors: [Suite of 25 watercolours of interior scenes]
Mercator; Hondius: America Meridionalis
Thomas Shaw: A Map of the Southern Province of the Kingdom of Algiers
Kitchin, Thomas: Ireland, divided into its provinces & counties from the best authorities
Bellin: Karte von Carolina und Georgien zur allgemeinen geschichte der Reisen.
Bellin: Lauff Des Flusses St Laurentz 1. von Quebec bis an den See Ontario 2. Bladt
E.K. Kane: Chart Exhibiting the Discoveries of the American Arctic Expedition, in search of Sir John Franklin with the revised survey of the Greenland Coast and the escape of the party to the South
Homann: Carte d'Hongrie en general contenant Selon la division ancienne & methodique, la Hongrie en particulier la Croatie, la Dalmatie, la Bosnie, la Servie, la Boulgarie, la Principaute de Transylvanie les despotats de Walchie & de Moldav.../ Hungariae ampliori significatu..
R. & J. Ottens: Belgii XVII Provintiarum Universa Tabula..../Les Dix-Sept Provinces Des Pays-Bas suivant qu'elles font possedees..
Dumont and Rousset de Missy: Plan van Brussel Hoofstadt van Brabant en van de Geheele Oosten-Rykse Nederlanden. / Plan de Bruxelles Capitale du Brabant & de tous les Pais-bas Autrichien
Alexander McDougall; Sydney B. Johnson: Plate No. 3 / Public Works, Canada / Georgian Bay Ship Canal / Map of the Ottawa River Watershed / Showing Area Drained by Each Tributary
C.E. Turner: Forerunners of the "Flying Liner" which should come: The Chief British Types of Commercial Aeroplanes
R. Simkin: The Scottish Regiments of the British Army, 1895
James Styles: Ramsgate. Dedicated by Permission to the Chairman & Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Royal Harbour, & Commissioners of the Town, as a faithful representation of the Same in the Year 1830. By their most Obligd. humble & Obed. Servant, James
Jacques Goujon: Histoire et voyage de la Terre-Sainte, oú tout ce qu il y a de plus remarquable dans les Saints lieux, est tres-exactement descrit
Franz G. zu Erbach; Johann Wilhelm Wendt; Karl Morneweg, ed: Silhouetten von Verwandten und Freunden, nach dem Leben vollkommen Ähnlich gezeichnet
Ridolfino Venuti; Stefano Piale Romano, illus: Accurata e Succinta Descrizione Topografica delle Antichita di Roma dell` Abate Ridolfino Venuti Cortonese Presidente all Antichita` Romane / Edizione Terza / Che contiene oltre le nuove scoperte ed aggiunte Altre interessanti note ed illustrazioni di Stefano Piale Romano Pittore e Socio Ordinario dell' Accademia Romana di Archeologia
Dezallier D'Argenville: La Theorie et la Pratique du Jardinage. Ou l'on Traite a fond des Beaux Jardins appellés communément les Jardins de Propreté, Comme sont les Parterres, les Bosquets, les Boulingrins, &c. Contenant plusieurs plans et Dispositions generales de Jardins.... Avec la Maniere de dresser un terrain, de le couper en terrasses...
Lambertus Bos & Franciscus Halma, eds: Vetus Testamentum ex Versione Septuaginta Interpretum, Secundum Exemplar Vaticanum Romae editum, Accuratissime denuo recognitum, Una cum Scholiis ejusdem Editionis, Variis MStorum Codicum Veterumque Exemplarium Lectionibus, nec non Fragmentis Versionum Aquilae, Symmachi & Theodotionis. Summa Cura Edidit Lambertus Bos, L. Gr. in Acad. Franeq. Professor. [OLD TESTAMENT IN GREEK]
G. L. Domeny de Rienzi; A. Francesco Falconetti, tr: Oceania o Quinta Parte del Mondo. Rivista geografica ed etnografica della Malesia, della Micronesia, della Polinesia e della Melanesia sui risultati dei viaggi e delle scoperte dell'Autore e de'suoi predecessori e colle nuove classificazioni..
Giulio Ferrario: Il Costume Antico e Moderno ovvero Storia del Governo, della Milizia, della Religione, delle Arti, Scienze ed Usanze di Tutti i Popoli Antichi e Moderni provata coi monumenti dell' antichitá e rappresentata con analoghi disegni / Dal Dottore Giulio Ferrario / Terza Edizione / Asia
Franca Varignana: Le collezioni d'arte della cassa di risparmio in Bologna. I. Le incisioni di Giuseppe Maria Mitelli
Dr. Biberheil: Manual and Lessons for Educational Gymnastics: Part on Free Movement
N.P. Willis, J. Stirling Coyne, W.H. Bartlett (Illustrator): The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland, Illustrated from Drawings by W. H. Bartlett; the Literary Portion of the Work by N. P. Willis, and J. Stirling Coyne, Esqrs
Menon; B. Clermont, translator: The Professed Cook. Or, the Modern Art of Cookery, Pastry, and Confectionary, Made Plain and Easy. Consisting of the most approved Methods in the French as well as English Cookery. In Which the French Names of all the different Dishes are given and explained, whereby every Bill of Fare beomes intelligible and familiar. / Including a Translation of Les Soupers de la Cour: with the Addition of the best Receipts which have ever appeared in the French or English Languages, and adapted to the London Markets. By B. Clemont, Who has been many Years Clerk of the Kitchen in some of the first Families of this Kingdom, and lately to the Right Hon. the Earl of Abingdon
Gaetano Cottafavi: Raccolta delle Principali Vedute di Roma e suoi Contorni disegnate dal vero ed incise de Gaetano Cottafavi / l’anno 1858
John Crawfurd: Journal of an Embassy from the Governor-General of India to the Courts of Siam and Cohin China; Exhibiting a View of the Actual State of those Kingdoms. By John Crawfurd, Esq., FRS., FLS., FGS., &c. Late Envoy. / Second Edition. / In Two Volumes
Walter Scott: The Pirate. By the Author of Waverley, Kenilworth, &c. / In Three Volumes
Petrus Cunaeus: De Republyk der Hebreen, of Gemeenebest der Joden
Alexander Mackenzie: Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Laurence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; In the Years 1789 and 1793. With a Preliminary Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Fur Trade of that Country. Illustrated with Maps. By Alexander Mackenzie, Esq
De L\\\'Isle, Guillaume: Mappe-Monde dresse sur les Observations de MRS. De l\\\'Academie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres et sur les memoires les plus recens Par M. De L\\\'Isle
Sanson, Nicolas d\\\\\\\'Abbeville: Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, &c. Ce qui est le plus advance vers le Septentrion est tire de diverses Replations des Anglois, Danois, &c. Vers le Midy les Costes de Virginie, Nouv.lle Suede, Nouveau Pays Bas, et Nouvelle Angleterre Sont tirees de celles des Anglois, Hollandois, &c. La Grande Riviere de Canada ou de St Laurens, et tous les environs sont suivant les Ralations des Francois
Abraham Ortelius: Typvs Orbis Terrarvm
D'Anville: Tatariae Sinensis mappa Geographica
Coronelli: Impero del Gran Mogol
J. Aspin: Discoveries of Cap. Ross Parry & Franklin in the Arctic Regions from the Year 1818 to 1827
Arrowsmith; Samuel Lewis: Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika
Lotter, Tobias Conrad: Planisphaerium Coeleste
L. Hebert; Pinkerton: Southern Africa
G. Blaeu; J. Blaeu: Turcicum Imperium
Blaeu: Natolia, quae olim Asia Minor
Blaeu: Granata, et Murcia Regna
Blaeu: Utriusque Castiliae nova descriptio
Blaeu: Andaluzia continens Sevillam et Cordubam
G. Blaeu: Gallaecia Regnum, descripta a F. Fer. Ojea Ord. Praed. et postmodum multis in locis emendata et aucta
Blaeu: Legionis Regnum et Asturiarum Principatus
Giuseppe Puliti: Carta della Toscana
Quad, Matthias: Novi Orbis Pars Borealis, AmericaScilicet, Complectens Floridam, Baccalaon, Canadam..
Laurent Fries: Orbis Typus Universalis Iuxta Hydrographorum Traditionem Exactissime Depicta 1522 L.F
F. de Wit: Littora Brasiliae / Pascaert van Brasil
Michael Mercator; Gerrard Mercator: America sive India Nova, ad magnae Gerrardi Mercatoris aui Universalis imitationem in compendium redacta
Bellin: Carte Reduite des Isles Acores pour servir aux Vaisseaux du Roi Dressee au Depot des Caries, Plans, et Journaux de la Marine. Par ordre de M. Rouille Chr. Comte de Jouy. Ministre et Secretaire d'Etat avant le Departement de la Marine
Coronelli: Ristretto del Mediterraneo, Composto Dal P. Maestro Coronelli Cosmografo della Serenissima Republica di Venezia / Parte Orientale del Mediterraneo del Padre Cosmografo Coronelli
Homann, Johann Baptist: Regni Norvegiae Accurata Tabula..
Hondius, Henricus: Vltoniae Orientalis Pars
Lotter, Tobias Conrad: Terra Sancta sive Palaestina exhibens non solum Regna Vetera Juda et Israel..
Capt. Cluny: Partie De La Carte du Capitaine Cluny
Philippe de la Hire; Nicolas de Fer: Planisphere celeste meridional, par Monsr. de la Hire Professeur Royal et de l'Academie des Sciences, mis au Jour Par N. D. F., Geographe de Monsieur le Dauphin. / Planisphere celeste septentrional, par Monsr. de la Hire Professeur Royal et de l'Academie des Sciences, mis au Jour Par N. D. F., Geographe de Monsieur le Dauphin
Valk; Schenk: Syriae Sive Soriae. Nova et Accurata descriptio
Giovanni Mori; Giuseppe Puliti; Carlo Ristori; Antonio Verico: Pianta Topografica della Citta, Porto, e Adiacenze di Livorno / Estratta con Sovrano permesso dai documenti che esistono nell\\\' Archivio dell\\\' J.e R. Catasto della Toscana
Giovanni Mori: Pianta della Citta, e Porto di Livorno