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George Cruikshank: Arrival at the North Pole G.B. Piranesi: Veduta del Castello dell\' Acqua Paola sul Monte Aureo Michel Vincent Brandoin: A French Physician with his Retinue going to Visit His Patients
William Heath: The Patent Stomach Reliever Rowlandson: The Cornet Battery Opened on the Tenth Rowlandson: A Tenth Rejected - or - The Dandyfied Coxcomb in a Bandbox
Albert Brenet: (The SS United States) Will B. Robinson: The vast internal organisation of the "Mauretania" and "Lusitania". A Wonderful City on the Seas: Inside the Record Liners of the Cunard Company W. Armstrong: Toronto Canada West
Robert Hancock: The Waterfall of Niagara / La Cascade de Niagara Thomas C. Skinner: Steamship United States / Flagship of the United States Lines Hervey Smyth: A View of the City of Quebec, the Capital of Canada, Taken partly from Pointe des Peres, and partly on board the Vanguard Man of War, by Captain Hervey Smyth. / Vue de la ville de Quebec, Capitale du Canada Prise en partie de la Pointe des Peres et en par
Appiani: General Buonaparte G. B. Piranesi: Veduta interna del Pronao del Pantheon J. W. Hill: Halifax, N.S., Dedicated by permission to His Excellency Sir Gaspard Le Marchand Lt. Governor of Nova Scotia by the Publishers Smith Bros. & Co
J. R. Brown: The State Barge of the King of Burmah Durand: Sketches in British Burma: Burmese Actors / Two Out of One Hundred and Nine Figures of the Bhuddha, Surrounding the Base of the Dagh Pagoda / A Burmese "Lwnwai" or "Tug of War" R. Caton Woodville: The Expedition to Burmah: An Elephant Battery in Action
R. Caton Woodville: Sketches in Burmah: Attendants of a Burmese Minister of State Grant: Sketches in Burmah. / 1. Native boats on the Irrawaddy; native cart on the river bank. / 2. The Burmese Minister's State Barge (from a native's drawing). / 3. Jetty on the Irrawaddy (from a drawing by Mr. Grant) J. Nieuhoff: A Marchant of Java / A Mestice Wooman
Kuniyoshi: Actor Melton Prior: Mandalay, the Capital of Burmah: Sketches by our Special Artist, Mr. Melton Prior. / Western Gate of the City of Mandalay Nicolas Sanson I: L Afrique En Plusieurs Cartes Nouvelles, et Exactes, & en Divers Traicte s de Geographie, et d Histoire
Nicolas Sanson I: L Amerique en plusieurs cartes, & en Divers Traitte s de Geographie et d Histoire William Blackstone: Commentaries on the Laws of England U.S. Government: Map Showing the different routes travelled over by the Detachments of the overland Command in the Spring of 1855 from Salt Lake City, Utah to the Bay of San Francisco
Bellin: Plan De La Ville De St. Salvador Joseph Bouchette: To His Royal Highness George Augustus Frederick. Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, etc, etc, etc, and Prince Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland; This Topographical Map of the Province of Lower Canada, Shewing its division into Districts, Counties, Seigniories, & Townships, with all the Lands reserved both for the Crown & the Clergy, etc, etc John Arrowsmith: Map of Australia, New Zealand, and the Adjacent Islands
Robert Yates: Plan of the City of Albany about the Year 1770 Jeffreys?: Guadaloupe, one of the Caribbee Islands in the West Indies from the latest Discovery Sr. Robert de Vaugondy: Partie du Mexique ou de la Nouvle. Espagne ou se trouve l'Audce. de Guadalajara, Nouveau Mexique, Nouvelle Navarre, Californie &c
Pr. L. v. Stulpnagel: Mexico und Centro-America Capt. S. Eastman: Map of the Country formerly occupied by the Ioway Tribe of Indians from a map made by Waw-Non-Que-Skoon-A an Ioway Brave Thomas Bowen: Plan of St. Lucia, in the West Indies: Shewing the Positions of the English & French Forces with the Attacks made at its Reduction in Decr. 1778
A.B. Borghi: Le Grandi Antille e l'Isole Lucaje A.B. Borghi: Possessiono Spagnole nell\' America Settentrionale cioe il Nuovo Vecchio Messico e le Floride Homann: Regni Mexicani seu Novae Hispaniae, Ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae et Pensylvaniae, ..
Vander Aa: Le Duche De Limbourg / La Zelande Vander Aa: La Hollande / Carte Du Comte De Flandre Vander Aa: Carte Des Pays Bas Catholiques / Les Provinces Unies Des Pays Bas
Vander Aa: Lover-Issel / La Frise Vander Aa: L'Utrecht / La Gueldre Vander Aa: Les XVII Provinces Des Pays Bas / Le Duche De Luxembourg
C. Price, J. Senex, J. Maxwell: Africa Corrected from Observations of Mess's of ye Royal Societies of London and Paris Mercator & Hondius: Cuba Insula / Hispaniola Insula / Insula Jamaica / Ins. S. Joannis / I. S. Margareta cum confiniis W.P. McArthur & W.A. Bartlett; A.D. Bache: Mouth of Columbia River From a Preliminary Survey
F.H. Gerdes & Capt. Casey: Sketch F Showing the Progress of the Survey in Section IV With a General Reconnoissance of the Western Coast of Florida 1848-1851 W.P. McArthur & W.A. Bartlett: Reconnoissance of the Western Coast of the United States from Monterrey to the Columbia River James Tilton: Map of a Part of the Territory of Washington to Accompany Report of Surveyor General
Capt. Kinsbergen; P.F. Tardieu: Carte de la Mer d'Azof et d'une partie de la Mer Noire / Plan du Detroit de Zabache R.G. Cutts & George Davidson: J. No. 7 San Diego Entrance and Approaches California / General Sketch of San Diego Bay and Los Coronados Seutter: Mappa Geographica Regionem Mexicanam et Floridam / Terrasque adjacentes, ut et Anteriores Americae Insulas, Cursus itidem et Reditus Navigantium..
Lt. James Alden: Sketch J No. 8 / Preliminary Survey of Humboldt Bay California / Sketch of Humboldt Bay Williams; Cutts; Blunt; McArthur: Sketch J No. 2 / Mare Island Straits California John Rodgers: Sketch F. No. 3 Reconnoissance of Mosquito Inlet / Coast of Florida
C.K. Gardiner: Map of Oregon Territory West of the Cascade Mountains F.H. Gerdes: Sketch F. No. 4 Reconnoissance of Vicinity of Cedar Keys / Coast of Florida Van de Velde; Augustus Petermann: Java
A.D. Bache: Sketch J Showing the progress of the Survey of the Western Coast 1849-51 J.E. Hilgard; I.H. Adams; J.R. Rodgers; A.D. Bache: (Sketch F No. 5) Preliminary Chart of Key-West Harbor and Approaches James Alden; A.D. Bache: J. No. 8 / Reconnaissance of the Harbors of Santa Cruz, San Simeon, Coxo and San Luis Obispo / California / Santa Cruz Harbor / San Simeon Harbor / Coxo Harbor / Harbor of San Luis Obispo
George H. Derby; C.H. Poole; J.J. Abert: Survey of San Diego River and its vicinity with a view to the Construction of a Levee and Canal to turn the river from its present course G.D. Hill: (A) Ceded Part of Dakota Territory Showing progress of U.S. Land Survey during 1862 De L'Isle; Covens & Mortier: Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France
Thomas Jefferys; G. Smith: The Geography of the Great Solar Eclipse of July 14, MDCCXLVIII exhibiting an accurate Map of all parts of the Earth in which it will be Visible with the North Pole according to the latest Discoveries A.M. Harrison; James Alden; A.D. Bache: Preliminary Sketch of Santa Barbara California E.T. Beale: Map of Public Surveys in Nevada Territory to accompany Report to Surveyor Gen.l
W. H. Bartlett: Scene in the bay of Quinte Turner: The Death of Nelson Turner: The Battle of Trafalgar
J.-Ces. Savigny: H.N. Zoologie. Reptiles (Supplement) / L'aspic Adriaen van de Velde; v. Straub: Hollaendische Winter-Scene Fred A. Routledge; Prentiss; Kiser: America\'s Greatest Scenic Asset The Columbia River Highway Portland, Oregon