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Maxwell, A. M: A Run Through the United States, During the Autumn of 1840. In Two Volumes
Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Jungle Girl
Green, Anna Katharine: The Circular Study
Alverson, Margaret Blake: Sixty Years of California Song
Bennett, Leonora: Historical Sketch and Guide to the Alamo
McGroarty, John Steven: Original Typescript - "'The Mission Play': A Pageant Play in Three Acts [Acting Version]"
Nutting, C. C: Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences; Vol. III, pp. 157-216. Pls. XIV-XXVI. May 11, 1901; Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. XXI. The Hydroids
Jaffa, M. E: Bulletin No. 84. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations. Nutrition Investigations at the California Agricultural Experiment Station, 1896-1898
Williams, Chauncey Pratt: Lone Elk: The Life Story of Bill Williams, Trapper and Guide of the Far West, Part One (The Old West Series, Number Six)
Garnett, Porter (Editor): Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History. Vol. 1, No. 7; Papers of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851, I
Garnett, Porter (Editor): Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History. Vol. 2, No. 2; Papers of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851, II
William E. Loy et al: California Historic-Genealogical Society; Publication No. III
Bolton, Herbert E.; Carroll, John Alexander (Introduction): The Mission as a Frontier Institution in the Spanish-American Colonies
Weld, Laenas Gifford: On the Way to Iowa: An Address Delivered at Iowa City, Iowa Before the State Historical Society of Iowa on May the Twenty-fifth, Nineteen Hundred Ten
White, Daniel Appleton: An Eulogy on the Life and Character of Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D. F.R.S.; Delivered at the Request of the Corporation of the City of Salem, May 24, 1838
Choate, Joseph Hodges: Farragut. Mr. Choate's Address, Made at the Request of the Farragut Monument Association, on the Occasion of the Unveiling of the St. Gauden's Statue, May 25, 1881
Swett, S: Defence of Col. Timothy Pickering, Against Bancroft's History
Whittemore, Thomas; Swift, John J.; Crocker, Alvah; Faulkner, Winthrop E. (Directors of the Fitchburg Railroad Company): Annual Report of the Directors of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, to the Stockholders, at Their Meeting, January 20th, 1855
Sermon. The Question of War with Great Britain, Examined upon Moral and Christian Principles
Parsons, Theophilus: The Constitution, Its Origin, Function, and Authority. A Lecture Introductory to the Subject of Constitutional Law, Delivered Before the Law School of Harvard University. March 7, 1861
Everett, Edward: An Oration Delivered at Plymouth, December 22, 1824
Adams, John Quincy: An Oration Delivered Before the Inhabitants of the Town of Newburyport, at Their Request, on the Sixty-first Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1837
Quincy, Josiah: Address, Delivered at the Fifth Anniversary of the Massachusetts Peace Society, December 25th, 1820
Mandeville, H: An Address on Perseverance, as a Means of Success in Life; Its Limits; the Habits of Thought, Feeling, and Action, Adverse to Its Practice; and Its Effects; Delivered Before the Literary Societies of Hamilton College, At the Commencement, July 29, 1840
Lloyd, James: Mr. Lloyd's Speeches in the Senate of the United States, on Mr. Hillhouse's Resolution to Repeal the Embargo Laws; November 21,1808. (and) Mr. Lloyd's Speech in Senate of the United States, November 25, 1808
Stuart, Moses: An Examination of the Strictures upon the American Education Society, in a Late Number of the Biblical Repertory; Originally Published in That Work
The Board of Managers of the Prison Discipline Society: Fourth Annual Report of the Board of Managers of the Prison Discipline Society, Boston, 1829
Brief of Title to Premises Bounded by Huntingdon St., Cumberland St., E. Thompson St., and Gunners Run Canal, in the Eighteenth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, the Property of John T. Lewis, Saunders Lewis and George T. Lewis
William Wilkins, George W. Hughes, et al: 28th Congress, 1st Session. [Senate.] [291]; Report of the Secretary of War, Communicating (In compliance with a resolution of the Senate), A copy of the report of Captain G. W. Hughes, of the Topographical Engineers, relating to the working of copper ore
Seymour, George F: Oration Delivered on the Occasion of the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Exposition Building, of the State Fair of Illinois, July 4th, 1894
The District Court of Appeals, State of California, First Appellate District et al: Collection of Five Original Documents Relating to the Case, People of the State of California v. Harry Davenport, 1911
Jackson, Alonzo C: The Conquest of California: Alonzo C. Jackson's letter in detail of the Seizure of Monterey in 1842 and his letter on the Final Conquest of 1846 [Printed from the original unpublished manuscripts], 1842-1846
Winans, Joseph W. (Oration); Severance, J. G. (Poem): Twenty-Third Anniversary of the Corporate Society of California Pioneers
Collier, John A: Speech of Mr. Collier, of New-York, upon Mr. Clatyton's Resolution, That a Committee be Appointed to Examine into the Affairs of the United States Bank. Delivered in the House of Representatives U.S., 13th March, 1832
Buchanan, Claudius: Two Discourses Preached Before the University of Cambridge, on Commencement Sunday, July 1, 1810. And a Sermon Preached Before the Society for Missions to Africa and the East; at Their Tenth Anniversary, July 12, 1810. To Which Are Added Christian Researches in Asia
United States Navy: Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States, Including Officers of the Marine Corps, and Others, for the Year 1858
Payne's Bolt Works; Martini, L. M: Original Billhead - Payne's Bolt Works, San Francisco, California, 1933
Johnson, Robert?; Hawks, F. L. (Prefatory Note): Nova Britannia. Offering Most Excellent Fruits by Planting in Virginia. Exciting All Such as be Well Affected to Further the Same
Atkins, T. Astley: Indian Wars and the Uprising of 1655--Yonkers Depopulated. A Paper Read Before the Yonkers Historical and Library Association; March 18, 1892
Davis, Jefferson: Volunteers Serving Under Captain Fremont, in California. Letter from the Secretary of War, in Reference to, The pay, &c. of the volunteers serving under the command of Captain John C. Fremont, in California. March 15, 1854
Seward, William H: Oration of the Death of John Quincy Adams, Delivered Before the Legislature of the State of New-York, at Albany, on the 6th Day of April, 1848, Published by Order of the Legislature
Story, Joseph: A Discourse Pronounced at the Request of the Essex Historical Society, on the 18th of September, 1828, in Commemoration of the First Settlement of Salem, in the State of Massachusetts
The London Chronicle: or, Universal Evening Post. From Tuesday, August 14, to Thursday, August 16, 1759. Vol. VI, No. 411
Calhoun, John C.; The Committee of Claims, United States House of Representatives: [80] Letter from the Secretary of War on the Subject of a Call of the House of Representatives United States, for Information Relative to the Claim of Massachusetts for Expenses Incurred in Calling Out the Militia of That State During the Late War. February 6, 1818. (Together with) [124] In Senate of the United States, March 3, 1848
Hincks, William; Smith, F. H: Washington's Birthday. Congressional Banquet in Honor of George Washington, and the Principles of Washington
Lincoln, Solomon, Jr: An Oration Delivered Before the Citizens of Hingham, on the Fourth of July, 1826
Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission: Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission; Incorporated by Chapter 325 of the Laws of 1906 of the State of New York; To arrange for the "Commemoration of the Ter-Centenary of the Discovery of the Hudson River by Henry Hudson in the year 1609, and of the First Use of Steam in the Navigation of said river by Robert Fulton in the year 1807." Minutes of November 26 and 28, 1906
Hastings, H. L: Will the Old Book Stand?
Remarks on the Proposed State Constitution, by a Free-Soiler from the Start
Rockwell, John A: Further Remarks on the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Finances: Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, May 11, 1848
Waterston, R. C: 1st Series. No. 153. "Watch and Pray."
Emmons, Nathanel: The Giver More Blessed Than the Receiver. A Discourse Addressed to the Congregation in Franklin
Palfrey, John G: A Sermon Preached in the Church in Brattle Square, December 1, 1833, the Lord's Day After the Decease of Miss Elizabeth Bond
Fosdick, David, Jr: The Anniversary and Farewell Sermons Preached in the Hollis-Street Meeting-House, the Former March 3, the Latter September 19, 1847, with an Appendix
McEwen, Abel: A Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Gen. Jedediah Huntington, of New-London, Who Died September 25, 1818; Aged 75 Years
Wilbur, Hervey: Female Piety Demanding Assistance. Two Sermons, Delivered in Bradford, Second Parish, January 5, 1812. And Afterwards in Two Other Places
Beecher, Lyman: The Government of God Desirable. A Sermon, Delivered at Newark, During the Session of the Synod, of New-York and New-Jersey, October, 1808. Third Edition
Adams, John Quincy: The Jubilee of the Constitution. A Discourse Delivered at the Request of the New York Historical Society, in the City of New York, on Tuesday, the 30th of April 1839; Being the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States, on Thursday, the 30th of April, 1789
Humphreys, Hector: An Inaugural Address by the Rev. Hector Humphreys, President of St. John's College, Delivered at the Annual Commencement, February 25, 1832
Cevallos, Pedro: Exposition of the Practices and Machinations Which Led to the Usurpation of the Crown of Spain, and the Means Adopted by the Emperor of the French to Carry It into Execution
Tyler, John; Cushing, Caleb; United States House of Representatives: 28th Congress, 2d Session. Doc. No. 69. Ho. of Reps. Executive. Chinese Treaty. Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting, An abstract of the treaty between the United States and the Chinese Empire. January 24, 1845. Read, and referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Depew, Chauncey M.; Greer, David H.; Low, Seth; Dodge, William E: Addresses Delivered at the Service Held in Memory of Cornelius Vanderbilt at the Railroad Men's Building, New York, Under the Auspices of the Railroad Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association of the City of New York, Sunday Afternoon, October 8th, 1899
United States House of Representatives et al: 20th Congress, 1st Session. [Doc. No. 137.] Ho. of Reps. Duncan McArthur. Letter from Duncan McArthur, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Accompanied with Documents, Calculated to Sustain His Claim to Lands Between the Lines of Ludlow & Roberts, &c. &c. February 12, 1828. Referred to the Committee on the Public Lands
Calhoun, John C: Speeches of Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina, on the Ten Regiment Bill; and in Reply to Mr. Davis, of Mississippi, and Mr. Cass. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 16 and 17, 1848
Quincy, Josiah: An Address to the Citizens of Boston, on the XVIIth of September, M DCCC XXX, the Close of the Second Century from the First Settlement of the City
Norwood, Henry: A Voyage to Virginia
His Maiestie's Counseil for Virginia: A Declaration of the State of the Colonie and Affaires in Virginia: With The Names of the Aduenturors, and Summes aduentured in that Action
Williams, Edward: Virginia: More especially the South part thereof, Richly and truly valued: viz. The fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent Isle of Roanoak, of Latitude from 31. to 37. Degr. relating the means of raysing infinite profits to the Adventurers and Planters. The second Edition, with Addition of The Discovery of Silkworms, with their benefit. And Implanting of Mulberry Trees. Also, The Dressing of Vines, for the rich Trade of making Wines in Virginia. Together with, The making of the Saw-mill, very usefull in Virginia, for cutting of Timber and Clapbord to build withall, and its Conversion to many profitable Uses
de la Guard, Theodore (pseudonym of Nathaniel Ward): The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. Willing To help Mend his Native Country, lamentably tattered, both in the upper-Leather and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take. And as willing never to be paid for his work by Old English wonted pay. It is his Trade to patch all the year long, gratis. Therefore I Pray Gentlemen keep your Purses. The Fifth Edition, with some Amendments
A Plaine Description of the Barmvdas, Now Called Sommer Ilands. With the manner of their discoueries Anno 1609, by the shipwrack and admirable deliuerance of Sire Thomas Gates, and Sir George Sommers, wherein are truly set forth the commodities and profits of that Rich, Pleasant, and Healthfull Covntrie. With An Addition, or more ample relation of diuers other remarkeable matters concerning those Ilands since then experienced, lately sent from thence by one of the Colonie now there resident
von Reck, Philipp Georg Friedrich; Boltzius, Johann Martin: An Extract of the Journals of Mr. Commissary Von Reck, Who Conducted the First Transport of Saltz-Burgers to Georgia; and of the Reverend Mr. Bolzius, One of their Ministers. Giving an Account of their Voyage to, and happy Settlement in that Province
Rawson, Edward; Sewall, Samuel; Stoughton, William: The Revolution in New-England Justified, and the People there Vindicated from the Aspersions Cast upon them by Mr. John Palmer, In his Pretended Answer to the Declaration Published by the Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country adjacent, on the Day when they secured their late Oppressors, who acted by an Illegal and Arbitrary Commission from the late King James. To Which Is Added, A Narrative of the Proceedings of Sir Edmond Androsse and his Accomplices. Who also acted by an Illegal and Arbitrary Commission from the late King James, during his Government in New-England. By several Gentlemen who were of his Council
Byfield, Nathanael: An Account of the Late Revolution in New-England. Together with the Declaration of the Gentleman, Merchants, and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country adjacent. April 18, 1689
(I) Orders and Constitvtions, Partly collected out of his Maiesties Letters Patents, and partly ordained vpon mature deliberation, by the Treasvror, Covnseil and Companie of Virginia, for the better gouerning of the Actions and affaires of the said Companie here in England residing. Anno 1619, and 1620
Beauchamp Plantagenet, Robert Evelin, et al: A Description of the Province of New Albion. And a Direction for Adventurers with small stock to get two for one, and good land freely: And for Gentlemen, and all Servants, Labourers and Artificers to live plentifully. And a former Description re-printed of the healthiest, pleasantest, and richest Plantation of New Albion in North Virginia, proved by thirteen witnesses. Together with A Letter from Master Robert Evelin, that lived there many years, shewing the particularities, and excellency thereof. With a briefe of the charge of victuall, and necessaries, to transport and buy stock for each Planter, or Labourer, there to get his Master 50 l. per Annum, or more in twelve trades, at 10 l. charges onely a man