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McLane, Robert Milligan: Speech of Hon. R. M. McLane, of Maryland, on the Bill to Supply Deficient Appropriations, and in Reply to Hon. R. W. Thompson, of Indiana, on the Origin of the Mexican War. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 1, 1848
Hudson, Charles: Speech of Mr. Hudson, of Massachusetts, on the Cost of the War and Finances of the Country. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the U. States, February 15, 1848
Woolley, L. H. (Lell Hawley Woolley): California 1849-1913; or, The Rambling Sketches and Experiences of Sixty-four Years' Residence in That State
Strong, William: Speech of Mr. Strong, of Pennsylvania, on the Mexican War. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 4, 1848
Root, Joseph M: Speech of Mr. Joseph M. Root of Ohio, on the Message of the President Transmitting Documents in Relation to the Return of Santa Anna and Paredes to Mexico, Delivered in the House of Representatives of the U. S., Wednesday, March 15, 1848
Thompson, Jacob: Speech of Hon. J. Thompson, of Mississippi, on the Correspondence Between Gen. Scott and the War Department. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 21, 1848
McLane, Robert Milligan: Speech of Hon. R. M. McLane, of Maryland, on the Correspondence Between Gen. Scott and the War Department. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 21, 1848
Lahm, Samuel: Speech of Hon. Samuel Lahm, of Ohio, on the Mexican War. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 29, 1848
Brown, William G., Sr: The War with Mexico. Remarks of Hon. W. G. Brown, of Virginia, in the House of Representatives, May 3, 1848, On the Bill to amend an act entitled "An act to raise for a limited time an additional Military Force, and for other purposes."
Van Dyke, John: Speech of Mr. J. Van Dyke, of New Jersey, on the Causes, Management, Objects, and Advantages of the War with Mexico. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, April 12, 1848
Turner, Thomas Johnston: The War with Mexico. Speech of Hon. T. J. Turner, of Illinois, in the House of Representatives, April 6, 1848
Outlaw, David: Speech of Mr. David Outlaw, of N. C., on the Army Appropriation Bill: Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, August 3, 1848
Buick; Brock's Garage, Inc.; Rand McNally & Co: Service and Touring Guide: Road Maps of Northeastern and North Central United States; Faultless performance frequently lures a Buick owner to distant and remote places--but wherever he goes Buick Authorized Service is near at hand
Thompson, John Burton: Speech of Mr. J. B. Thompson, of Kentucky, On the Affairs of the Nation, and in favor of General Taylor's election to the Chief Magistracy. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, June 30, 1848
The Landmark; George S. Lee & Co., Inc: Vacation Tours for Motorists
C. S. Hammond & Co: Auto Route Distance Atlas of New Jersey, New York and New England
Collins, William: Speech of Hon. W. Collins, of New York, on the Bill to Establish the Territorial Government of Oregon. Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 28, 1848
Adams, Green: Speech of Green Adams, of Kentucky, on the Oregon Bill. Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 27, 1848
Johnson, Robert Ward: Speech of Hon. R. W. Johnson, of Arkansas, on the Indian Appropriation Bill. Delivered in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, July 6, 1848
Smart, Ephraim Knight: Free Territory. Speech of Mr. E. K. Smart, of Maine, on the Oregon Territorial Bill. Delivered in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, March 28, 1848
Crisfield, John Woodland: Speech of Mr. J. W. Crisfield, of Maryland, on the Power of Congress to Pass Laws Excluding Slavery from the Territories of the United States. Delivered in the House of Representatives, June 22, 1848
Stanton, Frederick Perry: The War with Mexico. Speech of Hon. F. P. Stanton, of Tennessee, in the House of Representatives, March 14, 1848
Crowell, John: Slavery in the District of Columbia. Speech of Mr. Crowell, of Ohio, on Slavery in the District of Columbia. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, July 26, 1848
Johnson, Andrew: The Veto Power and the Mexican War. Speech of Hon. A. Johnson, of Tennessee, in the House of Representatives, August 2, 1848
Bayly, Thomas Henry: Slavery in the Territories. Speech of Hon. T. H. Bayly, of Virginia, in the House of Representatives, May 16, 1848, In Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union on the Bill making appropriation for the payment of navy pensions for the year ending 30th June, 1849
Venable, Abraham Watkins: Slavery in the Territories. Speech of Hon. A. W. Venable, of N. Carolina, in the House of Representatives, June 1, 1848, In Committee of the Whole, upon the power of Congress to legislate upon the subject of Slavery in the Territories
Clingman, Thomas Lanier: Speech of T. L. Clingman, of North Carolina, on the Political Aspect of the Slave Question. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, December 22d, 1847
Smith, Caleb B: Executive Vetoes. Speech of Caleb B. Smith, of Indiana, on the Veto Power: Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, July 21, 1848
Goggin, William L: Speech of William L. Goggin, of Va., on the Veto Power, Etc., Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, July 21, 1848
Wilson, Adrian (Author, Designer, and Printer); Wilson, Joyce Lancaster (Editor): The Work & Play of Adrian Wilson: A Bibliography with Commentary
Duncan, Garnett: Speech of Mr. Duncan, of Kentucky, on the Assumption of Power by the Executive: Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, July 24, 1848
Hemans, Felicia: Songs of the Affections. National Lyrics. Miscellaneous Poems
Barnhart Brothers & Spindler: Catalog 25-A: Type Faces, Border Designs, Typecast Ornaments, Brass Rule; Selective Specimens of Preferred Materials for Modern Typography; Superior Specialties for Printers
Gantenbein, C. U. (Compiler); Finzer, W. E: The Official Records of the Oregon Volunteers in the Spanish War and Philippine Insurrection
Hatcher, Edmund N: The Last Four Weeks of the War
Apuleius, Lucius; Graves, Robert (Translator): The Transformations of Lucius; Otherwise Known as The Golden Ass
Brooks, U. R: Butler and His Cavalry in the War of Secession, 1861-1865; Complete in One Volume
Markino, Yoshio: Recollections and Reflections of a Japanese Artist
Parker, David B.; Parker, Torrance (Editor); Hart, Albert Bushnell (Introduction): A Chautauqua Boy: In '61 and Afterward: Reminiscences
Pillsbury, Arthur J: Institutional Life: Its Relations to the State and to the Wards of the State
Ostrander, A. B: After 60 Years: Sequel to A Story of the Plains
Taylor, John Lampkin: Speech of Hon. John L. Taylor, of Ohio, the Army Bill, the Veto Power, and the Ordinance of 1787: Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, August 3, 1848
Cox, Eliza Armstrong: Looking Back Over the Trail
Hales Bros. & Co: Hale Bros. & Co.; Fall and Winter 1894; Illustrated Fashion Catalogue; Nos. 825, 827, 829, 831, 833, 835 K Street and 1026 Ninth Street, Sacramento, Cal
Wick, William W: Apologetic--Explanatory--Denunciatory. Speech of William W. Wick, of Indiana, in Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, August 7, 1848
Hay, Logan; Pratt, Harry E: Bulletin of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Bulletin No. 55, March, 1939
Pratt, Harry E.; Angle, Paul M: Bulletin of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Bulletin No. 56, June, 1939
Pratt, Harry E: Bulletin of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Bulletin No. 57, September, 1939
Pratt, Harry E: Bulletin of the Abraham Lincoln Association. Bulletin No. 58, December, 1939
William J. Meter, F. Gregory Hartswick, et al: Pennsylvania Dutch Cook Book of Fine Old Recipes: Compiled from tried and tested recipes made famous and handed down by the early Dutch settlers in Pennsylvania
Original Campaign Poster - "Joe F. Rice for Treasurer; Subject to Decision of Republican Primaries, September 9, 1914; Your Support Will Be Appreciated"
Knowlton, Josephine Gibson: My Turtles
San Francisco Call; H. J. Luttig: Original Typed Business Memo Acknowledging Receipt - San Francisco Call, San Francisco, 1886
Cochill & Kohn; A. Widemann: Original Billhead (Credit Memorandum) - Cochill & Kohn, San Francisco, 1896
Crane Company; A. L. Fish: Original Billhead - Crane Company, San Francisco, California, 1893
S. Gerson & Co.; J. W. Lambert & Co: Collection of Eleven Original Business Documents (Seven Statements and Four Business Letters) - S. Gerson & Co., Sacramento, California, 1896-1897
The Towle Bros. Co.; Kenison, Johnson & Co: Collection of Six Original Billheads - The Towle Bros. Co., Auburn, California, 1898
W. C. B. (William Craig Brownlee): On the Objections Commonly Urged Against the Holy Bible. No. 227
Wayland, Francis: Moral Dignity of the Missionary Enterprise. The Field Is the World. No. 228
Bickersteth, Edward: The Domestic Altar. No. 230
Doddridge, Philip: Do I Grow in Grace? No. 232
Dickinson, Austin: Appeal to American Youth, on Temperance. [A Premium Tract.] No. 233
The Advantages of Prayer. No. 234
The Honest Waterman; or, History of Thomas Mann, Distinguished for His Religious Charities. No. 235
Skinner, Thomas?; Doddridge, Philip?: Spiritual Religion. No. 237
Rieu, E. V: One Typed Letter Signed and One Autograph Letter Signed - E. V. Rieu
Aitken, William Maxwell (1st Baron Beaverbrook; Lord Beaverbrook): Autograph Letter Signed - William Maxwell Aitken (1st Baron Beaverbrook; Lord Beaverbrook) to Godfrey Winn, 1959-1962
Wm. L. Kent & Co.?: Original Circular - "Circular, to the Thinking Public Throughout the Country. Rev. Theodore Parker's Sermons on the Present Revival of Religion, Delivered at Music Hall, Boston. Three Distinct Discourses."
Winter, Elizabeth Campbell: Original Portrait Photograph - Elizabeth Campbell Winter
Hutchinson, R. C: Collection of Two Original Initialed Notes - R. C. Hutchinson, 1950 and 1952
Lord, John: Two Autograph Letters Signed - John Lord
Purdue, George Henry: Autograph Letter Signed - George Henry Purdue
Singleton, Frank: Typed Letter Signed - Frank Singleton
Corfe, Charles John: Autograph Letter Signed - Charles John Corfe
Herbert, A. P: Signature on Card - A. P. Herbert