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Clearwater Books Books

KATHERINE CAMERON. Mrs Campbell of Dunstaffnage: Miss Sophia. With a frontispiece by Katherine Cameron CHARLES DICKENS: The Pride of Mankind. Puff Verses for Warren's Blacking with Contributions Attributed to Charles Dickens. Edited with an introduction by John M.L.Drew and illustrated with engravings by Bob Guy AMBROSE FIRMIN DIDOT. César Vecellio: Essai Typographique et Bibliographique Sur L'histoire de la Gravure Sur Bois par Ambrose Firmin Didot pour faire suite aux Costumes Anciens et Modernes de César Vecellio. [Typographic and Bibliographical Essay on the History of Wooden Engraving by Ambrose Firmin Didot to follow the Ancient and Modern Costumes of César Vecellio]
A.A.MILNE: The Christopher Robin Birthday Book. Compiled by A.A.Milne and with decorations by E.H.Shepard EDWARD OSLER: The Life of Admiral Viscount Exmouth GRAHAM SWIFT: Here We Are. A novel. (SIGNED)
ERTÉ [i.e. Romain de Tirtoff]: Things I Remember. An Autobiography JAMES TATE: The Lost Pilot. Poems. With a foreword by Dudley Fitts ANNE MCCAFFREY: To Ride Pegasus. Stories. (PUBLISHER'S FILE COPY)
PHILIP LARKIN: Required Writing. Miscellaneous Pieces 1955-1982 KURT VONNEGUT: Happy Birthday, Wanda June. A play EILÉAN NÍ CHUILLEANÁIN: Acts and Monuments. Poems. (SIGNED)
R.F.DELDERFIELD: For My Own Amusement. (INSCRIBED) LOUISE ERDRICH: Love Medicine. A novel J.L.CARR: The Harpole Report. A novel. (SIGNED)
E.J.DOBSON: The Origins of Ancrene Wisse JOHN MONTAGUE: Death of a Chieftain and Other Stories JOHN GARDNER: Licence Renewed. A James Bon novel
NINA BAWDEN: Carrie's War. A novel. With illustrations and a dust wrapper design by Faith Jaques ROBERT PENN WARREN: All the King's Men. A novel SALLEY VICKERS: Miss Garnet's Angel. A novel. (WITH ALS)
PATRICK MCCABE: Carn. A novel PETER DE VRIES. Charles Addams: But Who Wakes the Bugler? A novel. With illustrations by Charles Addams COLIN DEXTER: Morse's Greatest Mystery and Other Stories. (SIGNED)
PENELOPE LIVELY: The Road to Lichfield. A novel. (INSCRIBED) HELENE HANFF: 84, Charing Cross Road PETER TAYLOR: A Long Fourth and Other Stories. With an introduction by Robert Penn Warren
JOHN BLACKBURN: Broken Boy. A novel PETER SHAFFER: Lettice and Lovage. A Comedy in Three Acts WILLIAM H.DAVIES: The Soul's Destroyer and Other Poems
EDITH AND OSBERT SITWELL: Twentieth Century Harlequinade and Other Poems IRVINE WELSH: Past Tense. Four Stories from a Novel. (WITH SIGNED INSERT) BARBARA JONES: Royal Occasions. With an introduction by D.M.Forest and illustrations by Barbara Jones
IRIS MURDOCH: Reynolds Stone. An address given by Iris Murdoch in St. James's Church Piccadilly, London on 20 July 1979. (SIGNED) HENRY WILLIAMSON: contributes a one-page obituary of Fred Majdalany to 'The Royal Society of Literature Reports for 1967-8 and 1968-9 and List of Fellows and Members for 1969-70' GEORGE W.RUSSELL (A.E.): Co-operation and Nationality. A Guide for Rural Reformers from This to the Next Generation
PAUL AUSTER. Jacques Dupin: Fits and Starts. Selected Poems of Jacques Dupin. Translated from the French and with an introduction by Paul Auster RONALD FIRBANK. Ifan Kyrle Fletcher: Ronald Firbank. A Memoir. With personal reminiscences by Lord Berners, V.B.Holland, Augustus John, and Osbert Sitwell, and portraits by Alvaro Guevara, Augustus John, Wyndham Lewis and Charles Shannon, plus a photographic portrait frontispiece by Bertram Park JOHN KEIR CROSS. Bruce Angrave: The Other Passenger. Eighteen Strange Stories. With illustrations and a dust wrapper design by Bruce Angrave
V.S.PRITCHETT: Marching Spain A.N.WILSON: Unguarded Hours. A novel GERTRUDE STEIN: The Autobiography of Alice B.Toklas
GERTRUDE STEIN: Everybody's Autobiography B.B. / D.J.WATKINS PITCHFORD: The Little Grey Man. A Story for the Young in Heart. With illustrations by the author VAN SILLER: Echo of a Bomb. A novel
JOAN LINDSAY: Picnic at Hanging Rock. A novel ERNEST HEMINGWAY. Kiki [i.e. Alice Prin]: The Education of a French Model. Translated from the French by Samuel Putnam and with an introduction by Ernest Hemingway DORNFORD YATES: Period Stuff. Stories
THORNTON WILDER: The Cabala. A novel CARSON MCCULLERS: The Member of the Wedding. A novel JAMES JOYCE. Herbert S.Gorman: James Joyce. His First Forty Years
DASHIELL HAMMETT: Modern Tales of Horror. Selected and with a four-page introduction by Dashiell Hammett STEVIE SMITH: Novel on Yellow Paper; or Work it Out for Yourself JOHN PIPER. John Betjeman: English Scottish and Welsh Landscape 1700-c. 1860. Verse chosen by John Betjeman and Geoffrey Taylor and illustrated with twelve splendid full page colour lithographs by Piper, prepared especially for this publication, plus another reproduced double-spread on the covers and replicated on the dust wrapper
EDMUND CRISPIN: Holy Disorders. A novel ISRAEL JOSHUA SINGER: The Brothers Ashkenazi. A novel. Translated from the Yiddish by Maurice Samuel ISRAEL JOSHUA SINGER: East of Eden. A novel. Translated from the Yiddish of 'Khaver Nachman' by Maurice Samuel
ALEC WAUGH: Resentment. Poems PHILIP LARKIN: A Girl in Winter. A novel FREDERIC MANNING: Her Privates We. A novel by 'Private 19022'
T.W.WHITE: Guests of the Unspeakable. The Odyssey of an Australian Airman - Being a Record of Captivity and Escape in Turkey. With a foreword by Lieut.-General John Monash and a preface by Major-General G.V.Kemball EDWIN R.BOYD (writing simply as 'E.R.B.'): A Yarn of War. Palestine and France 1917-1918 CHARLES WILLIAMS: Many Dimensions. A novel
FREDERICK WALKER: Aërial Navigation. A Practical Handbook on the Construction of Dirigible Balloons, Aërostats, Aëroplanes, and Aëromotors AGATHA CHRISTIE: N or M? A.B.COX: Jugged Journalism. With illustrations by George Morrow
MAXIM GORKY: A Confession. A novel. Translated from the German by W.F.Harvey ROBERT GRAVES: John Kemp's Wager. A Ballad Opera. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) CATULLUS. Vera Willoughby: Catvlli Carmina. The Poems of Catullus. With complete verse translations and notes by F.C.W.Hiley, and illustrations by Vera Willoughby
WILLIAM OF OCKHAM: The De Imperatorum et Pontificum Potestate of William of Ockham. Edited by C.Kenneth Brampton ARTHUR RACKHAM: The Allies' Fairy Book. With an introduction by Edmund Gosse and illustrations by Arthur Rackham ROBERT HICHENS (published anonymously): The Green Carnations. A novel
AGNES AND EGERTON CASTLE: Incomparable Bellairs. A novel WINSTON CHURCHILL: Savrola. A Tale of the Revolution in Laurania. A novel WILLIAM EVERSON: San Joaquin. Poems. With an introduction by Lawrence Clark Powell
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