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CHOKSEY, R.D. (Editor): Ratnagiri Collectorate (1821-1829). Select Documents from the Ratnagiri Collector's Files (Peshwa Daftar) CHRISTIE, Agatha: Mrs. McGinty's Dead. FIRST EDITION CHRISTIE, Agatha: A Murder is Annouced.. FIRST EDITION
CLARK, Geo. T: Some Account of Sir Robert Mansel Kt, Vice Admiral of England and Member of Parliament for the County of Glamorgan; and of Admiral Sir Thomas Button Kt, of Worlton, and of Cardiff, in the County of Glamorgan CORNISH, W. R; HART, Jennifer; MANCHESTER, A. H; STEVENSON, J. Introduction by P and G Ford: Crime and Law in Nineteenth Century Britain CORREIA-AFONSO, John (Editor): Indo-Portuguese History: Sources and Problems
COXE, George Harmon: Flash Casey... Detective. Murder Mystery Monthly No. 39 CREW, F. A. E: Organic Inheritance in Man CROSSEN, Ken: The Case of the Phantom Fingerprints
CUMMINGS, Rev. Thomas F. and BAILEY, Rev. T. Grahame: Panjabi Manual and Grammar: A Guide to the Colloquial Panjabi of the Northern Panjab CUNNINGHAM, A. B: The Bancock Murder Case. FIRST EDITION IN DW CURTISS, Ursula: The Wasp. A Novel of Suspense
DANI, Dr. Ahmad Hasan: Peshawar. Historic City of the Frontier. SIGNED DARBY, J. N: Murder in the House with the Blue Eyes. A Thrilling Mystery Novel DAUMAL, René: Mount Analogue. An Authentic Dialogue. Translation and Introduction by Roger Shattuck
DAWOOD, N. J. (Translated by...): Aladdin and Other Tales from The Thousand and One Nights. A New Translation. FIRST EDITION PENGUIN DE ASSIS, Machado: Dom Casmurro.Translated from the Portuguese with an Introduction by R. L. Scott-Buccleuch. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION DE MAIGRET, Alessandro: Arabia Felix. An Exploration of the Archaeological History of Yemen
DE QUEIROS, Eca: The Maias. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION DEMOSTHENES. Translated by SAUNDERS, A. N. W. Introduced by RYDER, T. T. B: Demosthenes and Aeschines. PENGUIN CLASSICS EDITION DENNETT, Daniel C: Darwin's Dangerous Idea. Evolutions and the Meanings of Life
DINWIDDY, J.R: Radicalism and Reform in Britain, 1780-1850. Introduction by H.T. Dickinson DISNEY, A.R: Twilight of the Pepper Empire: Portuguese Trade in Southwest India in the Early Seventeenth Century DOWNING, Todd: Night Over Mexico. FIRST EDITION
DOYLE, Arthur Conan: Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. (FIRST EDITION IN PENGUIN PAPERBACK) EBERHART, Mignon G: The Dark Garden. FIRST EDITION, USA ELIOT, T. S: Selected Poems. (FIRST PENGUIN EDITION)
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FEARON, Ethelind. Illustrated by Alex JARDINE: The Reluctant Cook, The Reluctant Hostess, The Reluctant Gardener and How To Keep Pace With Your Daughter. A COLLECTION OF FOUR WONDERFUL 1950's SELF-HELP BOOKS WITH A LARGE DASH OF HUMOUR FILM FUN ANNUAL: Film Fun Annual. 1942. A Wonderful All Star Annual Featuring A Host of Famous Film Stars and Packed with Funny pictures and Thrilling Stories FIRMINGER, The Ven. Walter Kelly: Historical Introduction to the Bengal Portion of "The Fifth Report"
FLEMING, Ian: Thunderball. FIRST EDITION IN WRAPPER FLETCHER, H. L. V: The Devil Has the Best Tunes FORSYTHE, W. J: ASystem of Discipline. Exeter Borough Prison. 1819-1863
FORSYTHE, William James: The Reform of Prisoners. 1830-1900 FOSTER, R. F. [YEATS, W. B.]: W. B. Yeats. A Life. I. The Apprentice Mage. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR FOX, Lionel W: The English Prison and Borstal Systems. The International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction
FROST, Ginger S: Victorian Childhoods FUCHS, Sir Vivian and Sir Edmund HILLARY: The Crossing of Antarctica. The Commonwealth Trans-Antarctica Expedition. 1955-58. FIRST EDITION IN DW FURBER, Holden: Rival Empires of Trade in the Orient, 1600-1800. Europe and the World in the Age of Expansion Volume II
GANGULI, B.N. (Editor): Readings in Indian Economic History: Proceedings of the First All-India Seminar on Indian Economic History, 1961. SIGNED [GENTOO LAWS]: A Code of Gentoo Laws, or Ordinations of the Pundits. From a Persian Translation made from the Original Written in the Shanskrit [sic] Language GILLION, Kenneth L: Ahmedabad: A Study in Indian Urban History
GOUDGE, Elizabeth: The Middle Window GRAVES, Robert: Count Belisarius GRAY, Berkeley: Thank you, Mr. Conquest. A WHITE CIRCLE POCKET NOVEL
GROWSE, F.S: Mathura: A District Memoir. Part I and Part II GUPTA, Jyotis Chandra Das: A National Biography for India. Volume First GUPTE, B.A: The Kayastha Prabhus of Bombay, Baroda Central India and Central Provinces
HAGGARD, H. Rider: Nada the Lily. EARLY EDITION HALE, Christopher: Going, Going, Gone! HALE, Christopher: He's Late This Morning
HALEVY, Elie: The Rule of Democracy 1905-1914. Translated from the French by E.I. Watkin HAWKES, Harry: The Capture of the Black Panther. FIRST EDITION IN DW HAWKINS, Dean: Skull Mountain. FIRST EDITION
HEANEY, Seamus: Electric Light. SIGNED BY POET "HELIODORUS": A Taluqdar of the Old School being A Short Biography of Thakur Jawahir Singh HENNOCK, E. P: Fit and Proper Persons. Ideal and Reality in Nineteenth-Century Urban Government. Studies in Urban History 2. General editor H. J. Dyos
HEWLETT, Rose. (Edited by...): The Gloucester Court of Sewers. Gloucester Record Series Volume 35 HEYER, Georgette: A Civil Contract HEYER, Georgette: The Nonesuch
HEYER, Georgette: The Unknown Ajax HOPPEN, K. Theodore: The Mid-Victorian Generation 1846-1886 HOWES, Royce: Death Rides a Hobby. FIRST EDITION
HOWIE, Edith: The Band Played Murder HUGGINS, Roy: Lovely Lady, Pity Me ISLAM, Sirajul: The Permanent Settlement in Bengal. A Study of its Operation 1790 - 1819. SIGNED BY AUTHOR
JAIN, C.R: Where the Shoe Pinches JAIN, Champat Rai: The Practical Path JEROME, Jerome K: Three Men in a Boat. REPRINT WITH FILM PROMOTIONAL BELLY BAND
JONES, Demelza: Superdiverse Diaspora. Everyday Identifications of Tamil Migrants in Britain KADRI, Sadakat: The Trial. A History from Socratesto O. J. Simpson. FLAT - SIGNED BY AUTHOR KEATINGE, G: Agricultural Progress in Western India. With diagrams
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