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ALAM, Muzaffar: The Crisis of Empire in Mughal North India. Awadh and the Punjab 1707 - 1748 ALAS, Leopoldo: La Regenta. Translated with an Introduction by John Rutherford. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION ALFVEN, Hannes: Worlds-Antiworlds: Antimatter in Cosmology. Translated by Rudy Feichtner
ALIGHIERI, Dante. Translated by Dorothy L. Sayers: The Comedy of Dante Alighieri The Florentine. In 3 Volumes. I: Hell. II: Purgatory. III: Paradise. (PENGUIN CLASSICS) AUROBINDO, Sri: Essays on the Gita BAGBY, George: Bird Walking Weather. An Inspector Schmidt Story FIRST EDITION
BAILEY, H C: The Twittering Bird Mystery. FIRST US EDITION. [Published in the UK as Clunk's Claimant] BAKER, Denys Val. (Edited by...): Cornish Ghost Stories BAKER, Richard M. Introduced by S. S. VAN DINE: Death Stops the Manuscript. Franklin Russell's First Case
BALLANTYNE, R. M: Blown to Bits. A Tale of the Malay Archipelago BALLARD, J. G: The Disaster Area BALLARD, J.G. Covers by Alan ALDRIDGE: The Wind from Nowhere. (Penguin Science Fiction - 2591)
BARAT, Amiya: The Bengal Native Infantry. Its Organisation and Discipline 1796 - 1852 BATRA, H.C: The Relations of Jaipur State with East India Company (1803-1858) BEETON: Beeton's Book of Poultry and Domestic Animals. Showing How to Rear and Manage Them In Sickness and In Health
BELLAIRS, George: The Body in the Dumb River BELLAIRS, George: The Case of the Demented Spiv. THRILLER BOOK CLUB EDITION IN DW BELLAIRS, George: The Case of the Famished Parson. FIRST EDITION
BELLAIRS, George: The Case of the Headless Jesuit BELLAIRS, George: The Case of the Headless Jesuit. FIRST EDITION BELLAIRS, George: Close all Roads to Sospel. FIRST EDITION
BELLAIRS, George: Crime in Lepers' Hollow BELLAIRS, George: Dead March for Penelope Blow BELLAIRS, George: Death Drops the Pilot. THRILLER BOOK CLUB EDITION IN DW
BELLAIRS, George: Death in Dark Glasses BELLAIRS, George: Death of a Tin God BELLAIRS, George: Death of a Tin God. THRILLER BOOK CLUB EDITION IN DW
BELLAIRS, George: Death Sends for the Doctor BELLAIRS, George: Death Spins the Wheel BELLAIRS, George: Death Treads Softly
BELLAIRS, George: Death Treads Softly. FIRST EDITION BELLAIRS, George: Half-Mast For the Deemster BELLAIRS, George: Intruder in the Dark
BELLAIRS, George: A Knife for Harry Dodd BELLAIRS, George: The Murder of a Quack BELLAIRS, George: The Night They Killed Joss Varran. FIRST EDITION IN DW
BENJAMIN, S. G. W: Persia. (The Story of the Nations series) BENN, Tony. Edited by Ruth WINSTONE: The Diaries of Tony Benn, 1940-2001 Complete Seven Volume Set. Containing. Years of Hope 1940-1962 - FLAT - SIGNED BY BENN. Out of the Wilderness 1963-67, Office Without Power 1968-72, Against the Tide 1973-76, Conflicts of Interest 1977-80, The End of an Era 1980-90 and Free at Last! 1991-2001 BENNETT, Arnold: The Old Wives Tale
BENSON, E.F: Limitations. A Novel BERCKMAN, Evelyn: No Known Grave. FIRST EDITION IN DW BERCKMAN, Evelyn: The Strange Bedfellow. FIRST EDITION IN DW
BINDER, Eando: The Three Eternals. ATale of the Future. AUSTRALIAN FANTASY FICTION MAGAZINE BIRRELL, Anne. Introduced and Translated by..: Chinese Love Poetry. New Songs from a Jade Terrace. A Medieval Anthology. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION BLOCHMAN, Lawrence G: Blow-down. (Dell - 4156). MAP BACK
BLOCHMAN, Lawrence G: See You at the Morgue (A Dell Mystery - 638). MAP-BACK BLYTON, Enid: The Folk of the Faraway Tree. Illustrated by Dorothy Wheeler. SIXTH IMPRESSION OF FIRST EDITION BOHLE, Edgar: The Man Who Disappeared. (UK FIRST EDITION)
BOUCHER, Anthony: Exeunt Murderers. The Best Mystery Stories of Anthony Boucher. Edited by Francis M. Nevins, Jr. & Martin H. Greenberg BOXER, C.R: Portuguese Conquest and Commerce in Southern Asia, 1500-1750 BOYLE, A. J. and J. P. Sullivan. Edited and Introduced by..: Roman Poets of the Early Empire. PENGUIN CLASSIC EDITION
BREBNER, J. Bartlet: The Explorers of North America 1492-1806 BRENAN, Gerald: Spanish Scene. Current Affairs Number 7. July 13th, 1946 BRIGGS, Asa: Victorian Cities
BRODIE, Allan. Jane CROOM and James O Davies: English Prisons. An Architectural History. FIRST EDITION IN DW BRONTĖ, Charlotte: The Professor. (FIRST PENGUIN EDITION) BROWN, Richard: Coping with Change: British Society, 1780-1914
BURNS, Anna: Milkman. FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE BURNS, Robert: The Poetical Works od Robert Burns With Explanatory Glossary, Notes, Memoir, &c. [WITH 6 EARLY PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES TIPPED-IN] BUSH, Christopher: The Case of the Dead Shepherd
CAIN, James M: Serenade. USA PENGUIN EDITION CAIRNS, Cicely: Murder Goes to Press CARR, John Dickson: The Bride of Newgate. FIRST EDITION
CARR, John Dickson: Deadly Hall. U.S. FIRST EDITION CARR, John Dickson: The Hungry Goblin. FIRST EDITION CARR, John Dickson: The Lost Gallows. POCKET BOOK EDITION
CARR, John Dickson: Papa La-Bas. FIRST EDITION CARRE, Abbe: The Travels of the Abbe Carre in India and the Near East 1672 to 1674. Translated from the manuscript journal of his travels in the India Office by Lady Fawcett and edited by Sir Charles Fawcett with the assistance of Sir Richard Burn. The Hakluyt Society, Second Series No. XCV CASPARY, Vera: The Murder in the Stork Club and Other Mysteries. Edited by A. B. Emrys. The Lost Classics Series
CASSEL, Gustav: Money and Foreign Exchange After 1914 CHANDLER, Raymond: Finger Man And Other Stories CHASE, Borden: Diamonds of Death
CHAUDHURI, Nani Gopal: British Relations with Hyderabad (1798-1843) CHOKSEY, R.D. (Editor): The Last Phase: Selections from the Deccan Commissioner's Files (Peshwa Daftar) 1815-1818. With an Introductory Note on the British Diplomacy at the Court of Peshwa CHOKSEY, R.D. (Editor): Malwan Residency (Savantvadi Affairs) (1812-1819). Select Documents from the Ratnagiri Collector's Files (Peshwa Daftar)
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