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Fitzgerald, Sybil: Naples
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Ely, Scott: Overgrown with Love
Hoagland, Edward: Balancing Acts: Essays
Panella, Anotonio: Storia di Firenze
Heaney, Seamus: Poems, 1965-1975: Death of a Naturalist, Door Into the Dark, Wintering Out, North
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Carter, Jared: Work, for the Night Is Coming
Berenson, Bernard: The Drawings of the Florentine Painters (Three Volumes)
Plumly, Stanley: Boy on the Step
Ford, Susan Allen (ed.): Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, No. 30, 2008
Ford, Susan Allen (ed.): Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, No. 31, 2009
Donald, David Herbert: Look Homeward: A Life of Thomas Wolfe
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Plochmann, George Kimball: The Ordeal of Southern Illinois University
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Godfrey, W. Earl: The Birds of Canada (Revised Edition)
Gerdts, William H: American Impressionism
Bercovitch, Sacvan: The Puritan Origins of the American Self
Berenson, Bernard: Alberto Sani: An Artist Out of his Time (Un artista fuori suo tempo)
Berenson, Bernard: Sassetta: Un Peintre Siennois de la Legende Franciscaine
Berenson, Bernard: Essays in Appreciation
Berenson, Bernard: Homeless Paintings of the Renaissance
Stokes, Adrian: Michelangelo: A Study in the Nature of Art
Huneker, James: Mezzotints in Modern Music: Brahms, Tschaikowsky, Chopin, Richard Strauss, Liszt and Wagner
Handler, Gerhard: German Painting in Our Time
Rodin, Auguste: Art
Bryant, Lorinda Munson: What Pictures to See in America
Carli, Enzo: Dipinti Senesi del Contado e della Maremma
Lanzi, Abate Luigi: The History of Painting in Italy from the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century (3 Vols.)
Stafford, William: Things That Happen Where There Aren't Any People
Waters, Michael: Anniversary of the Air
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Hunt, R.W.G: Measuring Colour (Second Edition)
Hunt, R.W.G: The Reproduction of Colour (Fifth Edition)
LaPalombara, Joseph: Democracy, Italian Style
Ford, Susan Allen (ed.): Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, No. 35, 2013
Gallagher, Tess: Willingly
Stafford, William & Marvin Bell: Segues: A Correspondence in Poetry
Hall, Donald: The Bone Ring: A Verse Play
Bly, Robert: The Man in the Black Coat Turns
Lee, Li-Young: Book of My Nights
Bell, Marvin: Iris of Creation
Oates, Joyce Carol: Angel Fire
Poulin, A., Jr: Cave Dwellers
Talarico, Ross: All Things as They Are: Recollections of the Sixties, and Beyond ...: Vignettes and Poetry
Merrill, James: Water Street
Shevin, David & Larry Smith (editors): A Red Shadow of Steel Mills: Photos and Poems
Ondaatje, MIchael (editor): From the Lake: Canadian Stories
Brodsky, Joseph: To Urania
Owens, Gwendolyn: Nature Transcribed: The Landscapes and Still Lifes of David Johnson (1827-1908)
Lancaster, Roy: A Plantsman in Nepal
Ashbery, John: Selected Poems
Mostyn-Owen, William: Bibliografia di Bernard Berenson
Berenson, Bernhard: Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: A List of the Principal Artists and Their Works with an Index of Places
dell'Acqua, Gian Alberto et al: Il Seicento Lombardo: Saggi Introduttivi, Dipinti e Sculture, Disegni Libri e Stampe (Three Volumes)
Ginsberg, Allen: Planet News: 1961-1967
West, Paul: The Women of Whitechapel and Jack the Ripper
Flugel, Rolf (editor): Lebendiges München, 1158-1958: Im Auftrag der Bayerischen Landeshauptstadt
Schwartz, Seymour I: Gifted Hands: America's Most Significant Contributions to Surgery
Reynolds, Donald Martin: The Architecture of New York City: Histories and Views of Important Structures, Sites, and Symbols
Mauthner, Ludwig: Lehrbuch der Ophthalmoscopie
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