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Cotton, John, John Daniel, Douglas Dunn, Elaine Feinstein, Ian Hamilton, David Harsent, Jeremy Hooker, V.C. Horwell and Bartholomew Quinn: Poetry: Introduction 1 Fletcher, John Gould (ed.): American & British Verse: From The Yale Review Davies, Alan, Laura Anne Holden, Steve Hume, David Leicester, Ken Sherman, & Dwight Tanner: Now We Are Six
Baro, Gene (ed.): 'Beat' Poets Harpham, Jessica, Marianne Ware, Suzanne Maxson, Cynthia Grant (ed.): Grandmother Spider: An Anthology of Women's Poetry Huff, Christina, Jennifer Johnson and Marnie Purple (eds.): Country Women's Poetry
Geismer, Barbara Peck, Antoinette Brown Suter (eds.): Very Young Verses Epel, Naomi (eds.): Writers Dreaming Leyland, Winston (ed.): Angels of the Lyre: A Gay Poetry Anthology
Abse, Dannie (ed.): Poetry Dimension Annual 4: The Best of the Poetry Year Hamilton, Ian (ed.): On the Modern Poet Conroy, Jack & Ralph Cheyney (ed.): Unrest 1931
Simpson, Eileen: Poets In Their Youth Rosenthal, M. L: The Modern Poets: A Critical Introduction Hoffman, Frederick J: Freudianism and the Literary Mind
Stallworthy, Jon (ed.): A Book of Love Poetry Prothero, Matthew (ed.): Love and Laughter: An Illustrated Anthology of Love Poems Rhys, Keidrych (ed.): Poems From the Forces: A Collection of Verses by Serving Members of the Navy, Army and Air Force
Guenther, Charles J. (ed.): American Women Poets: WEID The Sensibility Revue, Bicentennial Issue II, Dec. 1976 Allnutt, Gillian, Fred D'Aguiar, Ken Edwards, Eric Mottram (eds.): The New British Poetry 1968-88 Mayo, Michael (ed.): Practising Angels: A Contemporary Anthology of San Francisco Bay Area Poetry
Hermey, Carl (ed.): Contemporary French Women Poets: A Bilingual and Critical Anthology Cox, C. B. & A. E. Dyson (ed.): Twentieth Century Love Poems: Critical Quarterly Poetry Supplement Number 4 Drake, William: The First Wave: Women Poets in America 1915-1945
Linthwaite, Illona (ed.): Ain't I A Woman! A Book of Women's Poetry From Around the World Kaufman, Shirley, Galit Hasan-Rokem, & Tamar S. Hess (eds.): The Defiant Muse: Hebrew Feminist Poems From Antiquity to the Present. A Bilingual Anthology Witte, John (ed.): Warnings: An Anthology on the Nuclear Peril. Northwest Review, Volume 21, nos. 1&2
Gross, Harvey: Sound and Form in Modern Poetry Koolish, Lynda: A Whole New Poetry Beginning Here: Contemporary American Women Poets. Volume 1 Jones, Richard (ed.): Poetry and Politics: An Anthology of Essays
Stanford, Ann (ed.): The Women Poets In English: An Anthology Thompson, William: Sickness. A Poem. In Three Books Jamison, William A: Arnold And the Romantics. Anglistica, Volume X
Wycherley, William: The Plain-Dealer. A Comedy. A Scolar Press Facsimile Walpole, Horace: The Duchess of Portland's Museum Tolstoy, Lev: Sobranie Sochineniy = [A collection of essays]. Volume 7
Tolstoy, Lev: Sobranie Sochineniy = [A collection of essays]. Volume 11 Tselikova, A.V: Russkaya Sovetskaya Literatura; posobie dlya kursov po podgotovke v vuz = [Russian soviet literature; a guide to university entrance preparation] Lermontov, M. U: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of essays]. Volume 3
Lermontov, M. U: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of essays]. Volume 4 Lermontov, M. U: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [Full collection of essays]. Volume 2 Lermontov, M. U: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy ; stihotvoreniya = [Full collection of essays; poems]. Volume 1
Tolstoy, I.I: Serbsko-horvatsko-russkiy slovar = [Serbo-croatian-russian dictionary] Plehanov, G.V: Izbrannie filosovskie proizvideniya = [Selected philosophical essays]. Volume 4 Plehanov, G.V: Izbrannie filosovskie proizvideniya = [Selected philosophical essays]. Volume 2
Muller, V.K: Anglo-russkiy slovar = [Russian-English Dictionary] Popovich, U: Dogmatika Pravoslavne Cerkve = [Dogmatika Orthodox Church] Kreusler, Abraham: The Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages in The Soviet Union
Harvey, L. Mose: East West Trade [And the United States Policy] Simmons, J. Ernest: Continuity and Change in Russian and Soviet Thought Ramsay Tompkins, Stuart: The Russian Intelligentsia [Makers of the revolutionary state]
Toistoy, Lev: Tri medvedya = [The three bears] Marshak, Samuil: Skazki, pesni, zagadki = [Stories, Songs, Riddles] Shakhmatov, A.A: Iz trudov A.A. Shakhmatova po sovremennomu russkomu yaziku = [From the writings of A.A. Shakhmatov on contemporary Russian language]
Maler, E: Russkaya kniga dlya chteniya = [Russian Reader] Likhachev, D.S. Ed: Slovo o polku Igoreve; pamyatnik XII veka = [A word on the legion of Igor] Prilezhaeva, M: Nad volgoy = [On the Volga]
Motileva, T: Zarubezhniy roman segodnya = [Foreign novel today] Rosenthal, D.E: Spravochnik po pravopisaniu i literaturnoi pravke dlya rabotnikov pechati = [Writing and literature manual for workers of the press] Dostoevskiy, F.M: Bednie ludi = [Poor people]
Trirogova-Mendeleeva, O.D: Mendeleev i ego sem'ya = [Mendeleev and his family] Dement'ev, A.G: Ocherki po istorii russkoi zhurnalistiki; 1840-1850 = [Notes on the history of Russian journalism; 1840-1850] Borisova, M.N. Ed: Russkaya literatura hrestomatiya dlya 5go klassa nacionalnih shkol = [Russian literature guide for 5th grade]
Bromley, U.V. Ed: Slavyane i rossiya = [Russia and the Slavs] Lobanova, N.A. Ed: Metodicheskie ukazaniya k tablicam = [Methodical notes on tables; notes on Russian phonetics] Simphonia = [Symphony; alphabetical guide to hymns]
Trenev, K.A: Izbrannie proizvedeniya; tom vtoroi = [Selected works, Volume II] Iezuitova, L.A: Tvorchestvo Leonida Andreeeva 1892-1906 = [The work of Leonid Andreev 1892-1906] Ozhegov, S.I., Ed: Voprosi kulturi rechi = [Questions on the corectness of speech]
Avanesov, R.I. Ed: Russkoe literaturnoe proiznoshenie i udarenie = [Russian literary guidebook on pronounciation; reference and dictionary] Nastasievich, Slavomir: Stefan, gosudar' Serbskiy = [Stefan, the Serbian Prince] Artamonov, S.D: Istoriya zarubezhnoi literaturi 18 veka = [the history of foreign literature in the 18th century]
Chekhov, A.P: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [full collection of essays]. Volumes 7-9 Chekhov, A.P: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [full collection of essays]. Volumes 19 & 20 Chekhov, A.P: Polnoe sobranie sochineniy = [full collection of essays]. Volumes 13-16
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