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JACKSON, THOMAS W: Thos. W. Jackson Catches a Fish and Tells the Story Pan Pacific International Exposition: Official Miniature View Book. Pan Pacific International Exposition. Seventy New Views Disneyland: A Glorious Day at Disneyland
Atlantic City: Atlantic City The Playground of the Nation 19th-century American Theatre: Six advertising cards for 19th century actors Leger, Alexis (Saint-John Perse): Cher Ami (autograph letter, facsimile)
Elmer Belt Library of Vinciana, The: Christmas greeting, brochure and two letters Barrett, James: [ALS] To the Secretary of the Interior Phillpotts, Eden: Autograph of Eden Phillpotts
Hine, Reginald L: ALS by Reginald L. Hines Fox, Frances B: ALS from Frances B. Fox to Mr. Henry Tracy Lehman, Paul Evan: TLS from Paul E. Lehman to Mr. Morris Sorkin
Havinghurst, Walter: Upper Mississippi: A Wilderness Saga Matschat, Cecile Hulse: Suwannee River: Strange Green Land Masters, Edgar Lee: The Sangamon
Derleth, August: The Wisconsin Hansen, Harry: The Chicago Morgan, Dale L: The Humboldt: Highroad of the West
Footner, Hulbert: Rivers of the Eastern Shore: Seventeen Maryland Rivers Vestal, Stanley: The Missouri Hutchison, Bruce: The Fraser
Smith, Frank E: The Yazoo Clune, Henry W: The Genesee Sanborn, Margaret: The American: River of the El Dorado
Savil, Merwyn, editor, and William Stirling, trans: Anthology of European Poetry: Machault to Malherbe, Thirteenth to Seventeenth Century in French and English Faulkner, William, Dorothy B. Hughes, Ray Bradbury, et al: Gamma, vol. 1, No. 2 EWART, GAVIN, EDITOR: The Batsford Book of Light Verse For Children
Lowenfels, Walter, Editor: Where is Vietnam? American Poets Respond Berg, Stephen and Robert Mezey, Editors: Naked Poetry: Recent American Poetry in Open Forms Walton, Ellis: Gossamer
Hall, Mrs. S. C: Animal Sagacity Bell, Robert: Songs From the Dramatists Jablanovec, Ida Therese, Susen James and Jose Chavez: Stray Bullets: A Celebration of Chicago Saloon Poetry
Aldington, Richard, Editor): The Viking Book of Poetry of the English-Speaking World Schwartz, Leonard, Joseph Donahue, and Edward Foster, Editors: Primary Trouble: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry HUMPHRIES, Rolfe, Editor: New Poems by American Poets #2
Tambimuttu, Editor: Festschrift for Katharine Falley Bennett Nye, Robert, Editor: The Faber Book of Sonnets FARBER, NORMA; PACK, ROBERT; SIMPSON, LOUIS: Poets of Today II
Wedgwood, C. V., Editor: New Poems 1965. A P.E.N. Anthology of Contemporary Poetry Bowler, Christine, Lyman Andrews, F. W. Willetts: New Writers 8 Girri Alberto, William Shand: Poesía Norteamericana Contemporánea
BURNETT, WHIT, MARTHA FOLEY, EDitors: Story in America 1933-1934: Thirty-Four Selections from the American Issues of "Story," the Magazine Devoted Solely to the Short Story Williams, Oscar, Editor: New Poems: 1940. An Anthology of British and American Verse Rexroth, Kenneth, Editor: New British Poets: An Anthology
QUEEN, ELLERY, EDITOR (WILLIAM FAULKNER, ROSS MACDONALD): The Queen's Awards 1946: The Winners of the First Annual Detective Short-Story Contest Sponsored By Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine Auden, W. H., Robert Lowell, Edwin Muir, et al: The Guinness Book of Poetry Hemke, Marie D., George D. Bond, Jay B. Hubbell, editors: Prairie Pegasus
Litsey, Sarah, Editor: KENTUCKY POETS: An Anthology of 29 Contemporary Poets SUTHERLAND, James, Editor: THE OXFORD BOOK OF LITERARY ANECDOTES Finn, F. E. S., Editor: Poets of Our Time
Tufte, Virginia, Editor: High Wedlock Then Be Honoured Bassler, Theodor: Der Kampf um das Deutschtum: Das Deutschtum in Russland Hubbard, Alice and Elbert: Two printed quotations
Fratelli Pozzo, printers: Carta Generale delle Strade Ferrate italiane, e Linee di Navigazione Ingersoll. T. W., Photographer: Four photographs of Medora, Dakota Territory Garnier Frères: Nouveau Paris Monumental
Hompson, Davi Det (David E. Thompson): So Nu Various: Seven New England Trade Cards McMurtrie, Douglas C: Can We Get Results from Eye-Straining Typography?
Supreme Court of the United States: Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg vs. United States of America. Motion to Vacate Stay Meyers, William H: [Prospectus] Sketches of California and Hawaii by William H. Meyers, Gunner, U.S.N. Aboard the United States Sloop-of-War Cyane, 1842-1843. With an introduction & notes by John Haskell Kemble Leighly, John: [Prospectus] California as an Island, an illustrated essay by John Leighly, Professor Emeritus, University of California at Berkeley, with Twenty-five Plates & a Bibliographical checklist of Maps showing California as an Island 1622-1785
Wikgren, Allen P: [Prospectus] A Leaf from the First Edition of the First Complete Bible in English, The coverdale Bible, 1535. With an Historical Introduction by Allen P. Wikgren and A Census of Copies Recorded in the British Isles and North America Grabhorn Press, The: [Prospectus] Ukiyo-e "The Floating World." Illustrated by twenty-eight rare examples of Japanese woodblock prints by seventeen great masters of the art Bradley, Carol W: Moonflower. Eleven seventeen-syllable poems written by Carol Bradley in the month of May MCMLXIX
Bradley, Carol W: A Pocketful of Tansey St. Francis of Assisi: As Far as I Can and More Than I Can. A Selection of Writings By St. Francis of Assisi Bradley, Carol W: Anne Boleyn, A Gambit. With Fragments of Poetry by Sir Thomas Wyatt
Bradley, Bruce and Carol W: John Harington: A Privy Matter Bradley, Carol W: The Sun and the Moon: A Gypsy Legend Bradley, Carol W: The New Apple Doll Book
Tommasini, Amadeo R: Christmas Keepsakes Cox, Coleman: Seven Self-Help Pamphlets Harlow, Neal: [Prospectus]The Maps of San Francisco Bay from the Spanish discovery in 1769 to the american Occupation
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