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Mavida: Catalogo 16. Incisioni, litografie, disegni, libri Musée d'Arte Moderne. Troye: Alberto Magnelli. La Après-futurisme, 1919 - 1931. 22 juin - 29 septembre 2002 Bloomsbury Auctions: Contemporary Art. (Sale 627) Friday 12th October 2007. Sale 627
Skinner: American & European Paintings & Prints. September 7, 2007. Boston. Sale 2371 Jonathan Potter Limited: A Selection of Antique Maps from Jonathan Potter. 2006 Pierre Bergé & Associates: Vente Livres anciens et modernes. Drouot Richelieu, Paris. Vendredi 25 juin 2004
Freeman's. Samuel T. Freeman & Co: Fine Prints. 05/19/06. Sale 1248 Ruark, Robert: Uhuru: A Novel of Africa Today Elkin, Stanley: Boswell: A Modern Comedy
England, Barry: Figures in a Landscape Rice, Anne: Violin Durrell, Gerald: The Picnic and other inimitable stories
Elkin, Stanley: The Franchiser Michaels, Leonard: The Men's Club Richler, Mordecai: This Year in Jerusalem: Essays and Reports
Rechy, John: Rushes: A novel Riding, Laura: Progress of Stories. A New, Enlarged Edition with added early stories and other new material, including an introduction by Laura (Riding) Jackson Richards, Caroline: Sweet Country
Hirschl & Adler Galleries: American Genre Painting in the Victorian Era: Winslow Homer, Eastman Johnson, and Their Contemporaries Phaidon: Books Do Furnish a Room: Phaidon Catalogue, 1998-99 Maginn, Henry C.; Wallander, Arthur W.; Johnson, Gardiner.: TL COPY from NY Police Commissioner Arthur W. Wallander to Henry Maginn and Gardiner Johnson
Fidgeon, Arthur J.; Johnson, Gardiner: TLS, from Fidgeon Detective Agency of San Francisco to Gardiner Johnson Johnson, Gardiner: Collection of notes re: New York visit, NYPD Hauswedell & Nolte (Hamburg): Wertvolle Bücher und Autographen. Auktion 381 24. und 25. November 2004. Sale 381
Hatje Cantz (Stuttgart): New Titles and Complete Catalog. 2003-2004 Smithsonian Institution Press: New Titles. Spring 1997 Garland Publishing: General Reference and Library Catalog 2000
Rizzoli: Rizzoli Universe. Fall 1999 Hauswedell & Nolte (Hamburg): Gemälde, Zeichnungen und Graphik. Des 15. Bis 19. Jahrhunderts. Auktion 393 AM 9. Juni 2006. Sale 393 Harvey Miller Publishers: Catalogue 2003 - 2004
Brepols Publishers: Art History Newsletter. Is. 4, December 2003 Salter, F. M. and Edwards, H. L., eds.; Skelton, John, translator: The Bibliotheca Historica of Diodorus Siculus. Vol. II. Introduction, Notes, and Glossary Soubrette, Henry and Bros. (Lithographer): James H. Hart. Fine Watches Jewelry, and Silverware
Bothwell, Doris (Dorr): Figures around a Totem Miyasaki, George: Birds in a Pond Sotheby's (New York): Important English and Continental Silver and Silver Gilt: Including the Collection of Francis E. Fowler III. Wednesday October 21, 1998.Sale 7204
Sotheby's (New York): Important English and Continental Silver Gold including Chess Sets. Wednesday April 14, 1999. Sale 7289 Sotheby's (New York): A Private Collection of English and Scottish Silver. Friday, April 23, 1993. Sale 6412 Sotheby's (New York): The Jaime Ortiz-Patiño Collection of Silver by Paul de Lamerie. Wednesday, April 22, 1998. Sale 7120
Sotheby's Geneva: Noble Jewels. Thursday 17 May 2007. Sale GE0708 Sotheby's (New York): Important American Furniture and Folk Art of the Estate of Andrew D. Wolfe. Saturday January 20, 2001. Sale 7591 Sotheby's (New York): American Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture. Thursday, May 24, 1990. Sale 6025
Sotheby's (New York): Fine Americana: Including Furniture, Folk Art, Quilts, Paintings, Prints, Silver and Chinese Export Porcelain. January 23, 24 and 25, 1992. Sale 6269 Sotheby's (New York): Fine Americana. June 17, 1998. Sale 7152 Sotheby's (New York): Magnificent Jewels. October 19 and 20, 1998. Sale 7203
Sotheby's (London): A Distinguished Private Collection of 18th Century Meissen Porcelain. Tuesday 24 November 1998. Sale LN8732 Sotheby's (New York): Washington - Custis Silver, Property of a Direct Descendant. May 19, 2005. Sale 8142 Christie's (New York): Important American Futrniture, Silver, Prints, Folk Art and Decorative Arts. Thursday, January 26, 1995. Sale 8076
Christie's (New York): Important American Furniture, Silver and Folk Art Christie's (New York): Important American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts. Wednesday June 21, 1995. Sale 8208 Christie's (New York): Important American Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture. Thursday 22 May 2003. Sale 1236
Christie's (London): Silver and Objects of Vertu. 6 March 1991. Sale 4475 Iccho, Hanabusa and NYK Steamship Line: Bon Odori on the Pochoir after the artist on a Dinner Menu. M.S. Tatsua Maru Zani, V: Pane Angelico Natale Pepi Siena. Angels Cake
American Typographer: A Stimulant that Also Produces Energy American Typographer: A Tonic for Run Down Men and Women Matsumoto, Sogo and Wilhelmina Seegmiller: Japanese Prints selected by Miss Wilhelmina Seegmiller. Printed by Sogo Matsumoto
Christie's Int'l: Dipinti Antichi. Dipinti Antichi dalla Collezione Dalla Vecchia, Cornici. Depinti del XIX secolo. Roma Giovedi, 24 novembre Martodi 6, dicembre 1994. Sales 2272 & 2276 Butterfield, Butterfield & Dunning: American & California Paintings and Sculpture. December 8, 1998 in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Elgin. Sale 6847D Bonhams & Butterfields: California and American Paintings and Sculpture. Wednesday June 11, 2003. San Francisco and Los Angeles. Sale 7438D
Butterfield & Butterfield (San Francisco, Calif.): The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. June 9, 1999 in San Francisco. Sale 7028F Duke's: Fra Angelico: The San Marco Panels. 19th April 2007 Semenzato Casa D'Aste: Importanti Dipinti Antichi. Venezia 27 Novembre 2007. Sale Asta 1391
Tajan: Dessins Anciens. Vendredi 23 Novembre 2001 PIASA Commissaires-Priseurs: Importants Dessins Anciens et du XIX Siècle. Mercredi 21 Novembre 2001 PIASA Commissaires-Priseurs: Importants Dessins Anciens et du XIX Siècle. Vendredi 26 Juin 1998
Sotheby's (London): Old Master Paintings. London 1 November 2007. Sale 7727 Sotheby's: Dipinti Antichi. Milano 29 Maggio 2007. Sale MI275 Sotheby's (New York): The Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords: Sporting Paintings, Sculpture & Trophies, Vol. 1. New York October 28, 2004. Sale 8016
Sotheby's (London): 19th Century European Paintings Including German, Austrian & Central European Paintings and the Orientalist Sale. London 27 June 2007. Sale 7101 Hervilla, Cora: Little River Inn. Little River, California Hervilla, Cora: Presbyterian Church in Mendocino, California
Hervilla, Cora: Church and Bargain Center, Caspar, California Hervilla, Cora: Church in Mendocino, California Hervilla, Cora: Houses and Watertower in Mendocino, California
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