Butterfield, Butterfield & Dunning: American & California Paintings and Sculpture.  December 8, 1998 in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Elgin.  Sale 6847D

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Butterfield, Butterfield & Dunning : American & California Paintings and Sculpture. December 8, 1998 in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Elgin. Sale 6847D

London: Butterfield & Buttefield, 1998.

Auction catalogue. 4to. In wraps. 80 pp. Inscribed interior with notations on title page. Richly illustrated with full-color lithographic reproductions and photos. Moran, Herzod, Selden Connor Gile, etc. Good.

Butterfield, Butterfield & Dunning : American & California Paintings and Sculpture. December 8, 1998 in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Elgin. Sale 6847D is listed for sale on Bibliophile Bookbase by Wittenborn Art Books.

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