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Duncan, Ken: Let There Be Joy Duncan, Ken: Let There Be Hope Duncan, Ken: Let There Be Love
Children's Author: Mary Had a Little Lamb & Other Nursery Rhymes Swift, Christine: Flashlight Fun with kitten Bailey, Colin J: German Nineteenth Century Drawings from the Ashmolian Museum, Oxford
Geller, Hans: 150 Jahre deutsche Landschafts Malerei: Ihre Entwicklung von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart Marlborough Fine Arts Ltd: French Landscapes Fezzi, Elda: Renoir
Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique: Le groupe des XX et son temps Museum of Modern Art: Odilon Redon, Gustave Moreau, Rudolphe Bresdin Sotheby's (New York): Important 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings and Watercolors. February 24, 1983
Sotheby's (New York): 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture. February 24, 1988 Sotheby's (New York): 19th Century European Paintings. February 11, 1981 Sotheby's (New York): 19th Century European Paintings. October 30, 1980
Sotheby's (New York): Important 19th Century European Paintings. October 28, 1982 Sotheby's (New York): Important 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings and Watercolors. Thursday, May 26, 1983 Sotheby's (New York): Important 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings and Watercolors. Wednesday October 26, 1983
Sotheby's (New York): 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings, and Sculpture. Wednesday, October 12, 1994 Sotheby's (New York): Important 19th Century European Paintings, Drawings, and Watercolors. Friday, October 19, 1984 Sotheby's (London): Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century British Drawings and Watercolours. Thursday, 20th November, 1986
Sotheby, Parke, Bernet: 19th Century European Paintings. Friday, January 25, 1980 Sotheby, Parke, Bernet: 19th Century European Paintings. May 12, 1978 Sotheby, Parke, Bernet: 19th Century European Paintings. Friday October 12, 1979
Sotheby, Parke, Bernet: 19th Century European Paintings. Thursday May 29, 1980 Sotheby's (New York): British Paintings, Drawings and Prints, including Sporting Pictures. Wednesday, April 11, 1984 Fredericksen, Burton B., ed: The Index of Paintings Sold in the British Isles during the Nineteenth Century, 1806-1810
Vroman, Adam: Photographer of the Southwest [prospectus] Regional Publishing Co: California Pioneer Register and Index, 1542-1848 [prospectus] Hammond, George, et al: Sir Francis Drake and the Finding of the Plate of Brass
McNary and Morgan Chapel: In Memoriam. Dr. Henry Moriya Takahashi. 1904-1978 University of California Press: Books on Californiana and the West [prospectus] University of California Press: Announcing the Mark Twain Papers [prospectus]
Hanson, Harvey and Jeanne Thurlow Miller: Wild Oats in Eden. Sonoma County in the 19th Century [prospectus] Johnson, Kenneth: The New Almaden Quicksilver Mine [prospectus] Melendy, Brett, and Benjamin Gilbert: The Governors of California. From Peter H. Burnett to Edmund G. Brown [prospectus]
Paul, Rodman: The California Gold Discovery [prospectus] Dillon, Richard: Fool's Gold. A Biography of John Sutter [prospectus] Crosby, Alexander: Old Greenwood. Pathfinder of the West [prospectus]
Nasatir, A.P: A French Journalist in the California Gold Rush. The Letters of Etienne Derbec [prospectus] Kemble, Edward: A History of California Newspapers, 1846- 1858 [prospectus] Lewis, Ernest Allen: The Fremont Cannon. High Up and Far Back [prospectus]
Arthur H. Clark Co: Western Frontiersmen Series, 1760-1930 [prospectus] Johnson, Olga Weydemeyer: Flathead and Kootenay. The Rivers, the Tribes, and the Region's Traders [prospectus] Fremont, John: Fremont's Fourth Expedition. A Documentary Account of the Disaster of 1848-1849 [prospectus]
Watson, Margaret: Silver Theatre. Amusements of the Mining Frontier in Early Nevada, 1850-1864 [prospectus] Goodman, David Michael: A Western Panorama, 1849-1875. The Travels, Writings, and Influence of J. Ross Browne... [prospectus] Hafen, LeRoy and Ann: Powder River Campaigns and Sawyers Expedition of 1865 [prospectus]
Catalina Print Company: Avalon: Santa Catalina Island, circa 1890 [prospectus] Ward Richie Press: Books about Three California Landmarks [prospectus] Lick, Rosemary: The Generous Miser: The Story of James Lick of California [prospectus]
Bennet, Melba Berry: The Stone Mason of Tor House: The Life and Work of Robinson Jeffers [prospectus] M'Collum, William: California as I Saw It [prospectus] Greenwood, Robert. Editor: California Imprints, 1833-1862: A Bibliography [prospectus]
Loveland, Cyrus: California Trail Herd [prospectus] Kelly, J. Wells: First Directory of Nevada Territory [prospectus] Nadeau, Remi: Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of California [prospectus]
Shakespeare, William: The Taming of the Shrew [prospectus] Bryant, Edwin: What I Saw in California [prospectus] Taylor, Bayard: Eldorado [prospectus]
Soulé, Frank, et al: The Annals of San Francisco [prospectus] Grimshaw, William Robinson: Grimshaw's Narrative [prospectus] Dillon, Richard: The Hatchet Men [prospectus]
LeConte, Carrie: Yo Semite. 1878. Adventures of N & C. Journal and Drawings by Carrie LeConte [prospectus] Johnson, Kenneth: The Life and Times of Edward Robeson Taylor. Physician, Lawyer, Poet, and Politician [prospectus] Alger, Horatio: The Young Miner; or, Tom Nelson in California [prospectus]
Utamaro: Twelve Wood-block Prints of Kitagawa Utamaro [prospectus] Lewis, Oscar, compiler: Second Reading. Selections from the Quarterly Newsletters, 1933-1963 [prospectus] Hart, James D: The Private Press Ventures of Samuel Lloyd Osbourne and R.L.S. [Robert Louis Stevenson] [prospectus]
Walker, Franklin: Prospectus for The Seacoast of Bohemia: An Account of Early Carmel Kunzel, Heinrich: Upper California [prospectus] Johnson, Kenneth: The Sting of the Wasp. Political and Satirical Cartoons from the Truculent Early San Francisco Weekly... [prospectus]
Kindersley, David: Mr. Eric Gill [prospectus] Booth, Steven: The Book Called Holinshed's Chronicles [prospectus] Burgess, Gelett and Joseph Backus: Gelett Burgess Behind the Scenes. Glimpes of Fin de Siecle San Francisco [prospectus]
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