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Goines, David Lance: Russian Beef Borsch from Thirty Recipes Suitable for Framing Hamerton, Philip Gilbert: Moonrise on Ternin Feven-Perrin, F. N. A: A Sailor's Infancy
Schloesser, Carl: The Reprimand Daubigny, Charles François: Clair de lune à Valmondois = [Moonlight at Valmondois] Toussaint, Henri  : Rood-screen, in the Church of St. Etienne de Mont
Breton, Jules Adolphe: The Gleaner Chalmers, G. P: Prayer Vely, Anatole: Meditation
Goines, David Lance: Chez Panisse Desserts Thurmond, George T: Nature and Light Kiesel, C. M: Krieg
Jalanraya, Peta: Semenanjung Malaysia Miró, Joan: Derrière le Miroir. DLM #151-152. Les peintures sur Carton de Miró Berman, Eugene: Eugene Berman: Catalogue of the Retrospective Exhibition of his Paintings, Drawings, Illustrations
San Francisco Museum of Art & G.L.M. Morley: Quarterly bulletin. Peruvian Painting Jaeger: Napoli. [Two drawings of Farmers and Farm animals] Bernhardi, Herman: Street in Venice
Bernhardi, Herman: Chateâu Décréles. Lake Geneva. Genferse Bernhardi, Herman: Dent de Naye. Clarens Bernhardi, Herman: Haus in Augsburg
Bernhardi, Herman: Farmhouse in Germany Bernhardi, Herman: Evian. Lake Geneva. Genferse Bernhardi, Herman: Vevey. Lake Geneva. Genferse
Bernhardi, Herman: Jakobstor and Rothes Thor. Augsburg Goines, David Lance: William Blake, Samuel Palmer, and the English Visionaries American Mercury: Senator William F. Knowland Answers Twenty Questions on Foriegn Policy
Wells Fargo: $250 Reward Anonymous: Letter on stationery of the Hotel California, Fresno Anonymous: Letter on stationery of the Hotel Padre, Bakersfield
Lake County Fruit Exchange: Bartlet Pear Wrapper World Affairs Council of Northern California and the Commonwealth Club of California: Dinner in Honor of Charles de Gaulle.. Anonymous: Pacific Coastline
California, State of: State Capitol, Sacramento, California Anonymous: Letter on stationery of the Hotel Golden, Reno, Nevada Citizens' Committee ant California Historical Society: Celebration of the 193rd Birthday of San Francisco, June 28, 1969
Bar Association of San Francisco and the California Historical Society: Historical Exhibition of the Bench and Bar of San Francisco Deukmejian Campaign Committee: Governor Deukmejian with President Ronald Reagan Deukmejian Campaign Committee: Governor Deukmejian
Yosemite Valley Railroad: Gates of the Valley, Yosemite National Park San Francisco, City and County of: San Francisco Serves California Bylin, James: Was the last rail spike gold or iron- & where is Promontory, Utah?
Time Magazine: Time Magazine cover with Senator William Knowland. 1/14/1957 Bernhardi, Herman: Palace Guard Lira, P: Despair
Watson, John D: The Ballad Martini, P. A: 2. Les précautions Harlan, Robert: Chapter Nine. The Vulgate Bible and other unfinished projects of John Henry Nash [prospectus]
Evans, Henry: Poppies Proctor, Frederick Towne: The Frederick Towne Proctor Collection of Antique Watches and Table Clocks Serratoni, Frank J: Woodside Store. (San Mateo County)
Guttenberg, H: 17. La Course de Chevaux Lingée, C. L: 8. Les Confidences Duclos & Bosse: Le Coucher
Thomas, N: 20. Oui ou non L'AinÎé, Voyez: La Toilette Martini, P. A: La déclaration de la Grossesse
Nagel, Peter: Boy Blowing Bubbles Johnson, Doris Miller: Symphony Orchestra Grayson: Bring All the Boys Home Now
Terechowicz: Teatr Pantomimy Renaissance Artist: Elizabethan Brass Rubbing for Catherine Porter Geis: An diesem System stirbt das Volk. Wählen Sozialdemokraten Liste 1
Renaissance Artist: Elizabethan brass rubbing of couple Igor: House beside the Road Callaway, G: Rocky Shore with Waves
Lange: Farmhouses along a River Duncan, Ken, et al: Australia Wide Cookbook Schoch, Mende and Scherbaum: Albrecht Dürer. Das druckgraphische Werk. Band III. Buchillustrationen. (Book Illustrations)
Schoch, Mende and Scherbaum; Durer, Albrecht: Albrecht Dürer. Das druckgraphische Werk. The Graphic Work. 3 Volumes Vandewiele, Agnes: Images: The Earth Shahn, Ben: Spoleto. Festival Dei Due Mondi = Festival of Two Worlds
Boswell, Peyton: Modern American Painting Simon, P: My Body Duncan, Ken: Let There Be Peace
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