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KIRKMAN, James: The Well By the Gate (Gedi National Park Interim Report 1) MACLEOD, Ken; STRYDOM, Wynand; JONES, Alan; BLACKWELL, Pete; GENTLES, Graham (and others): Bike SA Motorcycling Annual 1981 EDELHEIM, Margarete: Sudafrikanische Impressionen: Reiseberichte Fur Die C.-V.-Zeitung Mai-juli 1936
TRINDER-SMITH, Terry: Wild Flowers of the Table Mountain National Park SINCLAIR, Ian & WHYTE, Ian: Field Guide to the Birds of the Kruger National Park MENDL, Wolf: Japan's Asia Policy: Regional Security and Global Interests
DE COURCELLES, David Cornelius: Icones Musculorum Plantae Pedis eorumque Descriptio OJETTI, Ugo (Preface by): I Palazzi e Le Ville Che Non Sono Piu Del re PIAZZI, Giovanni: La novella fronda. Manuale storico della letteratura e dell'arte italiana, in tre tomi con tavole fuori testo. Tomo I: il Medio Evo - I primitivi - L'arte nazionale. Tomo II: Il Rinascimento . (Il quattrocento - Il cinquecento - Il seicento). Tomo III: Il
VITALE, Vito: Breviario della Storia di Genova: Lineamenti Storici ed Orientamenti Bibliografici (Two Volumes) HAYDON, Geoffrey & MARKS, Dennis (Edited by): Repercussions A Celebration of African-American Music LABUSCAGNE, Cobi (Directed by): Joburg Art Fair 2009
LABUSCAGNE, Cobi (Directed by): Joburg Art Fair 2011 LABUSCAGNE, Cobi (Directed by): Joburg Art Fair 2008 HERITAGE: Famous American Illustrators Signature Auction #807
HERITAGE: Famous American Illustrators Signature Auction #808 ALGOTSSON, Sharne & DAVIS, Denys: The Spirit of African Design VAN DER WAAL, Gerhard Mark: Van Mynkamp tot Meteropolis. Die boukuns van Johannesburg 1886-1940
MORISHITA, Ittetsu: Hibakusha STEVENS, Christopher Claxton & WHITTINGTON, Stewart: 18th Century English Furniture The Norman Adams Collection EKELOF, Gunnar: Selected Poems
HORN, Peter; RANDALL, Peter; SAUNDERS, Walter (Edited by) (JENSMA, Wopko contributes): Ophir 18 November 1973 PATCHEN, Kenneth: Selected Poems RICHARDS, C.S: Iron and Steel Industry In South Africa. with special reference to the South African iron and steel industrial corporation ltd, more particularly in its relation to the gold-mining industry of the Transvaal. A survey up to July 1939
PRINGLE, S.W: The Soul of the Atom Psyche-Genetics: The Metaphysical Implications of Human Evolution Bridging the Divide Between God & Science ADEBAJO, Adekeye (Edited by): From Global Apartheid to Global Village MIELZINER, Jo: The Shapes of Our Theatre
NIXON, Mima: Royal Palaces and Gardens NICOL, Mike: Sea-mountain, Fire City: Living in Cape Town at the Turn of the 20th Century MINAMI, Ryoshin: The Economic Development of Japan: A Quantitative Study
STUART, J: UVusezakithi : incwadi yezindaba zaBantu bakwaZulu, nabaseNatali BOOTH, William: Rugwaro Rwemibvunzo (The Directory No.II) RAJAK, E. & SEGAL, R.M.(Edited by) (Contribution By Maurice Van ESSCHE): Musa. South African Cultural Quarterly SUMMER EDITION
NICOL, Wm: Met Toga En Troffel: Die Lewe Van 'n Stadspredikant BONIFACE, C.E: De Nieuwe Ridderorde, of de temperantisten : kluchtig blijspel in vier Bedrijven BEERMAN, R: The City of Salisbury Official Guide
AXELSON, Eric (Edited By George WOODCOCK): Congo to Cape: Early Portuguese Explorers PLOMER, William: Taste and Remember LANGENHOVEN, C. J. (Translates OMAR KHAYYAM): Die Rubaiyat (in Versamelde Werke VOL.VII)
RIBEIRO, Aileen: The Gallery of Fashion GREENBURG, Grayce: The Dachshund MARAIS, Eugene N: Rain Bull and Other Tales from the San
KARNAUKHOVA, Lydia (and others): Picturesque Journey from the Northern Capital to the Ancient Capital Saint-Petersburg - Moscow MANOOGIAN, Alex: Treasured Armenian Recipes MCCORMACK, W.J: 'We Irish' in Europe: Yeats, Berkeley & Joseph Hone
SURMELIAN, Leon: Daredevils of Sassoun: The Armenian National Epic BEZJIAN, Alice: The Complete Armenian Cookbook including Favorite International Recipes PAPAZIAN, Iris: Karekin I in His Own Words
BERGSTROM, Gunnar: James Coignard: Catalogue raisonné de l'Oeuvre gravé (1959-1976) JOHNSON, Jill & MAGUBANE, Peter: Soweto Speaks CROCKER, H.J: South Africa and Science: A Handbook
PEIRES, J.B: The House of Phalo: A History of the Xhosa People in the Days of Their Independence JACOB, Naomi: Susan Crowther GOLDING, Louis: The Glory of Elsie Silver
BANANA, C.S: The Theology of Promise. The Dynamics of Self-Reliance SCHMITT, Hermann-Valentin (Edited by): Coming Closer Bangkok Berlin Stuttgart Exhibition 2007 DOSHI, Saryu (Edited by): (GADEBUSCH, Raffael Dedo; HICKMANN, Regina; KOTTKAMP, Heino; YALDIZ, Marianne): Treasures of Indian Art. Germany's Tribute to India's Cultural Heritage
MAGNIN, Nicole S: Catalogue de l'Oeuvre de Georges Braque Peintures 1928 - 1935 MAGNIN, Nicole S: Catalogue de l'Oeuvre de Georges Braque Peintures 1936-1941 DICKSON, Kwesi A: Theology in Africa
DETAINED PERSONS SUPPORT COMMITTEE: Unzima Lomthwalo: A Handbook on Detentions ATTWOOD, Mark; WEINEK, Robert; SCHONFELDT, Joachim (Edited by): GIF2 FRIEDMAN, Florence Dunn: Gifts of the Nile: Ancient Egyptian Faience
MICHLER, Walter & ULUTUNCOK, Guenay (SIGNED By Thabo Mbeki; Trevor Manuel; Jay Naidoo; Jeff Radebe; Mac Maharaj): Africa's Children SASSOON, Siegfried (Edited and Introduced Rupert HART-DAVIS): Diaries 1920-1922 DU PREEZ, Frik: Frik: The Autobiography of a Legend
SKAWRAN, Karen & WERTH, Albert: Edoardo Villa Metalart 76 PROGRAMME: Yango John Presents LOVELACE WATKINS GOEDLEVEN, Edgard: The Grand 'Place in Brussels. Centre of Five Hundred Years of History
PROGRAMME: Montserrat Caballe (Sopraan/Soprano) Hennie Joubert (Klavier / Piano) Opera Staatsteater / State Theatre Pretoria 4-4-1982 PROGRAMME: Victoria De Los Angeles in South Africa / in Suid Afrika 1977 VON VINKLER, P. P. (Fon VINKLER): Gerby gorodov, gubernij, oblastej i posadov Rossijskoj Imperii, Gerby gorodov, gubernij, oblastej i posadov Rossijskoj Imperii. S1649-po 1900goda
SAURMA-JELTSCH, Hugo Frh. Von: Schlesische Munzen und Medaillen HORRELL, Muriel (Edited by): A Survey of Race Relations in South Africa 1981 WANLESS, Roger`: Olives & Ouzo; A Journey Through Southern Greece and other Stories
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