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DAVIES, Lucy & FINI, Mo: Arts and Crafts of South America SAYER, Chloe: Arts and Crafts of Mexico PARROT, Andre: Sumer
WILMAN, Maria: The Rock Engravings of Griqualand & West Bechuanaland South Africa WILLCOX, A.R: Rock Paintings of the Drakensberg, Natal and Griqualand East PERKINS, Dorothy: Encyclopedia of China The Essential Reference to China Its History and Culture
GENTLEMAN, David: David Gentleman's India STRONG, Roy: Splendour at Court : Renaissance Spectacle and Illusion ROBINSON, B.W., Skelton, R.W., Spuhler, F, Fehervari, G., Watson, O. & Pindar-Wilson, R.H: Islamic Art in the Keir Collection
VENTER, Kate & BORCHERS, Eunice: Sugar Modelling ZELZ, Abigail Ewing & ZOIDIS, Marilyn: Woodsman and Whigs Historic Images of Bangor, Maine STEADMAN, David W. & ZOUSMER, Steven: Galapagos: Discovery on Darwin's Islands
DAVIES, Philip: Splendours of the Raj: British Architecture in India, 1660-1947 WATERSON, Roxanna: The Living House. An Anthropology of Architecture in South-East Asia STUART, Chris & STUART, Tilde: Africa A Natural History
CALENDAR (Photographs By Herbert LANG): South Africa pictorial calendar / Suid-Afrika Geillustreerde Kalendar 1935 CALENDAR (Photographs By Herbert LANG): South Africa pictorial calendar / Suid-Afrika Geillustreerde Kalendar 1937 CALENDAR (Photographs By Herbert LANG): South Africa pictorial calendar / Suid-Afrika Geillustreerde Kalendar 1938
CRUMP, Richard & BOX, Rob De La Rive: Maserati Sports, Racing & GT Cars from 1926 BEZUIDENHOUT, Erina: Lekkergoedresepte BEZUIDENHOUT, Erina: Resepte Vir Hamburgers En Frikkadelle
METZ, Christian: Psychoanalysis and Cinema : The Imaginary Signifier CLEAVER, Mostyn: A Young South African RAILWAY REPORT: Aanvullende Verslag Van Die Interdepartmentele Komitee Vir Die Vervoer Van Nie Blankes....tussen Die Kaapse Vlakte En Die Simonstadspoorlyne....
DU PLESSIS, I.D: Report of the Commissioner for Coloured Affairs for the Year Ended 31st March 1952 VAN OORDT, J.F: Paul Kruger En De Opkomst Der Zuid- Afrikaansche Repunliek WRIGHT, David: A South African Album
HARING, Phyllis (Edited By Jack COPE): A Taste of Salt COUZYN, Jennie: Christmas in Africa LIVINGSTONE, Douglas: Eyes Closed Against the Sun
DEGERBOL, M: Mellem sorte Dinkaer og hvide Næsehorn MANESSY, G: Tâches quotidiennes et travaux saisonniers en pays Bwa JACKSON, P. B. N: The Fish of the Middle Zambesi (KARIBA STUDIES: Ichthyology)
CLARK, J.D: The Life and Work of David Livingstone and the Discovery of the Victoria Falls. Guide to the Exhibition 1st June to 31st August 1955 POLE, Len: Iwa L’Ewa: Yoruba and Benin Collections in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum Exeter GRASSLAND RESEARCH COMMITTEE: Progress Report on Soil Erosion and Grassland Experiments
COCTEAU, Jean: Thomas L'Imposteur Histoire STRUCK, Hermann: Die Kunst Des Radierens. Ein Handbuch TOOLEY, R. V: English Books with Coloured Plates, 1790 to 1860; a Bibliographical Account of the Most Important Books Illustrated by English Artists in Colour Aquatint and Colour Lithography
MATTHEWS, Denis: In Pursuit of Music COHEN, Harriet: A Bundle of Time. The Memoirs of Harriet Cohen NEWTON, Ivor: At the Piano Ivor Newton. The World of an Accompanist
GIRDLESTONE, C..M: Mozart's Piano Concertos ORREY, Leslie: Music at the Keyboard NEUPERT, Hanns: Harpsichord Manual A Historical and Technical Discussion
HARTSHORNE, Richard: Perspective on the Nature of Geography BIALIK, Chaim Nachman: Poems from the Hebrew DART, Raymond A: Fossil Man and Contemporary Faunas in Southern Africa
DART, Raymond A: The Bone Bludgeon Hunting Technique of Australopithecus DART, Raymond A: An Australopithecus from the Central Transvaal DART, Raymond A: An Adolescent Promethean Australopithecine Mandible from Makapansgat
DART, Raymond A: The First Human Mandible from the Cave of Hearths Makapansgat BARKER, Nicolas; BATEY, Charles; DREYFUS, John (Editorial Committee): Printing and the Mind of Man: Catalogue of a Display of Printing Mechanisms and Printed Materials Arranged to Illustrate the History of Western Civilization and the Means of The Multiplication of Literary Texts Since the XV Century MARE, Leon (Edited by) (Contributions By H F VERWOERD, Piet KOORNHOF, Jaap MARAIS, A.M. Van SCHOOR and others): Extra Muro 1964
PETENI, R. L: Hill of Fools ZERVOS, Yvonne: Pablo Picasso 1969-1970. Dans le cadre du XXIVe festival d'Avignon du 1er Mai au 30. Septembre 1970 au Palais des Papes en Avignon CARMAN, Jillian & CRUMP, Alan: Margaret Vorster Standard Bank Young Artist Award 1988
RETI, Rudolph: Tonality, Atonality, Pantonality. A Study in Some Trends in Twentieth Century Music PARRY, C. H. H: The Nativity PARRY, C. H. H: Blest Pair of Sirens
PARRY, C. H. H: The Pied Piper of Hamelin PARRY, C. H. H: The Music to the Agamemnon of Aeschylus. As Performed in the New Theatre, Cambridge, November 16-21, 1900, by Members of the University. The English Version by H.J. Edwards. [Vocal score] PARRY, C. H. H: De Profundis
PARRY, C. H. H: Voces Clamantium PARRY, C. H. H: God is Our Hope PARRY, C. H. H: The Love That Casteth Out Fear
PARRY, C. H. H: The Vision of Life PARRY, C. H. H: King Saul BENOIST, Jean-Marie: Igor Mitoraj
WRIGHT, Christopher: Jan Van Goyen, 1596-1656, Poet of the Dutch Landscape : Paintings from Museums and Private Collections in Great Britain TAUSSIG, F.W: Principles of Economics DE VILLIERS, Meyer: Afrikaanse Klankleer. Inleiding tot de Fonetiek en die Fonologie
WATT, John Mitchell & BREYER-BRANDWIJK, M.G: Medicinal and Posionous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa HULTEN, Pontus (and others): Paris-Moscou 1900-1930. Arts plastiques, Arts appliques et objets utilitaires, Architecture-urbanisme, Agitprop, Affiche, Théâtre-ballet, Littérature, Musique, Cinéma, Photo créative. 31. Mai - 5. Novembre 1979 MARTINEAU, Jane & HOPE, Charles (Edited by): The Genius of Venice 1500 - 1600
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