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HOOKHAM, Hilda: Tamburlaine the Great BURN, W.L: The Age of Equipoise HUGHES, H. Stuart: Oswald Spengler. A Critical Estimate
CHARLES, Edwin: Some Dickens Men THIOLLER, Eliane (Compiled and Produced by): Salon D'Automne. Rouault. Hommage a Chabaud Oudot Perrot Poliakoff. Art Contemporain. Grand Palais Novembre 1982 COHEN, Stuart: British Policy in Mesopotamia, 1903-14
TICHANE, Robert: Ching-Te-Chen: Views of a Porcelain City ROUANET, Pierre: Walter Spitzer, Exposition Au Profit De L'institut Weizmann Des Sciences a L'occasion De Son Cinquantieme Anniversaire CLAIR, Jean: Paolo Vallorz Oeuvres 1968-1992
BUFACCHI, Jasna: Naomi Press EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: David Wynne Sculpture October 20 to November 18 1983 LASSAIGNE, Jacques: Andre Masson 200 Dessins
BENNETT, Ian (Edited by): HALI The International Journal of Oriental Carpets and Textiles VOL.1 No.4 BLUMENTHAL, Roy: Portraits of an African Landscape (Poetry in the Flamenco Ballet By Trevor Green) OPPENHEIMER, Harry: Towards an Equal Opportunity in South Africa
OPPENHEIMER, Harry: Why the World Should Continue to Invest in South Africa BUSONI, Ferruccio: The Essence of Music and Other Papers BUTLER, JEFFREY, ELPHICK, RICHARD and, WELSH, DAVID (Edited by): Democratic Liberalism in South Africa : Its History and Prospect
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MARTEAU, Robert & GUICHARD'MEILI, Jean: Albert Marquet: Peintures, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins: Exposition Présentée Du 24 Avril Au 30 Juin 1985 PARRY, C. H. H: Ode on St. Cecilia's Day PARRY, C. H. H: Ode to Music
PARRY, C. H. H: The Soul's Ransom PARRY, C. H. H: Te Deum Laudamus PARRY, C. H. H: Beyond These Voices There is Peace
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MISTINGUETT (Translated By Hubert GRIFFITH): Mistinguett and Her Confessions SALT, Henry S: The Life of James Thomson ("B.V.") KIRBY, Percival R: The Musical Practices of the Auni and Khomani Bushmen
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NIKKELS, Walter: Gianni Colombo FUCHS, R.H: Gerrit Van Bakel. Het Voorwerpelijke Denken VAN MENGDEN, Lida: Jan Van Muster Werken 1980-1987
WRIGHT, W. Aldis; BYWATER, Ingram; JACKSON, Henry (Edited by): The Journal of Philology VOL. XVI No.31 WRIGHT, W. Aldis; BYWATER, Ingram; JACKSON, Henry (Edited by): The Journal of Philology VOL. XVI No.32 WRIGHT, W. Aldis; BYWATER, Ingram; JACKSON, Henry (Edited by): The Journal of Philology VOL. XVII No.33
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WRIGHT, W. Aldis; BYWATER, Ingram; JACKSON, Henry (Edited by): The Journal of Philology VOL. XXV No.49 WRIGHT, W. Aldis; BYWATER, Ingram; JACKSON, Henry (Edited by): The Journal of Philology VOL. XXV No.50 SOPHOCLES (Edited By Richard JEBB): The Plays and Fragments. Part II: The Oedipus Coloneus
L'ORANGE< H.P: Art Forms and Civic Life in the Late Roman Empire STOVER, Eric: Land Mines in Cambodia. The Coward's War OVERBECK, Mechtild: Untersuchungen zum Afrikanischen Senatsadel in der Spätantike
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