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MENDELSSOHN, E. (Edited by): Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa Vol.XLI (including Proceedings of the Geological Society of South Africa) TSAREVA, Elena: Rugs and Carpets from Central Asia. The Russian Collections POSSELT, Wilhelm (Translated and Edited By S. BOURQUIN): Wilhelm Posselt A Pioneer Missionary Among the Xhosa and Zulu and the First Pastor of New Germany Natal
JARDIM, Jorge: Sanctions Double-Cross. Oil to Rhodesia VAN DER MERWE, Chris & RICE, Michael (Selected and introduced by): A Century of Anglo-boer War Stories VENTER, Lester: In the Shadow of the Rainbow
FERRIS, N.S: Know Your Rhodesia and Know Nyasaland. 300 Selections from the Rhodesia Herald. VOLUME I POSSELT, F.W,T: Fact and Fiction. A Short Account of the Natives in Southern Rhodesia ELLIOTT, Alan: The Presidential Elephants of Zimbabwe
CHURCHILL, Randolph S: Men, Mines and Animals in South Africa HALL, R.N. & HALL, W.G: The Ancient Ruins of Rhodesia ROUILLARD, Nancy: Matabele Thompson
GREENFIELD, J.M: Testimony of a Rhodesian Federal HARDY, Alan: Some Famous Rhodesian Trials MADDEN, John: The Wilderness and Its Tenants. A Series of Geographical and Other Essays Illustrative of Life in a Wild Country, Together with Experiences and Observations Culled from the Great Book of Nature in Many Lands
OBERHOLSTER, J.J. & WALTON, James: Dingane's Kraal Mgungundlovu / Dinganestat Mgungundlovu BAIN, James: The Lost Dimension or the True Principle of Relativity RAMPA, T. Lobsang: Tibetan Sage
EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: Isaac Witkin (May 19 - June 24, 1988) EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: Anthony Caro. The York Sculptures EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: Anthony Caro 1982-1984. Four Phases
EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: Anthony Caro Painted Sculpture 1983-1985 WILSON,M.L. / TOUSSAUINT VAN HOVE-EXALTO,Th. / RIJSSEN,W.J.J. (edited by): Codex Witsenii. Annotated watercolours of landscapes, flora and fauna observed on the expedition to the Copper Mountains in the country of the Namaqua undertaken in 1685-6 by Simon van der Stel, Commander at the Cape of Good Hope. Copied at the Cape 1692 MOFFETT, Kenworth: Kenneth Noland
GOLDBLATT, David & COURTNEY-CLARKE, Margaret (Text: John KENCH): Cape Dutch Homesteads FLINT, William Russell: Autograph Letter, Signed and Dated May26th 1964, with Original Envelope Addressed in His Hand (postmarked 1 June 1964), Discussing Forthcoming Prints of Two of His Works to be Published By Frost and Reed GREENBERG, Clement: The Collected Essays and Criticism. VOLUME I: Perceptions and Judgments 1939-1944
GREENBERG, Clement: The Collected Essays and Criticism. VOLUME 2: Arrogant Purpose 1945-1949 MTSHALI, Oswald Joseph (Foreword By Nadine GORDIMER): Sounds of a Cowhide Drum. Poems BENSON, Mary: A Far Cry. The Making of a South African
HEAD, Bessie: The Collector of Treasures BLUNDEN, Margaret: The Countess Ofwarwick KENNEDY, Jean: New Currents, Ancient Rivers: Contemporary African Artists in a Generation of Change
MOFFETT, Kenworth: Olitski. New Sculpture EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: Allina Ndebele Weaver-Designer TUCHMAN, Phyllis: Isaac Witkin April 20 - May 18 1985
SINHA, Gayatri: Radhika Vaidyanathan. Inner Landscapes HOLDSTOCK, T. Len: Transpersonal Art. The Paintings of Monika Von Moltke ROSENBLUM, Robert: Frank Stella (Penguin New Art 1)
DAVIS, Zina: Betye Saar. Signs of the Times EXHIBITION CATALOGUE: Jules Olitski Paintings 1988 ELLE, Klaus: Erleuchtungen
HOPKINS, R. Thurston: Adventures with Phantoms ISIHARA, Shinobu: Tests for Colour-Blindness DAIMLER CHRYSLER (Edited by): Kay Hassan. Daimler Chrysler Artist of the Year 2000
MANGANYI, N. Chabani (Introduction Es'kia MPHAHLELE): Gerard Sekoto 'I am an African' MOSS, Rose Rappoport: In Court FERRARI, Mary: Why the Sun Cannot Set. New and Selected Poems
LEDER, Carolyn: Stanley Spencer the Astor Collection WINGEN, Ed: Eugene Brands WALDMAN, Diane: Anthony Caro
FARRER, Austin: A Rebirth of Images. The Making of St. John's Apocalypse FERRARI, Mary: The Mockingbird and Other Poems WATTER, Lola: Insights and Idylls. Poems
FUGARD, Sheila: Mythic Things GALGUT, Damon (Transl. Henk PROPPER): Het Welluidend Gekrijs Van Varkens FUGARD, Athol & DEVENISH, Ross: Marigolds in August
DHLOMO-MAUTLOA, Bongi (Curated by): Contemporary Art from South Africa MIXINGE, Adriano (Curated by) (YOUNGE, Gavin: Introduction by): Angola in Africus. Johannesburg Biennale WILLIAMS, Sylvia H: Mohammed Omar Khalil Etchings / Amir I.M. Nour Sculpture
LYNE, Pat: Reflections Through the Mist GRAY, Bishop Robert: A Journal of the Bishop's Visitation Tour Through the Cape Colony in 1848, with an Account of His Visit to St Helena in 1849 RUSSELL, Lynn: The Voice of Valentino Through Leslie Flint
HUTSON, Shaun: Blood and Honour VORRES, Ian: The Last Grand Duchess. Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna 1 June 1882 - 24 November 1960 LOVELL, Reginald Ivan: The Struggle for Soth Africa 1875 - 1899. A Study in Economic Imperialism
SIMON, Andre L: Wine in Shakespeare's Days and Shakespeare's Plays WAGNER, Peter: Introduction to the Gregorian Melodies. A Handbook of Plainsong. PART I: Origin and Development of the Forms of the Liturgical Chant Up to the End of the Middle Ages SPILHAUS, M. Whiting: Indigenous Trees of the Cape Peninsula
WILLCOCKS, James: From Kabul To Kumassi. Twenty four years of Soldiering and Sport RYAN, Charles S.(in Association with John SANDES): Under the Red Crescent. Adventures of an English Surgeon with the Turkish Army at Plevna and Erzeroum 1877-1878 CARDUS, Neville: The Roses Matches 1919 - 1939
WILLIAMS, Peter L.; WARWICK, Roger; DYSON, Mary; BANNISTER, Lawrence H. (Edited by): Gray's Anatomy Thirty Seventh Edition SPILHAUS, Karl: From Lisbon Via Lubeck to Cape Town NICHOLLS, Elgiva: Tatting
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