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LYONS, Arthur: Satan Wants You. The Cult of Devil Worship PINNOCK, Patricia Schonstein: Xhosa. A Cultural Grammar for Beginners ELLIS, Guy: Serve to Save. The South African Force at Sea
CRESSWELL, H. B: Jago V. Swillerton & Toomer STOTESBURY, John A: Apartheid, Liberalism and Romance. A Critical Investigation of the Writing of Joy Packer MAJOR, Harlan: Salt Water Fishing Tackle
GOLDSWORTHY, Adrian: Roman Warfare KAHN, Ellison (Edited by): The Quest for Justice. Essays in Honour of Michael McGregor Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of South Africa KANYA-FORSTNER, A.S: The Conquest of the Western Sudan. A Study in French Military Imperialism
BRAND, George (Edited by): Trial of Heinrich Gerike, Georg Hessling, Werner Noth, Hermann Muller, Gustav Claus, Richard Demmerich, Fritz Flint, Valentina Bilien (The Velpke Baby Home Trial) POLE, Wellesley Tudor & LEHMANN, Rosamond: A Man Seen Afar RAATH, A.W.G. & LOUW, R.M: Die Konsentrasiekamp Te Bethulie Gedurende Die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902 (Konsentrasiekamp Gedenkreeks 1)
MARITZ, Jan (Introduction by): Stemme Uit Die Vrouwekampe Gedurende Die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog Tussen Boer En Brit Van 1899-1902 VAN ZYL, Danie: In Die Konsentrasiekamp. Jeugherinneringe MARINCOWITZ, Helena: Prince Albert and the Anglo-boer War 1899-1902
VAN DEN BERGH, Gert: 24 Veldslae En Slagvelde Van Die Noordwes Provinsie HARVEY, Len: Letters from the Veldt. An Account of the Involvement of Volunteers from Queensland at the War in South Africa (Boer War) 1899-1902 MARTIN, David: Duelling with Long Toms. An Account of the 16th Battery Southern Division R.G.A. During the Anglo-boer War 1899-1902
PLOEGER, J: Die Lotgevalle Van Die Burgerlike Bevolking Gedurende Die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902 STALLARD, C.F.; COULTER, C.W.A.; MARWICK, J.S: Status of the Union Act 1934. Its Origina Meaning and Effect SouVENIR: South Africa. A Souvenir of Union
THE TIMES: A Novel Plan of Newspaper Distribution. The Times Delivered By Newsvendors or By Post Every at Any Residence at a Reduction of 23% from the Regular Price. Experimental Offer to a Limited Number of Prompt Subscribers (BOTHA, Louis): In Memoriam General the Right Hon. Louis Botha P.C., LL.D., Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa 1862-1919 (PROGRAMME): Official Programme Armistice Day Celebrations, Under the Distinguished Patronage and Presence of Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Arthur of Connaught
(PROGRAMME): Programme of the Centenary Celebrations in Commemoration of the Arrival of the 1820 British Settlers of Albany ....1921...containing a Descriptive Guide to the Motor Route...Duke of Connaught.... SHELLEY, Gerald (Translated by): Modern Poems from Russia PRINGLE, Roger (Edited by): Poems of Warwickshire
ARONSON, Theo: Prince Eddy and the Homosexual Underworld SINGER, Isaac Bashevis: Short Friday and Other Stories COMMISSION OF THE C.C. OF THE C.P.S.U. (Edited by): History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union / Bolsheviks/. Short Course
STEINMETZ, Andrew: The Romance of Duelling in All Times and Countries MILLS, Dorothy: The Country of The Orinoco VENTER, H.J.T. & JOUBERT, A.M: Climbers Trees and Shrubs of the Orange Free State / Klimplante, Bome En Struike Van Die Oranje-Vrystaat
ARMOUR, M.D.S: Exhibition Budgerigars GUTSCHE, Thelma: Old Gold. The History of the Wanderers Club TERTULLIANI, Quinti Septimi Florentis (TERTULLIAN) (Edited with Introduction and Commentary By J.H.WASZINK): De Anima
SLABBERT, Norma: A Passion for Quilt-Making. Leading South African Quilters Show and Tell LEIPOLDT, Louis: 300 Years of Cape Wine DE BERNARDI, R. (Edited by): Antonio Maro. Heterochromies : editees en 1990 = Heterochromies ; Eaux-Fortes : editees en 1972-1984
MANN, Christopher: First Poems PARENZEE, Donald; BILA, Fred Vonani; FINLAY, Alan: No Free Sleeping CULLINAN, Patrick (Edited by) (Contributors Include Nadine GORDIMER; Christopher HOPE; Etienne LEROUX; Sinclair BEILES): The Bloody Horse No.1
CULLINAN, Patrick (Edited by): The Bloody Horse No.2 BEILES, Sinclair: Dowsings KING, E.L.M: In Delville Wood Battlefield 1926
KING, Edith L. M.; LITTLEWOOD, Mary: Bloemfontein: An Impression in Verse AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS: Unite for Freedom. Statements By the African National Congress on the Question of Unity and Anti-Apartheid Coalition 1985-1990 ELLENBERGER, V: A Century of Mission Work in Basutoland (1833-1933)
HOLORENSHAW, Henry (Foreword Joseph NEEDHAM): The Levellers and the English Revolution COLE, G.D.H: Economic Prospects 1938 and After (FACT #11) HANNINGTON, Wal: Black Coffins and the Unemployed (FACT #26)
MASILELA, Johnny: We Shall Not Weep SAMKANGE, Stanlake: Year of the Uprising CHRISTOFOROU, Amalia; LUBBE, Gavin; RUBIN, Margot: Follow the Summer
COOPER, Brenda: To Lay These Secrets Open. Evaluating African Writing MAGONA, Sindiwe: Push-push & Other Stories MAGONA, Sindiwe: Forced to Grow
McCRACKEN, Donal P. & McCRACKEN, Patricia A: Natal the Garden Colony. Victorian Natal and the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew MERCER, Cavalaie (Introduction Michael GLOVER): Journal of the Waterloo Campaign AFRICA WATCH: Evil Days. 30 Years of War and Famine in Ethiopia
MARAIS, Eugene: The Road to Waterberg nd Other Essays TROTTER, R. De Bruce: Galloway Gossip. The Southern Albanich 80 Years Ago BURWITZ, Nils (Introduction Nadine GORDIMER): Auf der Messers Schneide, On the Razor's Edge
SKJAK-BRAEK, Gudmund; ANTHONSEN, Thorleif; SANDFORD, Paul: Chitin and Chitosan: Sources, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Properties, and Applications Proceedings from the 4th International Conference on Chitin and Chitosan ...August 22-24 1988 WALDER, Dennis: Athol Fugard ANDREASEN, A. H. E. (Introduction by): Miners' Companion in English, Afrikaans and Fanakalo
BRETTSCHUH, Gerald: Fullen Der Leere. Grafik 1976-1983 WILKIN, Karen (Edited by): Works By Friedel Dzubas. June 7, 1987 - Auguat 16, 1987 FO, Dario (Translated Gillian HANNA; Edited Stuart HOOD): Elizabeth. Almost By Chance a Woman
BASCETTA, Carlo: Glossario Di Giornalismo e Tipografia MISTRORIGO, Antonio: La Liturgia VALESIO, Paolo: Strutture dell' Allitterazione Grammatica Retorica e Folklore Verbale
BERRUTO, Gaetano: L'Italiano Impopolare BARTOLE, Anna (Edited by): Immagine Culturale Dell'italia All'estero MEDICI, Mario: Glossario Di Linguaggio Sportivo
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