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Moseley, H. F: Traumatic Disorders of The Ankle and Foot Moseley, H. F: Disorders of the Knee. Ciba Clinical Symposia. Volume 5, Number 6, November-December, 1953 Lampe, Ernest W: Surgical Anatomy of the Hand. Clinical Symposia. Volume 21, Number 3, July-August-Septempber, 1969.`
Keim, Hugo A.; Frank H. Netter, Illus.; Robert K. Shapter, ed: Low Back Pain. Clinical Symposia. Volume 25, Number 3, 1973 Enneking, William F. and Ernest U. Conrad III: Common Bone Tumors. Clinical Symposia. Volume 41, Number 3, 1989 Conwell, H. Earle: Injuries to the Wrist. Clinical Symposia. Volume 22, Number 1, 1970
Burnham, Preston J: Amputation of the Upper Extremity. Clinical Symposia. Volume 11, Number 4, 1959 Burnham, Preston J: Amputation of the Lower Extremity. Ciba Clinical Symposia. Volume 6, Number 5, 1954 A Tribute To Frank H. Netter, M.D. 1906-1991. Clinical Symposia. Volume 44, Number 2, 1992
First Annual Report of the New York Society for the Relief of the Ruptured & Crippled. May, 1864 Gunn, Moses: Luxations of the Hip and Shoulder Joints, and the Agents which oppose their Reduction Hartshorne, Edward: Remarks on the Treatment of Oblique Fracture of the Clavicle; And Especially on the Application (with support of the adding limb) of Pressure to the Lower Angle and Blade of the Scapula, as the Ruling Indication
Keim, Hugo A., ed: 1st Annual Post-graduate Course on the Management and Care of the Scoliosis Patient. October 2-4, 1969. New York Orthropaedic Hospital, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center Inglis, Allan E., ed: The Journal of the Hospital for Special Surgery. Vol. 1, No. 1. November 1975 Höffe, Otfried; Marshall Farrier, trans: Immanuel Kant
Makkreel, Rudolf A: Orientation and Judgment in Hermeneutic Kant, Immanuel; Erich Adickes, Vorwort: Gesammelte Schriften. Band XVII (17). Vierter Abteilung: Handschriftlicher Nachlass. Band IV. Metaphysik. Erster Teil Spinoza, Baruch de; Samuel Shirley, trans.; Michael L. Morgan, ed, intro. and notes: Spinoza Complete Works
Altman, Matthew C: A Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Vol. CLXII, No. 7, Thursday, February 17, 1910 Jones, Robert and John Ridlon: Contributions fo Orthopaedic Surgery. 8. Disease of Elbow and Wrist. Reprinted from the Provincial Medical Journal, August, 1893
Moore, E. M: A Luxation of the Ulna Not hitherto Described, with a Plan of Reduction and Mode of After Treatment; Including the Management of Colles' Fracture Gray, Colonel H. M. W: Treatment of Gunshot Wounds By Excision and Primary Suture Jones, Robert: The Modern Treatment of Tuberculous Diseases of the Joints. [with] The Modern Treatment of Club Foot
Jones, Robert and John Ridlon: Contributions fo Orthopaedic Surgery. 4. Sacroiiliac Disease. Reprinted from the Provincial Medical Journal, January, 1893 Jones, Robert: Internal Derangements of the Knee. Reprint from Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, October, 1914 Jones, Robert: On Fractures in the Neighborhood of Joints. An Address Introductory to a Discussion on the Subject. From the "proceedings on the Royal Society of Medicine," December 1910
Jones, Robert: On Rupture of the Crucial Ligaments of the Knee, and on Fractures of the Spine of the Tibia. Reprinted from The British Journal of Surgery, Vol. I, No. 1, 1913 Jones, Robert: Joint, Nerve, and Other Injuries in War Surgery. Reprinted from Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics. January, 1920 Jones, Robert: The Surgical Treatment of Infantile Paralysis. Reprinted from The Lancet, May 30, 1914
Jones, Robert: On the Treatment of Arthritic Deformities. Reprinted from the British Medical Journal, October 31st, 1914 Jones, Robert: The Mechanical Treatment of Compound and Suppurating Fractures Occurring at the Seat of War. Reprinted from the British Medical Journal, January 16th, 1915 D. W. Kolbe & Son: Suggestions on the Treatment of Club-foot
Charnley, John: The Closed Treatment of Common Fractures Pool, Eugene H. and Frank J. McGowan: Surgery at the New York Hospital One Hundred Years Ago Tate, Allen and Ridley Wills: The Golden Mean and Other Poems
Robinson, Captain J. A: Notes on Nomad Tribes of Eastern Afghanistan. Confidential Pare, Ambroise: The Workes of that famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey Goff, Charles Weer: Case Histories for American College of Surgeons Fellowship Application. Three Volumes
Mann, Thomas: Joseph and His Brothers. With a New Introduction By the Author Zafon, Carlos Ruiz: The Prince of Mist Dowling, John E: The Great Brain Debate. Nature of Nurture?
Donald, Merlin: A Mind So Rare. The Evolution of Human Consciousness Mithen, Steven: The Singing Neanderthals. The Origins of Music, Language, Mind and Body Cherkovski, Neeli: Hank. The Life of Charles Bukowski
Soyinka, Wole: Death and the King's Horseman McCauley, Robert N. and E. Thomas Lawson: Bringing Ritual to Mind. Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms Sperber, Dan: Explaining Culture. A Naturalistic Approach
Steen, R. Grant: The Evolving Brain. The Known And the Unknown Dupree, Nathalie and Cynthia Graubart: Southern Biscuits Sanders, Dori; John Willoughby, consulting ed: Dori Sanders' Country Cooking. Recipes and Stories from the Family Farm Stand
Churchland, Paul: Neurophilosophy at Work Smith, Andrew: The Cambridge Companion to Frankenstein Crandell, Gina: Tree Gardens. Architecture and the Forest
Heilbut, Anthony: Thomas Mann. Eros and Literature Glück, Louise: The Wild Iris Gregg, Linda and Jack Gilbert: Love. A Diptych
Fante, John: The Brotherhood of the Grape Maclean, Norman: Excerpts from Young Men & Fire Julavits, Heidi: The Vanishers
Tuttle, Howard Nelson: Wilhelm Dilthey's Philosophy of Historical Understanding. A Critical Analysis Oe, Kenzaburo: A Personal Matter Kroeber, A. L. and E. W. Gifford; Grace Buzaljko, ed: Karok Myths
Shaw, Wendy M. K: What is 'Islamic' Art? Between Religion and Perception Lurz, John: The Death of the Book. Modernist Novels and the Time of Reading Geraghty, Christine: Bleak House
Watson, Petra, ed: Colour Zone. Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun Fox, Sandi: Small Endearments. Nineteenth-Century Quilts for Children and Dolls Eisenhart, Willy: The World of Donald Evans
MacDowell, Marsha L. and C. Kurt Dewhurst, eds: To Honor and Comfort. Native Quilting Traditions Mishra, Vijay: Devotional Poetics and the Indian Sublime Thoreau, Henry David; K. P. Van Anglen, ed: Translations
Torsney, Eheryl B. and Judy Elsley, eds: Quilt Culture. Tracing the Pattern Phipps, Elena: Looking at Textiles. A Guide to Technical Terms Delany, Samuel R: Longer Views. Extended Essays
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