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J. Rapkin: Independent Tartary J. Rapkin: Western Australia Cassini: La Parte Occidentale Dell' Antico, Enuovo Messico con la Floridae la Bassa Luigiana. / La Parte Orientale Dell' Antico, Enuovo Messico con la Floridae la Bassa Luigiana
Department of Mines and Resources: Canada Thompson: Mariegalante & c J. Rapkin: Overland Route to India
J. Rapkin: The World on Mercators Projection J. Rapkin: Ceylon J. Rapkin: British Guayana
Seutter, George Matthaus: Neapolis Regnum quo Continentur Aprutium Ulterius et Citterius Comitatus Molisius. . Chatelain, Henri: Carte du Plan de Venise, l\\\\\\\'etat de sa Noblesse, et ses Differens Digrez, avec quelques autres . . Robert Morden: A New Map of Asia
John Bartholomew (junior): Bartholomew's Library Chart of the World on Mercators Projection N. de Fer: Olivenca / Setuval N. de Fer: Plan de La Ville de Rome
N. de Fer: Les Isles de L'Amerique Connue Sous le Nom D'Antilles, ou sont les Isles de Cuba, St. Domingue et Jamaique N. de Fer: L'Asie Suivant les Nouvelles Decouvertes don’t les Point Principaux sont Placez. . N. de Fer: Madrid, Ville Considerable de la Nouvelle Castille. .
N. de Fer: Le Fameux Detroit de Gibraltar N. de Fer: Les Costes aux Environs de la Riviere de Misisipi N. de Fer: L'Amerique, Meridionale et Septentrionale
N. de Fer: Elvas / Evora N. de Fer: Bruselles, Ville des Pais Bas Capitale du Brabant et Sejour. . N. de Fer: Marseille Ville considerable de Provence Fameux Port sur la Mer Mediterranee
Gerard Valk: Tabula Ducatuum Livoniae et Curlandiae Jansonius; Ortelius: Pontus Euxinus Homman: Normannia Galliae celebris Provincia in terras suas et Ballisiatus divisa. .
De L'Isles: Graeciae Pars Meridionalis Mercator; Hondius: Macedonia Epirus et Achaia Surveyor General's Office: A Plat Exhibiting the State of the Surveys in the Territory of Florida
N. de Fer: Espagne et Portugal Capt. Graves; H. Kiepert; Schroeder: A Map of Cyprus Bellin: Karte von Nord-America
James Cook: A Chart of the Southern Hemisphere shewing the Tracks of some of the most distinguished Navigators Hondius; Mercator: Persici Velsophorum Regni Typus N. de Fer: Plan de Narva
Sartine: Plan de la Baie et du Havre de Casco et des Iles Adjacentes Sartine: Plan de L'Isthme de L'Acadie Comprenant le Beau-Bassin avec une Partie de la Baie Verte Homann: Insulae Bermudes
Capt. Thomas Hurd: A Survey of Carlisle Bay of the Island of Barbadoes Alex Jaegerschmid: Carte du Quartier de Ste. Catherine et des contrees environnantes Alexandre Vuillemin: Nouvelle Carte Physique et Politique du Mexique
Maitland: A Plan of the City and Suburbs of London as fortified by Order of Parliament in the Years 1642 & 1643 D'Anville: Canada Louisane et Terres Angloises Surveyor Generals Office: Sketch of the Public Surveys in Iowa
Bernard Romans, De Brahm, John Abraham Collet: A General Map of the Southern British Colonies in America comprehending North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida. . Bernard Romans, De Brahm, John Abraham Collet;: A New and General Map of the Southern Dominions Belonging to the United States of America, viz: North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia: with the Bordering Indian Countries, and the Spanish Possessions of Louisiana and Florida James White: Map of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland
J.F. Bouchette: Map of Lower Canada Showing the Proposed Land Agencies and Townships distinct from the Seigniories. Also the Gold mining divisions and townships reserved for gold mining purposes John Rocque: England and Wales John G. Clark; William Dunn; William Shields; Aaron Snider: E and F (combined) Diagram of the State of Missouri
A. Downing: Diagram of the Surveying District South of Tennessee Office of the Surveyor General: A Diagram State Alabama U.S. Coast Survey: Sketch H showing the progress of Section No. 8
J.H. Bouchette: Plan of the River Saguenay G. Blaeu: Asia noviter delineata L. Poulmaire: Nouveau Paris Monumental, Itineraire Pratique de L'Etranger dans Paris
Christophorus Cellarius: Scythia et Serica Christophorus Cellarius: Mauretania et Numidia Christophorus Cellarius: Oriens, Persia, India
Jansonius: Pascaart vant Canaal Van Keulen: Nieuwe Afteekening van Alle de Banken, Canaalen, Tonnen en Dieptens, Geleegen voor de Stad Enkhuysen in de Zuyder Zee … Munster: Paris
Mercator: Guineae Nova Descriptio Depot de la Marine: Carte de la Partie Occidentale des Iles Antilles Comprenant St. Domingue, la Jamaique, Cuba et les Iles et Bancs de Bahama. . F. Keller: Carte des Grandes Antilles
John Cary: A New Map of Part of the United States of North America, containing the Carolinas and Georgia, also the Floridas and part of the Bahama Islands Stoopendaal: Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita O.E. Prud'homme: Sketch Map of the Lake Abitibi Region
A.P. Low; O.E. Prud'homme: Sketch Map of the Northern Portion of the Labrador Peninsula Mallet: Die Inseln Hispaniola und Porto Ricco oder dess Reichen Schhavens E. Bowen; Bellin: A New & Accurate Map of Louisiana with part of Florida and Canada and the Adjacent Countries
J. Rapkin: Persia Ensign & Thayer: Southern Part of Florida Mallet: Principaute de Galles
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