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ACLAND, Sir Richard: Unser Kampf. Our Struggle. SECOND IMPRESSION IN DW BARCLAY, Juliet. Photographs by Martin Charles. Foreword by Eusebio Leal Spengler. Introduction by Francisco de Borbon y Escasany: Havana. Portrait of a City BRONTE, Anne, Charlotte and Emily: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall; Agnes Grey; Villette: Jane Eyre; The Professor; Shirley; Wuthering Heights. SIX VOLUMES - FOLIO SOCIETY
BRYSON, Bill: Notes from a Big Country. SIGNED CALLAHAN, Philip S: Tuning in to Nature: Solar Energy, Infrared Radiation, and the Insect Communication System. Photographs by the author. Line drawings by James Brogdon CALLWELL, J.M: Old Irish Life
CARSON, Gerald: Cornflake Crusade. SIGNED BY AUTHOR EDWARDS, Hugh. With an Introduction by Ian Fleming: All Night at Mr. Stanyhurst's FLEMING, Ian: The Man with the Golden Gun
FLETCHER, H. L. V: Herefordshire. Illustrated and with a Map. SIGNED FREEMAN, R. Austin: Dr. Thorndyke Investigates. EARLY EDITION FREEMAN, R. Austin: Felo De Se? EARLY EDITION
FREEMAN, R. Austin: When Rogues Fall Out. EARLY EDITION GIBBON, Edward: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Edited and with an Introduction by Betty Radice. 8 VOLUMES - FOLIO SOCIETY H. P. BULMER. Text by Ray WILLIAMS. Watercolours by Caroline TODHUNTER and Line Drawings by Rodnet SHACKELL: Bulmer's Pomona. FIRST EDITION
MARSDEN, Philip: The Spirit-Wrestlers. A Russian Journey. SIGNED MARSH, Ngaio: Enter a Murderer. FIRST EDITION IN PENGUIN MEE, Arthur: London: Heart of the Empire and Wonder of the World. The King's England series
MEE, Arthur: Northamptonshire: County of Spires and Stately Homes. The King's England [series] OWEN, David: Balkan Odyssey. SIGNED RAPHAEL: Raphael's Almanac Or The Prophetic Messenger And Weather Guide for 1938. With Which is Incorporated Orion's & Zadkiel's Almanacs. Predictions of the Events and the Weather that will occur in each Month. Numerous Useful Tables. World Celebrities and Astrology. With A Coloured Hieroglyphic. 118th Year
RHODE, John: Blackthorn House. FIRST EDITION RHODE, John: The Claverton Mystery RHODE, John: Death at the Dance. FIRST EDITION
RHODE, John: Death at the Inn. FIRST EDITION RHODE, John: Death in Harley Street. FIRST EDITION RHODE, John: The Fourth Bomb. FIRST EDITION
RHODE, John: The Hanging Woman RHODE, John: The Lake House. FIRST EDITION RHODE, John: Open Verdict. FIRST EDITION
RHODE, John: Peril at Cranbury Hall. FIRST EDITION RHODE, John: Pinehurst. SECOND EDITION, REPRINTED RHODE, John: The Two Graphs. FIRST EDITION
RHODE, John: Up the Garden Path. FIRST EDITION RHODE, John: The Vanishing Diary. FIRST EDITION ROGERS, Shepherd Robert Athyli. [BIBLE]: The Holy Piby: The Blackman's Bible
SIMPSON, Margaret: Sorry Wrong Number. FIRST EDITION AND REVIEW COPY STEWART, Ian and COHEN, Jack: Figments of Reality. The evolution of a curious mind. SIGNED WHITECHURCH, Victor L: Murder at the Pageant
WOOD, Harry B: Golfing Curios and "The Like." With an Appendix Comprising a "Bibliography of Golf," etc. FACSIMILE OF 1911 EDITION WYSS, Johann Rudolf: The Swiss Family Robinson. Illustrations by Charles Folkard. EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY NUMBER 430 AESOP: Chwedlau Aesop. Wedi eu Troi I'r Gymraeg a'u Haddasu I Blant Gan Ceridwen Gruffydd. Y Lluniau Gan [Illustrated by] H. Norman Humphreys
AESOP: The Fables of Aesop. Translated by Samuel Croxall and Sir Roger L'Estrange. With Applications, Morals , Etc. By the Rev. G. F. Townsend and L. Valentine. With 110 Original Illustrations AHLBERG, Allan and Illustrated by Colin McNAUGHTON: Monsters. A Foldaway Book AJMAR-WOLLHEIM, Marta and Flora DENNIS: At Home in Renaissance Italy. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION
AKHMATOVA, Anna: Requiem and Poem without a Hero. Translated by D M Thomas. LIMITED EDITION OF ONLY SIXTY COPIES, SIGNED BY THE TRANSLATOR WITH A PERSONAL INSCRIPTION ALLEN, Douglas. (Edited by...): Comparative Philosophy and Religion in Times of Terror ALLISS, Peter and Paul TREVILLION: Easier Golf
AMBLER, Eric: The Night-Comers. FIRST EDITION ANDERSEN, Johannes C: The Laws of Verse. FROM THE LIBRARY OF ISAAC FOOT [ANDERSON, Gerry & Sylvia]: Thunderbirds Television Story Book
ANGLO-WELSH POETRY SOCIETY: Common Source: Poems by Members of the Anglo-Welsh Poetry Society ANOUILH, Jean: Becket Or The Honour of God. Translated by Lucienne Hill. FIRST UK EDITION ANTHES, Rudolf: The Head of Queen Nofretete
ARCHER, Jeffrey: To Cut A Long Story Short. SIGNED ARENAS, Reinaldo. Translated from the Spanish by Gordon Brotherston: Hallucinations. Being an Account of the Life and Adventures of Friar Servando Teresa de Mier ARMSTRONG, Martin: Adrian Glynde. A Novel. SIGNED BY AUTHOR
ARSHINOV, Peter: History of The Makhnovist Movement. 1918-1921 ASHLEY, Clifford W: The Ashley Book of Knots. With Ammendments by Geoffrey Budworth ATTENBOROUGH, Richard: Richard Attenborough's Cry Freedom. A Pictorial Record. SIGNED AND DATED BY ATTENBOROUGH
AUDEN, W. H. and Chester KALLMAN. Music Edited by Noah GREENBERG: An Elizabethan Song Book. Lute Songs, Madrigals and Rounds. FIRST EDITION "B.B." [D. J. WATKINS-PITCHFORD]: The Badgers of Bearshanks. Illustrated by D. J. Watkins-Pitchford. FIRST EDITION BADEA-PÄUN, Gabriel: The Society Portrait. Painting, Prestige and the Pursuit of Elegance
BADIOU, Alain: Being and Event. Translated by Oliver Feltham BAKER, James: Austria: Her People and Their Homelands. Illustrated by Donald Maxwell BALLINGER, Alexander: New Cinematographers
BALOUCH, Aziz. (Azizullah Khan Al Zahidi): The Sufi. Sophiology (Practical Sufism) BANTOCK, Nick. Lewis CARROLL: The Walrus & The Carpenter. Another Pop-Up Rhyme from "Through the Looking Glass." BARBER, Richard: The Arthurian Legends. An IllustratedAnthology. Selected and Itroduced by Richard Barber
BARER, Shlomo: The Doctors of Revolution. 19th-Century Thinkers Who Changed The World BARKER, Clive: The Damnation Game. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR BARLOW, James: The Man with Good Intentions
BARRIE, J. M. Retold by Daniel O'CONNOR. Illustrated by Alice B. WOODWARD: The Story of Peter Pan For Little People BASELITZ, George. ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS: Baselitz BAZIN, Germain. Translated from the French by Marc LOGÉ: Fra Angelico
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