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McMurtrie, Francis E., and Raymond V. B. Blackman: Jane's Fighting Ships 1949-50
Rousseau, Johannes Schabort: Die politieke implikasies van swart verstedeliking in Suid-Afrika, 1939 - 1946
Simpson, John Churchill: The Lanes of Pietermaritzburg. Portfolio of four prints from watercolour sketches by John Churchill Simpson
van der Elst, R.P., and F. Adkin (editors): Marine Linefish. Priority Species and Research Objectives in Southern Africa
Alexander, Alison: Billabong's Author. The Life of Mary Grant Bruce
Neff, Ivan C., and Carol V. Maggs: Dictionary of Oriental Rugs with a monograph on identification by weave
Penzhorn, B L: Proceedings of a Symposium on the Sable Antelope as a Game Ranch Animal, Onderstepoort, 24-25 September 1992
Schaefer, Arne (compiler): Life & Travels in the Northwest 1850-1899. Namaqualand, West Coast & Bushmanland
Schlettwein, C. A: Gefährliche Schönheit
Anstey, V: The Trade of the Indian Ocean
Cobern, Joy: Fish Hoek. Looking Back
De Villiers, C. G. S: Klein Vaderland. Verdere sketse en verhale uit die Overberg
Evans, A. M., and Botha de Meillon: Notes on Anopheles demeilloni (transvaalensis) and Anopheles garnhami in South Africa, with Descriptions of New Varieties of these Species
Fuller, Claude, and Charles P. Lounsbury (editors): Annual Report of the Committee of Control of the South African Central Locust Bureau
Gomes Guerreiro, M: A Floresta Africana e os Factores Bióticos. Primeiras Observações de um Ensaio em Moçambique
Janse, A. J. T: Check-list of the South African Lepidoptera heterocera
Janse, A. J. T: Plates to Volume III of The Moths of South Africa
Janse, A. J. T: The Moths of South Africa. Gelechiadae. Vol. V., Parts 1, 2 & 4
Janse, A. J. T: The Moths of South Africa. Gelechiadae. Vol. VI, Parts 1 & 2
Jolly, Rosemary Jane: Colonization, Violence, and Narration in White South African Writing: André Brink, Breyten Breytenbach, and J. M. Coetzee
Murray, W. H: Op Pad. Vertellings uit die Pioniersjare van 'n Gewese Nyasasendeling
Pauling, George: The Chronicles of a Contractor. Being the Autobiography of the Late George Pauling
Pomeroy, A. S: Notes on the Physical Oceanographic Environment of the Republic of South Africa
Porter, Annie: The Larval Trematoda Found in Certain South African Mollusca. With Special Reference to Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis)
Posthumus Meyjes, R: De Reis van Joris van Spilbergen door Straat Magelhães naar Oost-Indië en terug rond Zuid-Afrika in 1614-1617
Schoeman, Karel: In Liefde en Trou. Die lewe van president M. T. Steyn en mevrou Tibbie Steyn met 'n keuse uit hulle korrespondensie
Shaffer, N. Manfred: The Competitive Position of the Port of Durban
Smit, P: Die ontwikkeling van die Bantoetuislande - probleme en vooruitsigte
Smith, J. L. B: Ichthyological Papers
Smith, J. L. B. (text) and Margaret (illustrations): Ichthyological Bulletins
Terblanche, Michéle: Small Gardens [Small Gardens for South Africa]
Thorrington-Smith, Rosenberg and McCrystal (Town and Regional Planning Consultants, Development Economists): Towards a Plan for KwaZulu: A Preliminary Development Plan. Official Summary
Various editors: The Auk. A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology
Walker, Bryant: The Ancylidae of South Africa
Wenzel, Hans-Joachim (compiler): Manica Province / Mosambique. Integrated Rural Development Strategy Plan (IRDSP) (Non-Agricultural Sectors)
Woodhouse, Bert: 'When Animals Were People': A-Z of Animals of Southern Africa as the Bushmen saw and thought them and as the camera sees them today
[Dickson, Pat]: A Short History of the Clovelly Country Club
Barrett, Timothy: Japanese Papermaking. Traditions, Tools, and Techniques
Child, Harold: The History and Extent of Recognition of Tribal Law in Rhodesia
Donaldson, A. G., and G. Mitchley (compilers): Mechanization of Small Mines
Grocott & Sherry (publishers): Grocott & Sherry's Album of Grahamstown
Hannan, M. (compiler): Standard Shona Dictionary
Harradine, Margaret, and others: Feather Market Centre. Commemorative Brochure 1885 - 1993
Hooson, William: The Miners Dictionary, Explaining Not only the Terms used by Miners, But also Containing the Theory and Practice of that most Useful Art of Mineing
Little, W. J. Knox: Sketches and Studies in South Africa
Parr, Henry Hallam: A Sketch of the Kafir and Zulu Wars. Guadana to Isandhlwana
Plattes, Gabriel: A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure, viz. Of all manner of Mines and Mineralls, from the Gold to the Coale; with plaine Directions and Rules for the finding of them in all Kingdomes and Countries
Swart, M. J., and others (editorial committee): Afrikanerbakens
[Hahn, Carl Hugo]: Reise der Herren Hugo Hahn und Rath im südwestlichen Africa, Mai bis September 1857
[Henkel, Caesar Carl Hans]: Ost-Griqua-Land und Pondo-Land
Anonymous: Tallinn
Baraitser, Michael, and Anton Obholzer: Town Furniture of the Cape
Battiss, Walter W., with G. H. Franz, J. W. Grossert and H. P. Junod: The Art of Africa
Bedford Hall, Lynn (author), and Tony Grogan (illustrator): Fig Jam and Foxtrot. Tales of life, love and food in the Karoo
Brooke Simons, Phillida (text) and Alain Proust (photography): Groote Schuur. Great Granary to Stately Home
Burton, Captain R. F. (translator and annotator): The Lands of Cazembe. Lacerda's Journey to Cazembe in 1798
Burton, Captain Sir Richard F: First Footsteps in East Africa, or, An Exploration of Harar
Chalmers, John A: In Memoriam. The Address Delivered Over the Bier, Thursday, 21 January, and The Sermon Preached on Sunday Evening, 24 January, 1886, on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Robert Templeton, M.A., Principal of the Public School, Grahamstown
Ffolliott, Pamela, and E. L. H. Croft: One Titan at a Time
Gill, Stephen J., and others: Lesotho, Kingdom in the sky
Irma van Wyk (editor): South African House Plans
Kallas, Aino: Päevaraamat aastaist 1907-1915
Lastovica, Ethleen and Albert: Bottles & Bygones. A guide for South African collectors
Oberholster, J. J., with M. C. E. van Schoor and A. J. H. Maree (compilers): Gedenkalbum van die Oranje-Vrystaat / Souvenir Album of the Orange Free State
Olivier, D. P. M. (foreword), and various authors: Jubelfees Ned. Ger. Gemeente Hoopstad O.V.S
Popper, Lyndall and Pamela Cullinan: Herbs for the Table. South African Recipes and Herbal Advice
Rudner, Jalmar and Ione: The Hunter and His Art. A Survey of Rock Art in Southern Africa
Saks, David (text), and various photographers: Jewish Memories of Mandela
Sikemäe, Ilmar: Kirjad Vargamäelt
Sirge, Rudolf: Tulukesed luhal (Rahu! Leiba! Maad!)
Stanley, Sir Henry M: How I Found Livingstone. Travels, Adventures, and Discoveries in Central Africa. Including Four Months' Residence with Dr. Livingstone
Tammsaare, Anton: Kõrboja peremees
Veskimäe, Viktor: Igaviku lävel
Wiles, Patricia: A Limited Portfolio of Signed Proofs from Watercolour Sketches of Wildlife
[Vos, Michiel Christiaan]: Merkwaardig verhaal, aangaande het leven en de lotgevallen van Michiel Christiaan Vos, Predikant der Hervormde Christelijke Gemeente, op onderscheidene plaatsen in Nederland, Afrika en Azië; van zijne Jeugd af tot den tijd van zijn Emeritusschap
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