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Rous, George: A Letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, in Reply to His Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs Grenville-Temple, Richard: The Principles of the Late Changes Impartially Examined: In a Letter from a Son of Candor to the Public Advertiser Great Britain War Office; Frederick Roberts et al: South Africa. The Spion Kop Despatches
Amard, L. V. Frederic: Memoire sur les ulceres en general Chrestien, A.-T: De l'application des sciences physiques et chimiques a la pathologie et a la therapeutique generales; en apprecier les avantages et les inconvenients. These soutenue publiquement, le 10 avril 1850 Salas, Carlos P.; Alcorta, Arturo Condomi: Provincia de Buenos Aires. Censo general de la ciudad de la plata, capital de la provincia; Poblacion, propiedad raiz, comercio e industrias; Levantado en los dias 22 al 30 de mayo de 1909, durante la administracion del Senor Governador Don Ignacio D. Irigoyen, siendo Ministra de Gobierno el Doctor Emilio Carranza
Stowe, Harriet Beecher: Religious Poems. With Illustrations Stockton, Frank R: The House of Martha Unonius, Gustaf: Minnen fran en sjuttonarig vistelse i Nordvestra Amerika (Two Volumes)
Morgan, Henry J: The Tour of H. R. H. The Prince of Wales Through British American and the United States. By a British Canadian Benet, William Rose: The Spirit of the Scene Rushdie, Salman: The Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journey
Russell, Bertrand: Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare Dewey, Thomas B: Portrait of a Dead Heiress: An Inner Sanctum Mystery Bates, H. E: The Scarlet Sword
Clark, Samuel: The Divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures Asserted in Two Discourses: The former shewing The Nature and Extent of the Inspiration vouchsas't by the Holy Ghost to the Penmen of the Scriptures, and the distinct share of each therein. The latter shewing the Divine Authority of the Vowels and Accents in the Hebrew Text; by new and intrinsick Arguments: in a Discourse concerning the Division of the Bible into Chapters and Verses. (Together with) An Exercitation Concerning the Original of the Chapters and Verses in the Bible: Wherein The Divine Authority of the Points in the Hebrew Text is clearly proved, by new and intrinsick Arguments (Together with) A Discourse Concerning the Testimony of the Spirit; on Romans VIII. 16 Cooper, James Fenimore; Fox, Dixon Ryan: New York: Being an Introduction to an Unpublished Manuscript by the Author, Entitled The Towns of Manhattan Anderson, Maxwell: Winterset
Robert Moore Williams et al: Fantastic Adventures. Volume 13. Number 12. December 1951 Merriman, Henry Seton (pseudonum of Hugh Stowell Scott): Dross Schlangenbad
Pollok, Robert: The Course of Time, A Poem. With an Enlarged Index, a Memoir of the Author, and an Analysis Prefixed to Each Book. Revised Edition O'Dell, Scott: The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by Day Chaloner, John: To the Manner Born: A Novel
Howe, M. A. DeWolfe (Introduction): Anthology Society. Journal of the Proceedings of the Society Which Conducts the Monthly Anthology and Boston Review, October 3, 1805 to July 2, 1811 Wiggin, Kate Douglas: The Story of Waitstill Baxter Smith, C. Alphonso: O. Henry Biography
Yeats, W. B: Plays and Controversies Fuller, Anna: A Literary Courtship: Under the Auspices of Pike's Peak Swears, Herbert: Granny's Juliet: An Impression; French's Acting Edition, No. 2391
Poole, Ernest: The Little Dark Man and Other Russian Sketches Volk, Kurt H.; Wagman, Meyer; Brodie, Charles: Christmas Carols Mrs. Burton Harrison (pseudonym of Constance Cary Harrison): Good Americans
Cable, George W: The Flower of the Chapdelaines Torrey, Bradford: The Clerk of the Woods Ade, George: Knocking the Neighbors
Davis, Richard Harding: The King's Jackal Davis, Richard Harding: Captain Macklin: His Memoirs Wilcox, Ella Wheeler: Poems of Pleasure
Allen, James Lane: The Landmark Richards, Caroline Cowles: Village Life in America, 1852-1872; Including the Period of the American Civil War as Told in the Diary of a Schoolgirl Dreiser, Theodore: The Titan
Fess, Simeon D.; John Ericsson Memorial Commission: Proceedings at the Unveiling of the Statue of John Ericsson in Potomac Park, Washington, D.C. Under the Auspices of the John Ericsson Memorial Commission, May 29, 1926 Garland, Hamlin: My Friendly Contemporaries: A Literary Log Symonds, John Addington; Morley, John (Editor): Shelley
Traill, H. D.; Morley, John (Editor): Sterne Stephen, Leslie; Morley, John (Editor): Alexander Pope Minto, William; Morley, John (Editor): Daniel Defoe
Huxley, Thomas Henry; Morley, John (Editor): Hume Ainger, Alfred; Morley, John (Editor): Charles Lamb Myers, F. W. H.; Morley, John (Editor): Wordsworth
Jebb, R. C.; Morley, John (Editor): Bentley Fowler, Thomas; Morley, John (Editor): Locke Morley, John: Burke
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Dowden, Edward; Morley, John (Editor): Southey Morison, James Cotter; Morley, John (Editor): Gibbon Froude, James Anthony; Morley, John (Editor): Bunyan
Ward, Adolphus William; Morley, John (Editor): Dickens Morison, J. Cotter; Morley, John (Editor): Macaulay Shairp, Principal (John Campbell Shairp); Morley, John (Editor): Robert Burns
Smith, Goldwin; Morley, John (Editor): Cowper Black, William; Morley, John (Editor): Goldsmith Gosse, Edmund W.; Morley, John (Editor): Gray
Church, R. W.; Morley, John (Editor): Spenser Mabie, Hamilton Wright: Christmas To-Day Aldrich, Thomas Bailey: The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Berlin 20 Ansichten der Reichshauptstadt Perilhou, Jacques; Chalmers, Claudine (Translator): French Visitors to California Before the Gold Rush Nearing, Scott: Statesmen, Liars and Hypocrites (Together with) As Others See Us
Nearing, Scott: Hired Hands vs. Hired Brains Nearing, Scott: But there is no peace Hall, R. B: The R. B. H. Band Book
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