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The Heraldic Bookplate Crafters: Heraldic Bookplate Crafters (Catalog Numbers 1, 2, and 3) Lowell, Robert: A Story or Two from an Old Dutch Town Bunyan, John; Defoe, Daniel; Goldsmith, Oliver; Swift, Jonathan; Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri; Cottin, S. R.; Boniface; Joseph Xavier; Beckford, William; Fouque, Friedrich de la Motte; Forster, Edward (Translator); Stowe, Harriet Beecher (Introduction): A Library of Famous Fiction Embracing the Nine Standard Masterpieces of Imaginative Literature (Unabridged) with an Introduction
Hamilton, Gail (pseudonym of Mary Abigail Dodge): A Battle of the Books, Recorded by an Unknown Writer for the Use of Authors and Publishers: To the First for Doctrine, To the Second for Reproof, To Both for Correction and for Instruction in Righteousness Fowle, Arthur E: Flat Glass Swinburne, Algernon Charles: Locrine: A Tragedy
Mathews, Mitford M. (Editor): A Dictionary of Americanisms on Historical Principles (Two Volumes) Optic, Oliver (pseudonym of William Taylor Adams): Sea and Shore; or, The Tramps of a Traveller Hay, John: The Bread-Winners: A Social Study
Knox, Thomas W: Life and Work of Henry Ward Beecher: An Authentic, Impartial and Complete History of His Public Career and Private Life; From the Cradle to the Grave. Replete with Anecdotes, Incidents, Personal Reminiscences and Character Sketches Descriptive of the Man and His Times. Superbly Illustrated with a Steel-Plate Portrait of Mr. Beecher, and Numerous Full-Page Engravings from Original Designs Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 17. October 27, 1894 Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 18. November 3, 1894
Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 19. November 10, 1894 Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 20. November 17, 1894 Lanier, Henry W. (Editor): The Author's Annual 1929
Goggin, D. J. (Editor of Part I); Hall, Alfred (Editor of Part II): Empire Club of Canada: Addresses Delivered to the Members During the Sessions of 1912-13 and 1913-14. Tenth and Eleventh Year of Issue Pacific Rural Press and California Fruit Bulletin. Vol. XLVIII. No. 22. December 1, 1894 Coy, Owen C.; Historical Survey Commission: Original Typescript - Report of the California Historical Survey Commission. March 15, 1921
Rogers, John E: Original Typescript - Memorandum. Movable Weirs Crusoe's Portable and Adjustable Shelving: Crusoe's Portable and Adjustable Shelving, in Sets, for Home and Export Trade. Book Shelves, Toilet Shelves, Tourist's Shelves, Music Shelves, Artizan's Shelves, Bedroom Shelves, Boudoir Shelves, Handy Shelves, &c., &c Albergen, William C.?; Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Headquarters Commandery of the State of California: Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Headquarters Commandery of the State of California; 1013 Merchants Exchange Building; San Francisco, August 29, 1914. In Memoriam Carroll Dunham Galvin, A Companion of the Second Class; Died at Chicago, Illinois, Wednesday, August 13, 1913
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of the State of Maine: In Commemoration of the One Hundreth Anniversary of the Birth of Hannibal Hamlin, Paris, Maine, August 27, 1909; Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of the State of Maine Merced County; Sunday School, Christian Endeavor, and Epworth League Unions. Annual Conventions to Be Held from August 28 to September 3, 1900 at Convention Grove, on the San Joaquin River, Near Santa Rita Ford Epworth League, Salem District: Epworth League, Salem District; Lebanon, Oregon, April 22, 23, 24 and 25, 1897
Fortieth Annual Sunday-School Convention, Fresno, April 10, 11, 12, 1907 Marjorie Carroll et al: Small Broadside - "May Day; Randolph-Macon Woman's College; Lynchburg, Virginia, May 5th, 1928, 4 P. M.; A Tale of Robin Hood (In Dance Drama.) by Marjorie Carroll" The Soldiers' French Phrase Book
Memorial Hall, Thursday Evening, February 22, at 8:20; Fritz Kreisler, Violinist University of San Francisco: A Comprehensive Representation of the Printing of Lawton Kennedy; On Exhibition in the Skyroom of Gleeson Library, University of San Francisco, Golden Gate and Parker Avenues, November 8th to December 11th, 1959 Zumwinkle, Richard: Taylor and Taylor, Printers
University of San Francisco: A Checklist: Robert Graves Bedspreads. Book No. 136 Cotterell, S.; Wilkinson, G. H: The London and North Western Locomotives, Simple and Compound
Smith, F. Berkeley: Madame Mesange Rankin, George William: William Dempster Hoard Smith, F. Hopkinson: A Day at Laguerre's and Other Days Being Nine Sketches
Smith, F. Hopkinson: Outdoor Sketching: Four Talks Given Before the Art Institute of Chicago; The Scammon Lectures, 1914 Hendley, Charles M: Trifles of Travel Furlong, Charles Wellington: Let 'er Buck: A Story of the Passing of the Old West
Harper, J. Henry: I Remember Goggin, D. J. (Editor): Empire Club of Canada: Addresses Delivered to the Members During the Session of 1911-12. Ninth Year of Issue Lincoln, Abraham; Wiley, Earl Wellington (Introduction): Four Speeches by Abraham Lincoln: Hitherto Unpublished or Unknown
Lavery, Emmet: The Magnificent Yankee: A Play in Three Acts Morley, Christopher: John Mistletoe Paine, Arthur Bigelow: The Wanderings of Joe and Little Em
Parker, Lottie Blair (pseudonym of Charlotte Blair Parker): Homespun: A Story of Some New England Folk Street, G. S: Books and Things: A Collection of Stray Remarks Hale, Edward E: Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Ten Christmas Stories
Mabie, Hamilton Wright: Under the Trees and Elsewhere Saxe, John: Leisure-Day Rhymes Lewis, E. H: Original Display Advertising - "The Leading Business Houses of Sutter Creek and Ione." and Autograph Letter Signed - "E. H. Lewis." Display Advertising Showing Information on Twenty-six Businesses Printed on the Back of Boggs and Lewis, Livery Feed and Sale Stable Stationery. Printed by Record Print, Sutter Creek. Cal
The Associated Press: Original Photograph - Spanish Loyalist Troopers in a Prison Camp After Being Captured by the Forces of General Franco McMurtrie, Douglas C: Original Typescript - "The Dutch Claims to the Invention of Printing" Scollard, Clinton: On Sunny Shores
Moore, Meredith T.; Connelley, William E.; The State Historical Society of Wisonsin: Captain Meredith T. Moore/William E. Connelley Correspondence, 1907-1910. Jefferson City, MO and Topeka, KS. Six Letters from Moore and Two Letters from Connelley The P. F. Volland Company; The Seven Arts Book Shop: Original Collection of Materials Relating to a Case Made Against the Seven Arts Book Shop by the P. F. Volland Company, 1927-1929 (Forty-four Items). Moore, John Trotwood: Uncle Wash: His Stories
Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 1, July 1938. The Colonial Lincolns: Five Generations of Abraham Lincoln's Kinsmen Butler, Ellis Parker: The Adventures of a Suburbanite Whitney, A. D. T. (pen name of Adeline Dutton Train Whitney): The Other Girls
Perry, Bliss: Park-Street Papers Eggleston, George Cary: A Man of Honor Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 3, September 1938. The Herrings of Virginia: Searching for Facts About Lincoln's Paternal Grandmother
Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 5, November1938. The Todd Family: The Illustrious and Patriotic Forebears of Abraham Lincoln's Wife Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 8, February 1939. Kentucky Archives: Records Relating to the Lincolns and Contemporary Families in Washington County Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 9, March 1939. Abraham Lincoln's Father: A Chronological Table of References to Him in Authentic Records
Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 10, April 1939. Hon. Robert Todd Lincoln: The First Born Son of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 11, May 1939. James Wright Sparrow: His Descendants Were Close Kinsmen of Abraham Lincoln's Mother Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 12, June 1939. Uncle Mordecai Lincoln: Only Lincoln Relative with Whom the President Was Familiar
Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 15, September 1939. The Lincolns of Hingham: Kinsman of the President Who Settled an Old New England Village Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 16, October 1939. The Richard Berry Family: Including a Biographical Sketch of the Guardian of Nancy Hanks Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 17, November 1939. Southern Branch of Hankses: Sons and Daughters of the Virginia Pioneers
Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 18, December 1939. The Lincolns of England: Origin and Migrations of the Family Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 19, January 1940. Synopsis Life of Lincoln: Some Significant Events Which Occurred in the Life of the Emancipator Warren, Louis Austin (Editor): The Lincoln Kinsman. Number 21, March 1940. Correspondence with Kinsmen: Letters Which the President Wrote to His Own and His Wife's Relatives
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