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LANGLEY, Edward, Langley & Belch, 173, High Street, Borough: Langley's New County Atlas of England and Wales, Embellished with a Beautiful Vignette to Each Map Exhibiting all the Mail Coach, turnpike & Principal Cross Roads .. DARTON, William, William Darton, 58, Holborn Hill: Darton's new Miniature Atlas, containing a complete set of County Maps, in which are Carefully Delineated All the Principal Direct & Cross Roads WHITTAKER, George & W. B., G & W. B. Whittaker: The Travellers Pocket Atlas Consisting of A Complete Set of County Maps, for England & Wales, On an Original & Improved Plan
DARTON, William & Son, William Darton and Son: The Counties of England: with General Maps of North and South Wales SMITH, Charles, C. Smith, Mapseller extraordinary to His Majesty No. 172 Strand: Smith's New English Atlas, Being a Reduction of his Large Folio Atlas Containing a Complete Set of County Maps, on which are delineated All the Direct & principal Cross Roads, Cities, Towns, & most considerable Villages, Parks, Rivers and Navigable Canals: Preceded by A General map of England & Wales. The whole carefully Arranged according to the Stations & Intersections of the Trigonometrical Survey of England PINNOCK, William, J. Gilbert, 238, Regent Street, and 51, Paternoster Row: The Guide to Knowledge
JOHNSON, Thomas, Thos. Johnson: Johnson’s Atlas of England; With all the Railways Containing Forty Two Separate Maps of the Counties and Islands GREENWOOD, Christopher & John, Greenwood & Co., Burleigh Street, Strand: Atlas of the Counties of England, from Actual Surveys made from the years 1817-33 MOULE, Thomas, George Virtue, 26, Ivy Lane Paternoster Row: The English Counties Delineated; Or, A Topographical Description of England
BOWEN, Emanuel: An Accurate Map of the County of Surrey CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Genealogie de la Maison Palatine et de Baviere CARY, John, John Cary, Engraver & Map-seller. No. 86, St. James's Street: Cary's New and Correct English Atlas: Being A New Set of County Maps from Actual Surveys
LAURIE, Robert & WHITTLE, James, R. H. Laurie, No. 53, Fleet Street: Laurie's New Traveller's Companion and Guide through the Roads of England and Wales, Including Great part of Scotland; with a General Map CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Carte pour Donner une Idée General du Gouvernement d'Ecosse; l'Ordre de la Marche ou Cavalcade de l'Assemblee de son Parlement .. CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Carte Genealogique de la Maison de Plantagenette et des Ducs de Normandie avec; les Branches, et les Alliances Quelles, ont Formees; pour Conduire a l'Intelligence de l'Histoire d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse, et d'Irlande
DRAKE, James: Drake’s Map of the London and Birmingham Railway BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas, Thomas Bowles, John Bowles and Robert Sayer: The Large English Atlas: or, a New Set of Maps CRUCHLEY, George Frederick: Cruchley’s County Atlas of England & Wales Shewing all the Railways & Stations ..
MORDEN, Robert: The New Description and State of England, Containing the Maps of the Counties of England and Wales, In Fifty Three Copper-Plates … The Second Edition BOSWELL, Henry: Historical Descriptions of New and Elegant Picturesque Views of The Antiquities of England and Wales GROSE, Francis: A New and Complete Abridgement or Selection of the most Interesting and Important Subjects in The Antiquities of England and Wales; Being A Complete Collection of Beautiful Views ..
DODSLEY, Robert & James: England Illustrated or a Compendium of the Natural History, Geography, Topography and Antiquities Ecclesiastical and Civil, Of England and Wales. With Maps of the several Counties BOWLES, Carington: Paterson’s British Itinerary being A New and Accurate Delineation and Description of the Direct and Principal Cross Roads … BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Paterson’s British Itinerary being A new and accurate Delineation and Description of the Direct and Principal Cross Roads …
CARY, John: Cary's New and Correct English Atlas: Being A New Set of County Maps from Actual Surveys CARY, John: Cary's Improved Map of England & Wales, with a Considerable Portion of Scotland, Planned Upon a Scale of Two Statute Miles to One Inch LAURIE, Robert & WHITTLE, James: Laurie's New Traveller's Companion, and Guide through the Roads of England and Wales, Including Great part of Scotland; with a General Map, and an Index Villaris, & c
CARY, John - CRUCHLEY, George Frederick: Cruchley’s County Atlas of England & Wales Shewing all the Railways & Stations with their names, also The Turnpike Roads and principal cross roads to all the cities, market and borough towns with the distance from town to town GRAY, George Carrington: Gray’s New Book of Roads. The Tourist and Travellers Guide to the Roads of England and Wales, and Part of Scotland MILLER, Robert: Miller's new Miniature Atlas, containing a Complete Set of County Maps, in which are Carefully Delineated All the Principal Direct & Cross Roads ..
RAMBLE, Reuben: Reuben Ramble’s Travels through the Counties of England PIGOT, James: Pigot & Cos. British Atlas. Of The Counties of England, with A Map of England and Wales, and a Circular One of the Country Round London BELL, James: A New and Comprehensive Gazetteer of England and Wales
PINNOCK, William: The Guide to Knowledge PIGOT, James: A Pocket Topography and Gazetteer of England: with Historical and Statistical Descriptions, and Distance, Parochial, Population, & Other Tables BLANCHARD, E. L: The Topographical Dictionary of England and Wales
LETTS, Thomas: Letts’s Popular County Atlas. Being a Complete Series of Maps Delineating the Whole Surface of England and Wales with Special and Original Features, nd a Copious Index of 18,000 Names PIGOT, James: Pigot and Co.'s Royal National and Commercial Directory and Topography of the Counties of Bedford, Cambridge, Essex, Herts, Huntingdon, Kent, Middlesex, Norfolk, Suffolk, Surrey and Sussex; Comprising Classified Lists of all Persons in Trade, and of the Nobility, Gentry and Clergy .. BOYDELL, John: A View of Chelsea Water Works
MACKENZIE, Murdoch Jnr: Carte de la Cote Occidentale d'Angleterre Depuis le Cap St. Agnes jusqu'a la Pte. de Hartland BLAEU, Joan: Wigorniensis Comitatus et Comitatus Warwicensis; nec non Coventrae Libertas. Worcester, Warwik Shire and the Liberty of Coventre BLAEU, Joan: Westmoria Comitatus; Anglice Westmorland
O'Brian Patrick: The Chian Wine and Other Stories Martyn, Wyndham: Anthony Trent Master Criminal Wynne, May (Mabel Winifred Knowles): Comrades from Canada
Johns, Capt W.E (William Earle): No Motive for Murder Doyle, Arthur Conan: His Last Bow (Sherlock Holmes) Trew, Antony: The Zhukov Briefing
Bush, Christopher: The Case of the Curious Client Todd, Barbera Euphan: The Shop on Wheels Pope Dudley: Ramage
Dennison, Dorothy: In Spite of Miss Tweedle Llewellyn, Sam: Gurneys Revenge Corbett, Edmund V. Edited and Introduced By:: Waves of Battle : Stirring Exploits of the War at Sea
Brent-Dyer, Elinor M: Excitements at the Chalet School Tranter, Nigel: To the Rescue Carter, Nicholas: Turncoat's Drum : The Shadow of the Crown #1
Cannam, Peggie: Black Fury Potter, Jeremy: Disgrace & Favour Anno, Ralph: The Perrys and Puffin
Francis, Dick Also Isaac Asimov, Berkley Mather, Eric Ambler: A Carrot for a Chestnut : The Singing Bell : Theres a Moral in it Somewhere :Appears in the May 1970 Argosy Berrisford, Judith M: Ponies All Summer Graham, Winston: After the Act
McBain, Ed: Calypso Gervaise, Mary: The Painted Swan Acton C R: Exmoor Rover
Ingber-Irvin, Beth: The Autobiography of Mary Magdalene Vallance, Rosalind: Timmy Moves House Oldrin, John: The Round Meadow
Cely, Capt Michael: Black Wings Johns, Capt W.E (William Earle): Champion of the Main Gilson, Major Charles: The Ghost Mountain
Hill, Lorna: Dancer's Luck (Dancers luck) Johns, Capt W.E (William Earle): Biggles in the Jungle Wynne, May (Mabel Winifred Knowles): Carol of Hollydene School
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