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AA, Pierre van der: Indien onder den Heer Lopo Vaz ire Sampayo, als Gouverneur General, tot and Nieuw-Spanje in America .. MANBY, George William: A General Map of the Polar Ice in the Greenland Sea, and Track of the Ship Baffin in the Summer of 1821 OWEN, John & BOWEN, Emanuel: Britannia Depicta or Ogilby Improv’d; Being a Correct Coppy of Mr Ogilby’s Actual Survey of all ye Direct & Principal Cross Roads in England and Wales ..
COWLEY, John - DODSLEY, Robert: The Geography of England: Done in the Manner of Gordon’s Geographical Grammer, Each County being consider’d under the following Heads: .. ROCQUE, John: The Small British Atlas: Being a New Set of Maps of all the Counties of England and Wales: To which is added, A General Map … RUSSELL, P. & PRICE, Owen: England Displayed. Being A New, Complete, and Accurate Survey and Description of the Kingdom of England, and Principality of Wales
JEFFERYS, Thomas: Jefferys's Itinerary; or Travellers Companion through England, Wales, and Part of Scotland .. KITCHIN, Thomas: Kitchin’s Post-Chaise Companion, through England and Wales; Containing All the Ancient and New Additional Roads BOWLES, Carington: Bowles’s Post – Chaise Companion; or, Travellers Directory through England and Wales …
DALTON, William Hugh: The New and Complete English Traveller: Or, a New Historical Survey and Modern Description of England and Wales ARMSTRONG, Mostyn John: Actual Survey of the Great Post Roads between London and Edinburgh CAMDEN, William: Britannia: or, a Chorographical Description of the Flourishing Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Islands Adjacent; from the Earliest Antiquity. By William Camden. Translated from the Edition Published by the Author in MDCVII [1607]. Enlarged by the Latest Discoveries, By Richard Gough, F. A. & R. SS
LAURIE, Robert & WHITTLE, James: Laurie and Whittle's New Traveller's Companion; Exhibiting a Complete and Correct Survey of all the Direct and Principal Cross Roads in England, Wales, and Scotland .. TEESDALE, Henry: Improved Edition of the New British Atlas, Containing a Complete Set of County Maps, On Which are Delineated all the Principal Cross Roads, Cities, Towns and most considerable Villages LEIGH, Samuel: Leigh’s New Atlas of England and Wales [bound with] Leigh's New Pocket Road-Book of England, Wales, and part of Scotland
DEPPING, George Bernard: L'Angleterre, ou Description Historique et Topographique du Royaume Uni de la Grande-Bretagne HEYWOOD, John: The Travelling Atlas of England and Wales, with all the Railways & Coach Roads, the Cities, Towns .. GORTON, John: A Topographical Dictionary of Great Britain and Ireland, compiled from Local Information, and the Most Recent and Official Authorities
HALL, Sidney: A Travelling County Atlas: with all the Railroads Accurately laid Down and Coloured DUNCAN, James: A Complete County Atlas of England & Wales, containing Forty Four Superior Maps. With all the Improvements --- Projected or Completed COBBETT, William: A Geographical Dictionary of England and Wales
FULLARTON, Archibald: The Parliamentary Gazetteer of England and Wales, Adapted to the New Poor-Law .. MOULE, Thomas: The English Counties Delineated; Or, A Topographical Description of England WALKER, John & Charles: British Atlas, Comprising separate Maps of every County in England each Riding in Yorkshire and North & South Wales ... Compiled from the Maps of the Board of Ordnance and other Trigonometrical Surveys
DUGDALE, Thomas: Curiosities of Great Britain. England & Wales Delineated AUBREY, John: The Natural History And Antiquities Of The County Of Surrey. Begun in the Year 1673 LINDLEY, Joseph & CROSLEY, William: To the Kings most excellent Majesty, This Map of the County of Surrey, From a Survey made in the Yeasr 1789 and 1790 ..
MOLL, Herman: A Chart of the Streights of Magellan MERIAN, Matthaus: Sud Seite des Landts Terra del Fuoco, Abgezeichnet durch Iohan von Walbeck LA PEROUSE, Jean Francois Comte de: Vue de L'Ile de Bourou, prise de la Rade
ARMSTRONG, Mostyn John: A Scotch Atlas; or Description of the Kingdom of Scotland: Divided into Counties, with the Subdivisions of Sherifdoms; Shewing Their respective Boundaries and Extent, Soil, Produce, Mines, Minerals, Metals, their Trade and Manufactures BAUGH, Robert: To the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Powis Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the Counties of Salop and Montgomery, This Map of Shropshire is humble and respectfully dedicated by His Lordship's obliged and obedient Servant .. DUGDALE, Thomas: Curiosities of Great Britain. England and Wales Delineated
HUGHES, William Nightingale: The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland VIRTUE, James S: [The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland] HUGHES, William Nightingale: A New County Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland Containing Sixty-Eight Coloured Maps
KEANE, Professor Augustus Henry: A New Parliamentary and County Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland BOUNDARY COMMISSION: Report of the Boundary Commissioners for England and Wales JOHNSTON, William & Alexander Keith: The Statistical Atlas of England, Scotland and Ireland by G. Phillips Bevan
KELLY and Co: Post Office Directory of Cambridge, Norfolk, and Suffolk with Essex, Herts, Kent, Middlesex, Surrey and Sussex, the Maps Engraved Expressly for the Work. Subscribers' Copy KELLY and Co., Frederick: The Post Office Directory of the Six Home Counties. Volume II. Contains Kent, Surrey & Sussex. With Maps Engraved Expressly for the Work GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Map of the County of Surrey from An Actual Survey Made in the Years 1822 and 1823 by C. & I. Greenwood
ORDNANCE SURVEY: (Surrey and Sussex) SAXTON, Christopher: Warwic, Lecestriaeq. Comitatt’ ... Descriptio 1576 PRIOR, Reverend John: Map of Leicestershire from an Actual Survey, Begun in the Year 1775, and Finished in the Year 1777
KING, William: A Map of a Tract of Country Surrounding Belvoir Castle; including extensive Districts of the Counties of Leicester, Lincoln & Nottingham; and the whole of the County of Rutland BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of the Counties of Leicester and Rutland Divided into their respective Hundreds TUKE, John: A Map of Ninety Miles by Seventy Five in which Chesterfield is the Centre, comprising the Counties of Derby and Nottingham part of the Counties of York, Lincoln, Rutland, Leicester
EDWARDS, James E: A Companion from London to Brighthelmston, in Sussex; Consisting of a Set of Topographical Maps from Actual Surveys, On a Scale of Two Inches to a Mile SELLER, John, Joseph Wild, at the Elephant at Charing-Cross: Camden’s Britannia Abridg’d with Improvements, and Continuations, to this present Time BEER, Johann C., In Berlegung Joh. Andreas Endters: Das Neu-Geharnischte Gross-Britannien. Das ist: Wahre Landes- u. Standes-Beschaffenheit Derer drey-vereinigten Konigreiche Engel-Schott- u. Irrlands ..
CAMDEN, William, Printed by Mary Matthews, for Awnsham Churchill, and Sold by William Taylor, in Pater-Noster-Row: Britannia: Or A Chorographical Description Of Great Britain And Ireland, Together with the Adjacent Islands. Written in Latin By William Camden, Clarenceux, King at Arms: And Translated into English, with Additions and Improvements GARDNER, Thomas, Jacob Tonson & John Watts: A Pocket-Guide to the English Traveller: Being a Compleat Survey and measurement of all the Principal Roads and most Considerable Cross-Roads in England and Wales in One Hundred Copper-Plates MOLL, Herman, H. Moll, T. Bowles, C. Rivington & J. Bowles: A New Description of England and Wales, With the Adjacent Islands. Wherein are contained, Diverse useful Observations and Discoveries … By Herman Moll, Geographer
ROCQUE, John, John Rocque, Chorographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, near Old Round Court in the Strand, and Robert Sayer, Map and Printseller, at the Golden Buck, opposite Fetter-Lane, Fleet-Street: The Small British Atlas: Being a New Set of Maps of all the Counties of England and Wales: To which is added, A General Map … KITCHIN, Thomas - JEFFERYS, Thomas, Messrs. Kitchin & Jefferys: The Small English Atlas, being A New and Accurate Sett of Maps of All the Counties in England and Wales KITCHIN, Thomas - JEFFERYS, Thomas, Robert Sayer No. 53, in Fleet Street: An English Atlas or a Concise View of England and Wales
GIBSON, John, J. Newbery at the Bible and Sun in St. Pauls Church Yard: New and Accurate Maps, of the Counties of England and Wales Drawn from the Latest Surveys GIBSON, John, T. Carnan, in St. Paul's Church Yard: New and Accurate Maps, of the Counties of England and Wales Drawn from the Latest Surveys MARTIN, Benjamin, William Owen, Temple Bar, and by the Author, at his House in Fleet-Street: The Natural History of England; or, a Description of each particular County, In regard to the curious Productions of Nature and Art
BOWEN, Thomas, T. Kitchin, No. 59, Holborn Hill. & Andrew Dury, Duke's Court, St. Martins Lane: Atlas Anglicanus or a Complete Sett of Maps of the Counties of South Britain BOWEN, Thomas & Emanuel, Carington Bowles at his Map and Print Warehouse, No. 69, in St. Paul's Church Yard: Bowles’s New Medium English Atlas; or, Complete Set of Maps of the Counties of England and Wales KITCHIN, Thomas, Carington Bowles, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard: Bowles's Pocket Atlas of the Counties of South Britain or England and Wales
ARMSTRONG, Mostyn John, Printed for, and Sold by the Author, and the Booksellers: Actual Survey of the Great Post Roads between London and Edinburgh CARY, John, J. Cary, Map, Print, and Chart-seller, the Corner of Arundel Street, Strand: Cary's Actual Survey, of the Great Post Roads between London and Falmouth, including A Branch to Weymouth, as well as Those from Salisbury to Axminster, either thro' Dorchester or Sherborne; Those from Basingstoke to Salisbury, either thro' Popham Lane or Andover; and Those from Exeter to Truro, either thro' Plymouth or Launceston, Wherein every Gentleman's Seat, Village, Town, & c. within sight of the Road, is laid down, the principal Inns on the Road expressed, and the exact Distances ascertained, By A. Arrowsmith Land Surveyor. 1782 CARY, John, John Cary, Engraver, Map & Print-seller; No. 181 Strand: Carys Actual Survey of the Country Fifteen Miles Round London. On a Scale of one Inch to a Mile ..
LODGE, John: Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland BAKER, James, Printed by C. Whittingham, Dean Street, Fetter Lane and Sold by H D. Symonds, Paternoster-Row: The Imperial Guide, with Picturesque Plans of the Great Post Roads, containing miniature likenesses, engraved from real sketches, of the Cities, Towns, Villages ... situated in and near such thoroughfares GREEN, William, J. Hatchard, Bookseller to his Majesty, Piccadilly: The Picture of England Illustrated with correct colour'd Maps of the several Counties
LUFFMAN, John, Engraved, Printed & Published by J. Luffman, No. 28, Little Bell Alley, Coleman Street: A New Pocket Atlas and Geography of England and Wales, Illustrated with Fifty-five Copper plates, Shewing all the Great Post Roads .. LUFFMAN, John, Lackington, Allen & Co. Temple of the Muses Finsbury Square: A New Pocket Atlas and Geography of England and Wales, Illustrated with Fifty-five Copper plates, Shewing all the Great Post Roads .. MOGG, Edward, Edward Mogg, No. 51, Charing Cross: A Survey of the High Roads of England and Wales Planned on a Scale of one Inch to a Mile. Including the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry
DUGDALE, Thomas, John Tallis: Curiosities of Great Britain. England and Wales Delineated HODGSON, Orlando, Printed for O. Hodgson, Maiden Lane Wood St: The Pocket Tourist & English Atlas, Being A New and Complete Set of County Maps, Exhibiting The Whole of the Turnpike Roads, Cities, Market Towns, Great Rivers, and Navigable Canals, with the distances from London. Also. The Number of Acres & Inhabitants, &c. &c Including a Copious Topographical Account of Each County WALLIS, James, S. A. Oddy: Wallis's new British Atlas containing a Complete set of County Maps Divided into Hundreds in which are Carefully Delineated all the Direct & Cross Roads
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