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MORDEN, Robert - TURPIN, Homan: Flint Shire MEISNER, Daniel: Excester in Engellandt MEISNER, Daniel: Edenburck in Schottl
OGILBY, John: Britannia, Volume the First. Or An Illustration of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales: by A Geographical and Historical Description of the Principal Roads Thereof PORCACCHI, Tomaso: L’Isole piu Famose del Mondo Descritte da Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione TUNNICLIFF, William: A New Map of Cornwall
BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of the county of Cornwal with its hundreds BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of Surrey with its Hundreds AUBREY, John: (Surrey)
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Bowles's New Medium Map of Surrey, Divided into Hundreds ZATTA, Antonio: Provincia di Surrey di Nuova Projezione LODGE, John: A New Map of Surrey From The Latest Authorities
BICKHAM, George: A Map of Surrey LANGLEY, Edward: Langley's New Map of Cornwall LANGLEY, Edward: Langley's New Map of Surrey
MOLL, Herman: Worcester Shire SAXTON, Christopher: Somersetensem Comitat (agri fertilitate Celebrem) hic ob oculos pro; ponitur. Anno 1575 ACT OF PARLIAMENT: An Act to repeal an Act made in the last Session of Parliament, intituled, 'An Act for granting and applying certain Stamp Duties, and other Duties, in the British Colonies and Plantations in America ...'
MAXIMILIAN ALEXANDER PHILIPP ZU WIED-NEUWIED, Prince: Carte itineraire de Prince Maximilian de Wied dans l'interieur de l'Amerique Septentrionale de Boston a Missouri superieur &c. en 1832, 33 et 34. Reise Charte des Prinzen Maximilian zu Wied Map to illustrate the Route of Prince Maximilian of W ied in the interior of North America. From Boston to the Upper Missouri &c. in 1832, 33 & 34 MARCY, R. B: Maps to Marcy's Rept REDMAYNE, William: Cumberland
REDMAYNE, William: Devon - Shire REDMAYNE, William: Lincoln - Shire REDMAYNE, William: Northumberland
REDMAYNE, William: Nottinghamshire REDMAYNE, William: Suffolk REDMAYNE, William: Sussex
BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte du Golfe de Guinee et les Costes comprises entre le Cap Formosa et le Cap de Lopes Consalvo MERIAN, Matthaus: Plan de la Situation et du Siege du Quesnoy 1712 CORONELLI, Vincenzo Maria: Battavia
D'ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon: Guinee Entre Serre-Lione et le passage de la Ligne MERIAN, Matthaus: Wahrhaffter Geometrischer Grundtriss der Churfurstlichen Statt Maintz .. MANNING, James: Outline of the Earth
NORMAN, William: A Chart of the Coast of America from Wood Island to Good Harbour From Hollands Surveys DES BARRES, Joseph Frederick Wallet: [Chart of the Harbour of Boston]/ Nautical Remarks and Observations for the Chart of the Harbour of Boston. Composed from different Surveys; but principally from that taken in 1769, by George Callendar, Late Master of His Majesty's Ship the Romney LE ROUGE, George Louis: Virginie, Maryland en 2 feuilles par Fry et Jefferson Traduit, Corrige, Augmente a Paris
HONDIUS, Jodocus: Virginiae item et Floridae Americæ Provinciarum, novæ Descriptio BLAEU, Joan: Nova et Accuratissima Totius Terraum Orbis Tabula SPEED, John - OVERTON, Henry: Surrey Described and Divided into Hundreds
SPEED, John: The Invasions of England and Ireland with Al their Civill Wars since the Conquest PHILLIPS, Richard: A Guide to all the Watering and Sea-Bathing Places; With a Description of the Lakes; A Sketch of a Tour in Wales .. JOHNSTON, William & Alexander Keith: The Physical Atlas ... of Natural Phenomena
OGILBY, John: The Road from London to Portsmouth DARTON, William & DIX, Thomas: A New Map of the County of Surrey, Divided into Hundreds GREENWOOD, Christopher & John: Map of the County of Surrey
OWEN, John & BOWEN, Emanuel: A Map of Surrey MEIJER, Pieter: Het Graafschap Cornwall Verdeeld in deszelfs .. KITCHIN, Thomas - JEFFERYS, Thomas: A Map of Cornwall
VAN DEN KEERE, Pieter: Surrey MORDEN, Robert: Surrey MEIJER, Pieter: Surrey Verdeeld in zyne Honderden ..
LUFFMAN, John: Surry GREEN, William: Surry EXSHAW, Sarah & John: Surrey Drawn from an Actual Survey and Regulated by Astronl. Observns
DARTON, William & HARVEY, Joseph: Surry PHILLIPS, Richard: Map of the Soil of Surry MILLER, Robert: Surrey
DARTON, William: Surrey MOULE, Thomas: Surrey TEESDALE, Henry: Surrey
JOHNSON, Thomas: Surrey SMITH, Charles: Surrey CHASSEREAU, Peter: A Plan of the City of York Survey'd By Peter Chassereau/ Plan de la Ville et foubourgs de York. Capitale de le Comté du meme Nom levé par le Sr. P: Chassereau & Publié par Rocque a Charing Cross 1750
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Atlas Anglicanus or a Complete Sett of Maps of the Counties of South Britain REDMAYNE, William: Surrey OWEN, John & BOWEN, Emanuel: Britannia Depicta or Ogilby Improv’d; Being a Correct Coppy of Mr Ogilby’s Actual Survey of all ye Direct & Principal Cross Roads in England and Wales ..
SENEX, John: The Roads through England Delineated or Ogilby’s Survey LE ROUGE, George Louis - DESNOS, Louis Charles: Nouvel Atlas d'Angleterre Divise En ses 52 Comtea Avec toutes les Routes Levees Topographiquement par ordre de S M Britannique et les Plans des Villes et Ports de ce Royaume GIBSON, John: New and Accurate Maps, of the Counties of England and Wales
LUFFMAN, John: A New Pocket Atlas and Geography of England and Wales Illustrated with Fifty-five Copper plates DARTON, William: Darton's New Miniature Atlas, containing a complete set of County Maps, in which are Carefully Delineated All the Principal Direct & Cross Roads BADESLADE, Thomas & TOMS, William Henry: Chorographia Britanniae. Or A Set of Maps of all the Counties in England and Wales
DUGDALE, James: The New British Traveller, or Modern Panorama of England and Wales GRAY, George Carrington: Gray’s New Book of Roads. The Tourist and Travellers Guide to the Roads of England and Wales, and Part of Scotland JOHNSON, Thomas: Johnson’s Atlas of England; With all the Railways Containing Forty Two Separate Maps of the Counties and Islands
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