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WALKER, John & Charles: Hobson' s Fox-Hunting Atlas; Containing Separate Maps of Every County in England, and The Three Ridings of Yorkshire DALTON, William Hugh: The New and Complete English Traveller COLLINS, Henry George: The Travelling Atlas of England & Wales with all the Railways & Coach Roads, the Cities, Towns ..
NORDEN, John - HOLE, William: Hamshire olim pars Belgarum BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: Devon BERTIUS, Petrus: Narsinga
OVERTON, Philip - BOWLES, Thomas: The Counties of Essex Middlesex & Hertfordshire. Actualy Survey’d by Several Hands Corrected and Amended & Humbly Dedicated to the Nobility and Gentry of the Said Counties BORDONE, Benedetto: Khalki (N W of Rhodes)/ Alimnia (Episcopia) MALTE-BRUN, Conrad: Esquisse de la Vallee du Setledje dans les Monts Himilaya avec la Route du Lieut. Gerard. 1818
SANSON, Nicolas: Estats du Duc de Savoye au dela des Alpes, et vers l'Italie; qui passent communemt sous le nom de Piemont .. VISSCHER, Nicolas: Totius Alsatiae Novissima Tabula … VISSCHER, Nicolas: Generalis Lotharingiae Ducatus Tabula ..
ORTELIUS, Abraham: L'Isle de France, Parisiensis Agri Descrip KITCHIN, Thomas: A New and Accurate Map of the Whole Russian Empire as Contained both in Europe and Asia .. BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Monsiessulanus, Montpellier [with] Turo, Tours [and] Pictavis, sive Pictavia [Poitiers]
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Carinthiae Ducatus, et Goritiae Palatinatus, Wolf. Lazio Auctore [on sheet with] Histriae Tabula a Petro Coppo Descr. [and] Zarae, et Sebenici Descriptio ORTELIUS, Abraham: Westphaliae Totius, Finitimarumque Regionum Accurata Descriptio ORTELIUS, Abraham: Rugiae, Usedomiae, et Iulinae, Wandalicarum Insularum Vera Descriptio
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Gallia Narbonensis Ora Marittima Recenter descripta CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Carte Ancienne et Moderne des Differents Etats et Pais Situez au Long du Danube, pour Servir a l'Intelligence de l'Histoire CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Carte de l' Ile de Madagascar Contenant Sa Description & Diverses Particularitez Curieuses de ses Habitans Tant Blancs Que Negres
CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Description des Piramides D'Egypte tant au dedans qu'au dehors: de leur grandeur, de leur structure, de leur usage. etc. Avec une Description tres curieuse du Spinx et de ses proprietez CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Description du Nil… [and] Vue de la Ville du Grand Caire, et de ses Environs [and] Description des Piramides d'Egypte … CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Habillement de l'Empereur de la Chine & des Dames de son Palais avec quelques usages & coutumes observees en ca pais
HODGSON, Orlando: Surrey BONNE, Rigobert: I. Bourbon, I. de France, I. Rodrigue BLAEU, Willem: Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Tabula
BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: A New Improved Map of Cornwall DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules S. C: Carte de la Nouvelle-Zelande DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules S. C: Sommet de Green Mountain (Ascension)
COOK, Capt. James: Vue de la Baye de la Resolution dans l'isle des Marquises BLAEU, Joan: Languedoc JANSSON, Jan: Bressia Vulgo Bresse
BUTTERS, Robert: (The Political Magazine and Parliamentary, Naval, Military, and Literary Journal) GOUGH, Richard: British Topography. Or, an Historical Account of what has been done for Illustrating the Topographical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland COOK, Capt. James: Monumens dans l'Isle de Paques
COOK, Capt. James: Debarquement a Middleburgh, l'une des Isles Friendly, (Des Amis) COOK, Capt. James: Debarquement a Erramanga, l'une des Nouvelles Hebrides COOK, Capt. James: Flotte d'Otahiti Assemble a Oparee
COOK, Capt. James: De Natsche, eene Plechtigheid ter eere van s'Konings zoon op Tongataboo COOK, Capt. James: Landing op het Eiland Erramanga, een van de Nieuwe Hebriden COOK, Capt. James: Landing op het Eiland Mallicolo, een van de Nieuwe Hebriden
COOK, Capt. James: Landing op het Eiland Tanna, een van de Nieuwe Hebriden COOK, Capt. James: A View of Huaheine PREVOST D'EXILES, Antoine Francois: Cession de l'Isle d'Otahiti au Capitaine Wallis par la Reine Oberea
COOK, Capt. James. - Hawkesworth, John: (No title) PREVOST D'EXILES, Antoine Francois: Le Capitaine Wallis est attaque dans le Dauphin par les Otahitiens STANFORD, Edward: Stanford's Portable Map of India Shewing its Present Divisions and the Adjacent Parts of Beluchistan, Afghanistan, Turkestan, the Chinese Empire, Burmah and Siam
MERCATOR, Rumold - MAGINI, Giovanni: Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio LE FEUVRE, C: Map Of The Island Of Jersey Divided Into Parishes With all the Roads, Lanes, & c BLOME, Richard & TAYLOR, Thomas: England Exactly Described Or a Guide to Travellers In a Compleat Sett of Maps of All the Counties of England; being a Map for each County, Wherein every Towne and Village is Particularly Express’d with the Names and Limits of every Hundred, and the Roads and Distances in Measured Miles according to Mr Ogilby’s Survey. Very Usefull for Gentlemen & Travellers being made fit for the Pockett
GREENOUGH, George Bellas: A Geological Map of England and Wales by G.B. Greenough, President of the Geological Society ... (on the basis of the original Map of Wm. Smith 1815), Revised and Improved under the Superintendence of a Committee of the Geological Society of London, from the Maps of the geological Survey of Great Britain, 1836-63 and Maps and Documents contributed by Sir R.J. Murchison, Professor Phillips, Joseph Prestwich, R. Godwin Austen, and others. [With] Memoir of a Geological Map of England; to which is added, an Alphabetical Index to the Hills, and a List of the Hills arranged according to Counties BORDONE, Benedetto: Taurica Chersoneso SPEED, John: Surrey Described and Divided into Hundreds
MUNSTER, Sebastian: La Table du Pays de Pomeran, Selon les Principautez, les Villes le Plus Excellentes, les Bourgades & Chasteaux d'Icelle D'ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon: Premiere Partie de la Carte D'Europe Contenant La France, L'Alemagne, :'Italie, L'Espagne & Les Isles Britanniqs MERIAN, Matthaus: Berna - Bern die Hauptstatt in Nnchtland Ward Erbawen ... Ao.1191 Kam in den Eydgnossischen Bundt Anno 1353
CHURCHILL, Awnsham and John: The Pearle Fishery near Toute Couryn DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules S. C: Vue Interieure de Dorey (Nelle. Guinee) DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules S. C: Vue du Village D'Aiambo sur les hauteurs de Dorey (Nouvelle Guinee)
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Turingiae Noviss. Descript. per Johannem Mellinger Halens CARY, John: A New Map of the Russian Empire, divided into its Governments CARY, John - CRUCHLEY, George Frederick: Cruchley’s County Atlas of England & Wales Shewing all the Railways & Stations with their names, also The Turnpike Roads and principal cross roads to all the cities, market and borough towns with the distance from town to town
SPEED, John - BROWNE, Christopher: Canaan JOLLAIN, Francois Gerard: Profils des Villes Capitale des Royaumes D'Angleterre, D'Ecosse Et D'Irlande, Leuez Et Dessignez Sur Les Lieux ORTELIUS, Abraham: Palatinatus Bavariae Descriptio Erhardo Reych Tirolense Auctore
ORTELIUS, Abraham: Circulus sive Liga Sveviae vulgo Schwabische Kraiss ORTELIUS, Abraham: Senensis Ditionis Accurata Descriptio [on sheet with] Corsica [and] Marcha Anconae, olim Picenum 1572 ORTELIUS, Abraham: Palatinatus Bavariae Descriptio Erhardo Reych Tirolense Auctore/ Argentoratensis
CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Vue et Description de Surate et de Batavia ORTELIUS, Abraham: Rhetiae alpestris descriptio, in qua hodie Tirolis Comitatus/ Goritiae, Karstii, Chaczeolae, Carniolae, Histriae, et Windorum Marchae Descrip CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Vue Et Description Des Principales Villes De L'Armenie …
CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Nouvelle Carte de Moscovie ou sont Representes les Diferents Etats de sa Maieste Czarienne en Europe et en Asie et le Chemin d'un de ses Ambassadeurs a Peking Ville .. HARRISON, John: General and County Atlas, Containing Forty-Seven Maps CHATELAIN, Henri Abraham: Carte Nouvelle de la Grande Tartarie ou de L'Empire du Grand Cham
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